Problem with D7100

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Hi all

I'm a bit lost had the camera a few week's, Went to take a few pictures tonight and realised i cannot change the aperture?
I have tried two different lens, I do hope its something i have done?
Can anybody offer any advice on what it could be?
Thank you
Very difficult to suggest anything without more information. Seeing the camera would be best, but as that's not possible can you tell us what settings you have it on, which lens is fitted, anything you've done with them recently...

I see that you had a D90 and so should know what you're doing. Otherwise, we could suggest the 'blindingly obvious'.
I'm not trying to insult your intelligence but have you checked the obvious. Is it in manual or aperture priority. I've done this myself by accidentally by knocking the dial to an auto mode took me ages to work out what I had done
Hi sorry for my poor explanation
The camera is about 3 weeks old,
I have put it into A the dial does not change the aperture.
Manual is exactly the same? Tried several lens the same result.
One thing I did notice was the aperture was 1.8 on the Nikon 35mm 1.8 and 2.8 on the tamron 2.8 macro?
I've tried to reset settings on camera body which made no difference
Help lol I bought it from Jessops and its within there 30 day limit, but it's very frustrating!
Thank you
Blindingly obvious question, but, are you using the correct dial?

I have, to my great shame- but no-one was about so it didn't matter- used the front dial instead of the back dial (and vice versa) on my D200. Is the D7100 the same?
Back dial is shutter front aperture

Well, at least that is ruled out.

A stab in the dark- what ISO are you on.
Was that a factory reset you did?

Anything obviously wrong with the aperture lever on the camera body?
It's on the left hand side of the mount as you look at it and should move up and down with your finger :)
ISO 100, aperture lever moves up and down.
I pressed the 2 green buttons in for over 2 secs.
It's done me, totally baffled
The two button method resets some settings.
There is another method in the 'custom' menu for full factory reset.
Just tried that, I think it's in need of a repair crazy!!!
I don't know where I stand though, as I don't want a repaired camera after only 3 weeks :(.
I can't think of anything else offhand.

I take it the lenses' aperture levers both work? Though it is a bit unlikely both lenses are broken and not the camera.

Looks like you'll have to take it back.
Ken thank you for all your help, looks like I'm on the phone to jessops in the morning :(
I hope it's not going to be a big argument
Only other thing would be to remove the battery and reinsert.

Is the battery fully charged?

Oh, and no problem :)
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Just tried that, I think it's in need of a repair crazy!!!
I don't know where I stand though, as I don't want a repaired camera after only 3 weeks :(.

If its within 28 days of purchase - you can get it replaced or refunded.

You do not have to accept a repair.
Hi sorry for my poor explanation
The camera is about 3 weeks old,
I have put it into A the dial does not change the aperture.
Manual is exactly the same? Tried several lens the same result.
One thing I did notice was the aperture was 1.8 on the Nikon 35mm 1.8 and 2.8 on the tamron 2.8 macro?
I've tried to reset settings on camera body which made no difference
Help lol I bought it from Jessops and its within there 30 day limit, but it's very frustrating!
Thank you

Is it also in "S" mode (single shot) on the left drive mode dial - (I dont mean shutter priority mode.). Also try CL or CH modes too.
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Can you change the settings that each dial alters somewhere in the menus? (Have a read of the manual to see if/how to do it.) If you can, can you then alter the aperture using the rear dial? If so, it'll probably be the dial that's given up - get it replaced ASAP.
Hi all

It was the dial as i tried everything, Took it to Jessops he said the same.
I have a new camera on order, And the shop camera body to use in between.
Thank you all for your advice
A good outcome. Thanks for the update.
Hi all

It was the dial as i tried everything, Took it to Jessops he said the same.
I have a new camera on order, And the shop camera body to use in between.
Thank you all for your advice

Imagine the aggro if you had bought it from Hong Kong.(y)