Rechargeable Batteries ( standard AA)

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Hi, I hope this is in the correct forum. I'm hoping ( and certain!) that experienced folk here will know what the best, most reliable, and value for money rechargeable batteries are.

Having bought a flash that takes 4xAAs, I've quickly realised that I'll need rech. batts too!

I've had a bot of a google, and the results of that are conflicting and frankly not much help!

Any advice / pointers would be greatly appreciated!

Many thanks :ty:

PS yes , I know I use too many !'s too... I'm weaning myself off them ;)
The Eneloop tech batteries are probably the best all rounder, I've got a few sets of the original Sanyos and 2 sets of the Duracells. Both are equally good, the Duracells were cheaper than the Sanyos last time I bought them on Amazon (£8.76 for a set now directly from Amazon)
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The Eneloop tech batteries are probably the best all rounder, I've got a few sets of the original Sanyos and 2 sets of the Duracells. Both are equally good, the Duracells were cheaper than the Sanyos last time I bought them on Amazon.

Thanks for the speedy reply! I saw ENELOOP mentioned a few times, so failing any advice to contrary, that's what I'll go for.
Another vote for eneloop, or you could try 7 day shop good to go ones. You may also want to invest in a decent intelligent charger.
I use energizer, got the charger for them (and aaa's) mha2000's, takes an hour to fully charge (my old charger took hours and hours and hours) and get a progress led bar. about £8 for the batteries and the hour fast charge, about £25
I use a lot of 7dayshop "good to go" batteries in a variety of devices and have found them good value -- similar to eneloop but cheaper. 7dayshop V8 chargers are also good and will test and do deep discharges on batteries (not for NiCads though). I also use their plastic cases for storing the batteries -- sometimes the batteries are supplied in them but they are also sold separately. The cases clip together handily if you are using several.
Eneloop for me also. Best batteries I've ever had for my flashes.
Eneloop are the best of the best but come with that price tag as well. Right up their with them imo is Vapextech ( who produce some fantastic cells that match their actual rated capacity, sometimes exceeding it.

Good batteries are half the job tho, if you have a standard charger time to ditch it and getting something truly intelligent e.g. IQ328.
Eneloop supposed to be best.

I have been using maplins rechargeable with no problems
Once again, ta for all the replies and advice. :ty:

I'll be trying out the Eneloop and I think the 7DayShop ones too. ( well pointing family towards them to buy me as 'no thought required' bday presents :D)

As an aside, am I the only person who looks who has replied and checks out their posts / galleries etc. to see the work of folk ? :clap: