Recommendation please for a small laptop to run CS4 while on my holidays - Now sorted

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I'm off on my hols to the Algarve very soon and would like to take a small laptop with me instead of my Dell 17" which weighs a ton.

I'd like it to be able to run CS4, have a decent screen and have a good amount of disc space to download my 7D files.

Your recommendations would be much appreciated.

Budget isnt a problem. Thanks in advance for your help (y)
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The smaller the better, say 11" or 13" screen, but associated specs for this size of machine may mean it wont run CS4 too well or even at all, so may need to go to a 15" (which will be max that i'd want)

In a nutshell, I'm after the smallest lappy that will run CS4 at a decent performance
Anything below 15.6" on a laptop and you are paying a huge premium for the screen size reduction, many times also with a downgrade of the processor for still a huge price. Most laptops are 15.6", so the costs of screens and cases are comparatively cheaper.

As for specs, I would choose a 2Ghz+ processor, preferably 2 or 4 cores if possible. 2GB RAM but preferably at least 4GB. Hard drive is down to how much you think you'll need. Make sure it has a 64 bit Operating System though.

I got this (but with an AMD dual core processor) a few months ago and I've found it excellent. It handles CS5 and Lightroom 3 with no problems.

I bought mine for work, but also for taking on holiday too.
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I use a Vaio TT, 11" screen and carbon fibre chassis so weights like a netbook but has great performance, however with built in 3g and an SSD drive it was expensive, it runs CS4/5 with no problems at all...

I have a 13.3" Acer Timeline for work and that performs well, it is thin and light and it has great battery life.

I would hesitate to buy a 15.6 model for travelling, they weigh a ton and you need to keep the weight down for most airlines these days.
I took a 10" Dell notepad to Iceland. It did all I wanted it to do.

Do you have a specific model number so I can look it up please? Was it OK for CS4?

I use a Vaio TT, 11" screen and carbon fibre chassis so weights like a netbook but has great performance, however with built in 3g and an SSD drive it was expensive, it runs CS4/5 with no problems at all...

I have a 13.3" Acer Timeline for work and that performs well, it is thin and light and it has great battery life.

Yep the Sony is a bit too pricey for what I want. :bonk:

Do you have a model number for the Acer please, there are loads of them :bonk:?
You sure you're going to have time to make use of it? If your holiday is a standard couple of weeks you'll have all the holiday stuff to do like sightseeing, sunning yourself, drinking/eating/enjoying hopefully photographing...
Small means netbook to me and perhaps a 10" screen, and they aren't great for running CS4.

If you can stretch to a 11" or 13" laptop then you have a lot more choice regarding performance.
Dunno what you budget is. But I have a Sony Vaio Z 13" and it runs everything I could need, CS5, etc. Built in 3G Modem works great too. But it is not cheap.
Do you have a specific model number so I can look it up please? Was it OK for CS4?
You sure you're going to have time to make use of it? If your holiday is a standard couple of weeks you'll have all the holiday stuff to do like sightseeing, sunning yourself, drinking/eating/enjoying hopefully photographing...

I didn't attempt to run CS4, I'm doing editing ;) Too busy to do that on hols...evenigs had meals, sightseeing, photos, Jazz clubs...slept occasionally also, just to enjoy breakfast you understand :naughty:

Personally would think 10" would need a lot more RAM to do editing :shake: also wouldn't want to edit on a tiny screen, don't even like the 15" for that prefer teh desktop...;)
you could consider a 12inch lenovo x series.

i think the x201 is the current model. core i5 CPU, 4gb ram, HD graphics..lovely
only Sony... sony, sony, sony, sony !!!!!!!!!! SONY SONY !!! well, if you can allow yourself to pay more for the design and build quality .
Most netbooks will not run CS4 as standard as the min req's are 2GB ram and screen res of 1024x768

Same goes for Canon DPP
After "discussing" my needs with my partner :D I decided that I wouldnt do full PP while on holiday, but instead just view them in Zoombrowser to see how my pics were turning out. So I bought an Acer Aspire :bonk:
Yep Sara, I guess all us chaps have "discussed" things with our partners at one time or other. U know it :D

I don't discuss, I wear my husband down :LOL: He knows that it is useless to say no, but tries anyway, I think he enjoys the laugh!!

BTW, I have an Acer lappy, and it's really been rather good.