Robin... my new best friend (Updated).

Getting closer all the time Glo ... :D ... they are actually very clean worms unless you squish them ... :cautious: ... and if you can steel yourself to dropping one or two in your palm and holding it out flat I am pretty sure that little fella will be onto you in double-quick ... (y)

If you do it when they are cold they don't wriggle so much - but do not refrigerate them as it is a killer ... :shrug:

BTB ... excellent images and the last one is so close to superb imhgo ... ;) ... oh ... and I just noticed ... it is on a branch ... :shrug:

That latest one would be nice if only you had got the focus right (on the BRANCH :nuts:) and there was not some great clodhopping feathered thing to distract the eye from the important details (the BRANCH :wave:)

No, seriously, beautiful crispy sharp shot :clap:

She's a lost cause - might as well order the 500mm and the cammo gear now! :LOL:
Another idea would be to find an old tree root - when the top has died or been cut down and the rest has rotted they often leave some interesting shaped bits just a little way into the ground and covered in moss etc. Put this on a bird table, upside-down and there are generally crevices in these as well that you can put seed into.

Great shots :)
Thank you Ven & Charlie (y)

But Charlie ... the main thing is .... did you notice the branch! :LOL:

I did notice the branch.(y)Some very poor pruning been done to it too:nono: Now I wonder who did that.:LOL::LOL: