Romanian fruit pickers

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Over crowded schools
NHS near braking point
Lack of social housing
Over stretched benefit system
Lack of jobs (and don't give me the rubbish about jobs Brits don't want to do)
Over crowded roads
Lack of pubic pension

It all has one thing in common, increasing population. I just heard immigration is 250,000. However, what about their children? Our population is increasing enough as it is. Without everyone elses coming here. The country is at braking point. We have no more room or resorces. And our children will suffer for it.

At the end of the day this country needs to stop being such a soft touch.
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What we went to Poland and undercut the Polish born people to get jobs then tried to nab a free uni education in our spare time?

Are the Polish trying to undercut you or your parents that you are so vocal? I thought so...

Maybe I'm not comfortable with things that are wholly optional being paid for the state. Want something, pay for it yourself.

Did anyone from the government force you or beg you to accept a course? No, you could actually say otherwise.
Over crowded schools
NHS near braking point
Lack of social housing
Over stretched benefit system
Lack of jobs (and don't give me the rubbish about jobs Brits don't want to do)
Over crowded roads
Lack of pubic pension

It all has one thing in common, increasing population. I just heard immigration is 250,000. However, what about their children? Our population is increasing enough as it is. Without everyone elses coming here. The country is at braking point. We have no more room or resorces. And our children will suffer for it.

At the end of the day this country needs to stop being such a soft touch.

I pay f*****g tax. You (not you specifically) take benefits, NHS paid drugs, pensions, child support. Do you still want to moan?
People need to stop believing what they read in the Daily Mail.


It's like ebola - by now it has pretty much spread everywhere. It is not surprising since the disproportionately aggressive anti-EU stance is the only way the conservative party can win the next general election by detracting the attention from poor economy and low wages to a scapegoat (the EU and foreigners) that can be universally blamed for everything.
It's like ebola - by now it has pretty much spread everywhere. It is not surprising since the disproportionately aggressive anti-EU stance is the only way the conservative party can win the next general election by detracting the attention from poor economy and low wages to a scapegoat (the EU and foreigners) that can be universally blamed for everything.

Hoping Ebola has not yet....

Anyway, I think part of the problem are actually some of the issues Raptor Mike brought up. I don't agree these are specifically down to immigration but people have real concerns about schools and infrastructure. Where I live in SE London catchment areas for some primary schools are tiny, we are lucky to be near a school but some parents are facing not what you would call ideal choices. The tubes / trains are heaving but we still build more flats. Hospitals overstreched. Build more flats. Roads busy. Build more flats. I do feel some areas are full to bursting, but that's probably more to do with northerners coming down and taking our tubes and our jobs rather than immigrants - could we ban them too? for the sake of clarity that's a joke! :)
It's like ebola - by now it has pretty much spread everywhere. It is not surprising since the disproportionately aggressive anti-EU stance is the only way the conservative party can win the next general election by detracting the attention from poor economy and low wages to a scapegoat (the EU and foreigners) that can be universally blamed for everything.

I thought our economy was the strongest in Europe? If not, its certainly one of the strongest!

Anti EU parties are strong in many other countries and gaining support, or is this a Tory/DM strategy?

I can admit to liking some policies from each party, I can also see some good things in the EU, but the EU has massive flaws... the euro was a complete joke for example, they are corrupt and they have too much control on what we do... can you not see that? Or do you think the EU is perfect. You claim that UKIP/Tories make the EU a scapegoat, do you not go too far the other way by scaremongering about what will happen if we leave?

You may not like the coalition, but the economy is in a much better place, i think even labour would have to admit to that. low inflation, unemployment decreasing... things are better?
I thought our economy was the strongest in Europe? If not, its certainly one of the strongest!

Anti EU parties are strong in many other countries and gaining support, or is this a Tory/DM strategy?

I can admit to liking some policies from each party, I can also see some good things in the EU, but the EU has massive flaws... the euro was a complete joke for example, they are corrupt and they have too much control on what we do... can you not see that? Or do you think the EU is perfect. You claim that UKIP/Tories make the EU a scapegoat, do you not go too far the other way by scaremongering about what will happen if we leave?

You may not like the coalition, but the economy is in a much better place, i think even labour would have to admit to that. low inflation, unemployment decreasing... things are better?

OK, economy is not bad at all if you are a large multinational enterprise. It is just not very good for most people on average wage and is set to be like that for the next few years.

You'll find the other eurosceptic parties have much lower following to be taken as seriously.

The worst thing about euro is very unfortunate timing and too little fiscal integration. Yes, too little. It will get sorted eventually. Nothing is perfect, however you have to look at the bigger picture. We need the united EU to reasonably compete against US, China, India and Russia. Individual small states are too easy to bully into unfavourable contracts and outcompete. Imagine putting pressure on Russia alone. :)

Economy is both better and worse depending which way you look. Science, education and healthcare are worse off. Many families are worse off. Housing market is soaring again (terrible for me) and big businesses and investment bankers are thriving once again. It's certainly a page from Tory textbook. I have never said Labour were perfect, however they are the lesser evil.
Lesser evil like it constantly driver the country down to the lowest common denominator. I think it is a pointless discussion with you anyway since despite the clear fact you come across like it is all still Maggie's fault ;)
Are the Polish trying to undercut you or your parents that you are so vocal? .

No - mercifully in our place the salary bands are set etc, they can't. However I actually care about Britain as I'm from Britain and don't like seeing our indigenous work force being squeezed out by a) foreign nationals undercutting them b) the benefits system we have allowing for point a)

No ones actually addressed why they cannot get jobs in their own country, why is there mass immigration into Britain. This is an island and as such we simply do not have the room and with our lowest ever but still to high unemployment rate need to stop people coming into Britain when British people aren't/can't getting jobs
OK, economy is not bad at all if you are a large multinational enterprise. It is just not very good for most people on average wage and is set to be like that for the next few years.

You'll find the other eurosceptic parties have much lower following to be taken as seriously.

The worst thing about euro is very unfortunate timing and too little fiscal integration. Yes, too little. It will get sorted eventually. Nothing is perfect, however you have to look at the bigger picture. We need the united EU to reasonably compete against US, China, India and Russia. Individual small states are too easy to bully into unfavourable contracts and outcompete. Imagine putting pressure on Russia alone. :)

Economy is both better and worse depending which way you look. Science, education and healthcare are worse off. Many families are worse off. Housing market is soaring again (terrible for me) and big businesses and investment bankers are thriving once again. It's certainly a page from Tory textbook. I have never said Labour were perfect, however they are the lesser evil.

We don't want more EU integration and I certainly don't want to be part of a united EU. What will let EU fail is letting in poor counties like Bulgaria and Romania. How can being intertwined with places like that be good for Germany, France and Britain.

The original idea of free trade for a few countries (back in the day of the EEC) was a fine idea. This superstate idea. Mercifully it won't happen, national pride and UKIP will see to it.
We don't want more EU integration and I certainly don't want to be part of a united EU. What will let EU fail is letting in poor counties like Bulgaria and Romania. How can being intertwined with places like that be good for Germany, France and Britain.

The original idea of free trade for a few countries (back in the day of the EEC) was a fine idea. This superstate idea. Mercifully it won't happen, national pride and UKIP will see to it.

Actually my views are exactly the opposite, and I am sure I am not alone. I love the idea of a united Europe with open borders within the EU. I loved being able to use my Euros wherever I traveled. The concepts of nationalism and patriotism are, in my view, outdated and not conducive to the development of a civil society. It all stinks of "we are better than them", and you know what, we are not. We are all the same under the skin aren't we, despite what it says on our passport? Given the choice I would happily trade my British Passport and citizenship for a European passport and citizenship.
Europe is a wonderful, beautiful and fascinating place. Who wouldn't want to be part of it!
I think the countries within Europe are great for sure but I wouldn't want a United Europe. Fiscally, linguistically, cultural and politically they're all quite different and as such unification at that scale just won't work IMHO.
I pay f*****g tax. You (not you specifically) take benefits, NHS paid drugs, pensions, child support. Do you still want to moan?
Good for you. But you're missing the point. This country is over crowded. Immigrants obviously come here for the very reasons you list. I used to know someone who had a Portuguese girlfriend. She worked in a factory in a town near us, a place that as a Brit would've taken me 6 weeks to get an interview. She paid tax but sent any extra home. So that's money not going back into the economy. (That's not saying you do) And yes I can moan. Those things you mentioned is what generations of Brits have worked and fought for, both politically and military. What gives anyone one the right to come here and take advantage of that rather than trying to improve their own country. There's a reason people are risking their lives to cross from France. We have been tolerant and generous to others and now its being taken advantage of. Its not racism or any of that stuff, its simple economics and actual physical space.
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I'm confused. Are we concerned that these mythical Romanians aren't paying tax or that they are being so poorly paid (in cash) that they don't need to pay tax?
I'm confused. Are we concerned that these mythical Romanians aren't paying tax or that they are being so poorly paid (in cash) that they don't need to pay tax?

We are concerned they take filling vacancies that British born people should be and are not contributing much to our economy in either income tax or expenditure as they'll send payments home rather than spend it with Great Britain
About time we sorted out the inbred chav families that are such a drain on the system. These useless buggers are homegrown and a total waste of food and air
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This thread reminds me of a comment on the BBC's 'Have Your Say website (a place populated by Daily Mail reading bigots and racists).

"I was fed up with the amount of immigration in the UK so I moved to Canada".

Posted with no sense or irony whatsoever!!

We don't want more EU integration and I certainly don't want to be part of a united EU. What will let EU fail is letting in poor counties like Bulgaria and Romania. How can being intertwined with places like that be good for Germany, France and Britain.

The original idea of free trade for a few countries (back in the day of the EEC) was a fine idea. This superstate idea. Mercifully it won't happen, national pride and UKIP will see to it.

I personally wasn't too pleased when Romania and Bulgaria joined so early. But have a guess which country(ies) lobbied and brokered for their quick admission. I am not sure that leaves any more room for complaints. Perhaps it was better than letting Russia to overrun it yet again?

The superstate would be the best thing that could happen here. There is too much bureaucracy called the national governments that invariably stop the progress in the EU.

National pride was the fuel that saw the WW2 spark up and destroy the continent. Things are just barely back to 'normal' and you want to tear it all up again.

Good for you. But you're missing the point. This country is over crowded. Immigrants obviously come here for the very reasons you list. I used to know someone who had a Portuguese girlfriend. She worked in a factory in a town near us, a place that as a Brit would've taken me 6 weeks to get an interview. She paid tax but sent any extra home. So that's money not going back into the economy. (That's not saying you do) And yes I can moan. Those things you mentioned is what generations of Brits have worked and fought for, both politically and military. What gives anyone one the right to come here and take advantage of that rather than trying to improve their own country. There's a reason people are risking their lives to cross from France. We have been tolerant and generous to others and now its being taken advantage of. Its not racism or any of that stuff, its simple economics and actual physical space.

People that come from France the dodgy way are not EU citizens. This is not even funny now. You are moaning about ex-girlfriend of a friend of a friend and b*****ks written in the Daily Mail. This is frankly pathetic.

If you are unlucky enough to live in London, a place that is out of control due to the inadequate planning and overdevelopment in a very small area I suggest you take a look at other great cities and towns in the UK. Life is great in smaller communities.

I'm confused. Are we concerned that these mythical Romanians aren't paying tax or that they are being so poorly paid (in cash) that they don't need to pay tax?

I was wondering the same when I started the thread. But it seems it is mostly the space the take over here...

Romanians won't be a problem for long then, will they? :rolleyes:

Fairly likely, and not just them :)
About time we sorted out the inbred chav families that are such a drain on the system. These useless buggers are homegrown and a total waste of food and air

Agreed. They are far bigger and more abundant menace even than some low paid fruit pickers or mobile car detailers irrespective of their nationality. Believe me, most of europe don't want to see them even on holiday when they trash and ruin hotels and make towns look like Saturday night Cardiff. And it is them that will shout the most loudly about EU.
In the last week we have had immigrants sleeping on the beach....spoiling my view may I add....... and on no less than 3 times this week I have witnessed the Police apprehending immigrants on the M20 and yes I do feel for the poor sods who believe that living in the UK will cure all ills but at the rate that they are arriving it won't be too long until the British born citizen will actually be a minority and our laws will change to reflect the majority.
I personally wasn't too pleased when Romania and Bulgaria joined so early. But have a guess which country(ies) lobbied and brokered for their quick admission. I am not sure that leaves any more room for complaints. Perhaps it was better than letting Russia to overrun it yet again?

The superstate would be the best thing that could happen here. There is too much bureaucracy called the national governments that invariably stop the progress in the EU.

National pride was the fuel that saw the WW2 spark up and destroy the continent. Things are just barely back to 'normal' and you want to tear it all up again.

People that come from France the dodgy way are not EU citizens. This is not even funny now. You are moaning about ex-girlfriend of a friend of a friend and b*****ks written in the Daily Mail. This is frankly pathetic.

If you are unlucky enough to live in London, a place that is out of control due to the inadequate planning and overdevelopment in a very small area I suggest you take a look at other great cities and towns in the UK. Life is great in smaller communities.

I was wondering the same when I started the thread. But it seems it is mostly the space the take over here...

Fairly likely, and not just them :)

No, there is to much beaurcracy from the EU that stops the progress of elected national governments of the countries that are in the EU.

Russia IMHO is welcome to Bulgaria and Romania. I like Putin, I think he acts for the best interest of his people.
We are concerned they take filling vacancies that British born people should be and are not contributing much to our economy in either income tax or expenditure as they'll send payments home rather than spend it with Great Britain

Well, the problem will be gone in about 2 weeks when all the apples have been picked. But if you fancy it next year, there's always work to be had between June and October. Not so much the rest of the year though, so itinerant workers from the rest of the UK would either need to go home and figure out what to do with the other 7 months or claim dole in Kent.

Tough work though.
Russia IMHO is welcome to Bulgaria and Romania. I like Putin, I think he acts for the best interest of his people.

Free holidays in Siberia? I am sure you would love that aurora displays too. I doubt you'd be sending any photos back home though. :p
We will. Tell them to get jobs or starve

again I have said this for a long time....... If I go to the social to sign on I will get told that I am not eligible for benefits as being self employed and my contributions are not income based so it 2 fingers up to me and these scum bags are never out of the social getting sofa,cookers and additional money for there drink,fags and playstations etc ..... again I say no worky, no eaty so no s***ty and you then die.......
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I'll just leave this here..

I've got a perm job but for a local person on the dole at the time this looks great for sure. Why when we have our own in the dole do we need Romanians to do this?

Really, I'm struggling here, are you angry with the Romanians for doing the jobs or the British for not?
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No, there is to much beaurcracy from the EU that stops the progress of elected national governments of the countries that are in the EU.

Russia IMHO is welcome to Bulgaria and Romania. I like Putin, I think he acts for the best interest of his people.

Tell that to the people of Grozny.
Both. The British should be doing them but companies shouldn't be hiring cheap labour that undercuts British workers.
And British people should buy more expensive produce from the uk so the companies can pay their workers inflated prices.

It is demand, if there is a lot of labour supply why would a company pay more than legally required? It doesn't make sense unless there is a long term investment and retention required as part of the business model.
Always laugh when someone says 'the country is full PULL UP THE DRAWBRIDGE THINK OF THE CHILDREN'. The country is not full. I walked through the park this morning and I was the only sod there.
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