rtfc - My 52 for 2011

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I though I would have a go this year and see what I can learn and give back in return.

I will upload the first tomorrow with just 51 more to come. ;)

Thank you from dropping in, you are very welcome as are your comments.
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Hiya Kev,

I like your take on this theme. I have been roped into helping (or should that be building) all the lego that my son got from Santa at Christmas :LOL: It has been great fun :D

I think it would have been better to have a bit more of the roof and less of a tight crop or zoom.

I agree about the flash and light bouncing around, causing a reflection of the white blocks agaist the grey wall, and which has also blown some of the whites.

What camera settings did you use?

A good start to the 52 and look forward to seeing the coming weeks photos.

Good luck


Dawn :)
HI Kev,

nice portrait, good eye contact, DOF and angle. Were you taking this to fit in with this weeks theme - if so I don;t see why it is NEW
Haha..... I had, for some very strange reason, thought the theme this week was Portrait.

I will leave this pic here but resubmit an image appropriate to the theme.

Thank you Ian for the heads up. :)

Hiya Kev,

I really like your portrait, the colours, catchlight, tone and DOF you have is great. Sorry I can't offer more as I still have much to learn about portrait photography.

I think your mistake was a fluke because I believe you have actually got something NEW here, i.e., in the sense that your son is the 'New Generation'.

You have a lovely photo here and one you should print and frame. Your son is a very handsome looking young man and I am sure he will break some hearts.


Dawn :)
Hi Dawn,

I am glad you like the portrait and I must say he does take after his dad.... : )

As for your suggestion of classing it as New Generation, is a good call and I will take it.

Save me having to re-think of another shot to take, I can concentrate on the next theme which is 'Style' if I'm not mistaken this time.

Thanks for your comments.
Hi Dawn,

I am glad you like the portrait and I must say he does take after his dad.... : )

As for your suggestion of classing it as New Generation, is a good call and I will take it.

Save me having to re-think of another shot to take, I can concentrate on the next theme which is 'Style' if I'm not mistaken this time.

Thanks for your comments.

Hiya, you are correct with week 3 theme being 'Style', good luck with this week and look forwards to your image.


Dawn :)
Week 3... STYLE.

Here is my take on Style.

I was very kindly allowed to take shots of the showroom cars at a Herts Mercedes sales garage to get this result.

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Like the steering wheel shot - looks like something you would expect to see in the cars brochure, as for the second, the Mercedes badge taking centre stage just shouts style. nice pics and a good take on the theme.

Good set of pics Kev.

Week 1: cute pic and nicely lit, but doesn't do a lot for me.

Week 2: that's a great portrait. Excellent eye contact, DOF and composition. Is that window light, or did you have flash? The only thing I can think of to improve would be if his hair wasn't partially covering his right eye. I wish I could do portraits like this.

Week 3: the steering wheel pic is ok, but I much prefer the white Mercedes shot. Really good composition and lighting. Just the right amount of reflections and the low angle works very well. Possibly cropped a little too tight.

Fantastic start to your 52.
Hiya Kev,

Glad to see you got the right theme this week :D

Both great images, I prefer the second one though, of the Merc although both fit the theme of 'style' as the steering wheel is a style of steering with all the fancy controls etc.

With the second shot, I love the way you have managed to control the lighting, with just enough reflection. The low angle has worked well and give a fab DOF and fades the background enough to add character to the image.

Well done and I look forward to your image for week 4.


Dawn :)
Hi Kev

really like both the Merc shots (y) but think the full car shot is the best .
I tried for this type of shot at my local merc dealer as well but failed miserably.
Would be great to know what type of lens you used for it ? if you don't mind?

Look forward to seeing your next 49
Hi mate.

Loved your first two but not so hot on your style pics.

They both seem very grainy and have a touch of camera shake. ( unless it's just my iPad screen) I'm imagining shutter speed would have been an issue and I'm guessing you prob did not use a tripod in the showroom. It would have helped but I know it's tricky and akward in the situation. I prefer the second shot to the first.

Great effort in you 52 so far though... Will be following your thread and look forward to the next images
Good set of pics Kev.
Is that window light, or did you have flash?

Week 3: Possibly cropped a little too tight.

Fantastic start to your 52.

Thanks Patrick. It was just light from the window. You can see the window in his eyes. Can't beat natural light. I agree with it being a tight crop.

Well done and I look forward to your image for week 4.


Dawn :)

Cheers Dawn. I too am looking forward to week 4 and trying to think of something to shoot with the theme of 'OPEN'.

Would be great to know what type of lens you used for it ?

I used a Canon 24-70mm L for this shot. I have to confess to playing with it in PS though. Not for colour, but for using a spherical effect.

Hi mate.

Loved your first two but not so hot on your style pics.

They both seem very grainy and have a touch of camera shake.

Thank you. The steering wheel shot is very grainy as it quite a large crop, unfortunately. You are correct in that I should have used a tripod. I did not and using a lens that has no Image Stabilization I don't think it is that bad.:thinking:

Thanks all for the comments.
Week 4 - Open.

So, we are well into week four with this weeks theme - open.
I found it a tough one to come up with any ideas. Not sure why but I do have a lot on at work so I can't give it as much thought as I would have liked.

Now you either love it or hate it ..... yep! HDR.
I am not a great fan of it but thought I would give it a go with a 2 stop bracketed image of 3 shots for this weeks theme.


Thanks for looking.
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Hiya Kev,

I really like this image for your week 4 theme, Open .... and think it fits the theme well.

Like the image with the movement of water (although I am sure this would also make a stunning image if the water was still so you could get a reflection, something to maybe look out for if it is local to you).

Is this sleice gate still operational? (is doesn't look like it is) and where is it. I think it is a lovely structure.

As for HDR I can't offer much c&c or advice as I have only ever attempted it twice. Something I need to have more practice with.

But I think you have done a good job here and think it really adds to the atmosphere of the image. I would have perhaps like a tad more contrast/sharpness though.

A lovely image and one I think you should be proud of.

Well done :clap:


Dawn :)
Hi Dawn.

The water is a river and is never still. I don't know if it still operational, so next time I am down there I will have a closer inspection.

Thank you for saying it is a lovely image. I took it during my travel to work, so it was a little rushed. If I had a little more time I would have changed a few things. The image is made up from three different shots combined together so I wouldn't be surprised about it being unsharp. : )
Week 6 - Clutter.

Keeping it very simple again this week I opted for a this picture of some thumb tacs in their pot.

Being made of clear plastic, the photo in colour form was totally lost and I converted into greyscale. I feel it looks better in b/w. I also went for a very shallow DOF.

Hiya Kev

Like your take on both week 5 and 6, ironically both with sharp points :D

For week 5 I like how you have neatly placed the nails to form the word and agains a wood grain background.

Week 6 is great too and I like how your DOF adds softness to the image, even though the pins themself can be hard and painful.

Well done


Dawn :)
Hi Lynne and Dawn. Thank you both for your comments. I hadn't given it a thought that both week 5 & 6 both had sharp points. It wasn't deliberate.

Now my 'Delicate' shot is going to have to wait until this Sunday as I have been grounded by the wife. Don't ask!
Oh come on .... now that you have stated such, you have to spill the beans :D

Oh the things that get in the way of our photography! (Shhhhh don't tell your OH I said that :LOL:)


Dawn :)