Rude people while shooting :(

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I did a shoot today with my friend Jo. She wore a Gerri Halliwell style Union Jack dress. A very pretty girl with an amazing figure.

Anyway, I knew I wanted Jo to stand at the top of a hill so I would have to shoot upwards. So we went to the local meadows where I knew there was a spot where I could get the shot I wanted.

Now to get this into context - this is a HUGE place with many many acres of grass and lakes. Room for everyone. Or so you would think.

First off - this total c*** comes along on his ******* Segway thing. In tow, three of his trainees. It turns out he asked Jo if she wanted to pose with the trainees while he took a shot with his compact. Jo obviously declined as we were in the middle of out shoot. So anyway the **** decides to get his three disciples to park their stupid Segways behind and to the side of where Jo was positioned (with lights and reflectors correctly placed too). Basically - in shot :(

I asked him if he could move along a bit (bear in mind we have acres of room). A grumble and reluctance ensued.

Me "well there is plenty of room here"
Him "I don't care I pay for the right to teach here"
Me - "And that entitles you to stand in the way of my picture does it?"
Him "Well I'm paying - I bet you're not"
Me "I pay my taxes like anyone else - and this is a public place"
Him "well you should pay to shoot here"
Me "fine - go and tell the powers that be. Besides, if you're charging people to come here to be taught I doubt you need to be talking to people like you are me. Not really good for business is it?"

And with that he segwayed off with the three stooges in tow.


Some total muppet who looked far old enough to know better cycles between me and Jo on his mountain bike, pulling a wheelie, with his ipod plugged in!! You couldn't make this up. He seemed to be on his own so it wasn't as if he was "impressing his mates" either.

What is going on in the world that people want to interfere and generally spoil others' fun. The whole thing spoilt the shoot and we finished soon after.

I'm totally disillusioned :(

Anyway - here's one of the pictures (which is **** anyway but at least you can see what I was trying to do)…..

Often encounter rude & ignorant &!?@/.s whilst shooting!
You should have pointed out to Mr Segway man that that he was breaking the law
Perhaps they have very small winkles.:eek:

Looks like Posh in a Ginger dress if you get me. Nice Shot! (y)
I spent about two hours at the Ring of Brodgar in Orkney last year waiting for the sun to appear to get the shot I had set up. On several occasions, the sun looked as if it was going to break through the cloud but either didn't or did but not at the right angle to get the shot.

At last, my perseverance payed off and the sun cam out just right. As soon as it did however, some plonker from the khaki shorts and Vimto brigade and his two hangers on stood right in front of my tripod and said "this must be an important stone as this guy's been here for ages" as he got one of said hangers on to take a snap of him pulling a stupid one leg in the air pose of him and the stone. Of course, as soon as he did this, the sun ducked back behind the clouds never to be seen again that day.

Bearing in mind there were 30 odd other stones that would have been equally suitable for his tourist snap it took all my self discipline not to throw my career as a cop away and give the plonker a chap on the chin.

I acknowledge that he had as much right to be there as I did but c'mon, a bit of common decency!

Ryan, I share your pain.
That is a really nice image - you should also have got an image of the a#hole and sent it to his boss !!
This happened to me once on Crosby beach taking photos of the Iron Men, there are 100 statues and this family insists and hanging about the one i was trying to shoot a sunset silhouette of!!!
People don't really care about others - product of capitalism/world as it is today
People are brought up with a 'I have the right' and self entitlement issues/attitude

Not a quick one to fix and maybe more for the Daily Mail forum :)
Sorry to hear of the rude intrusion Ryan - I've experienced similar problems too.

Just a quick question though - were you on 100% public land or privately owned land with public access ?

I'm curious as to why Segway man thought he had paid for the privilege?

I feel angry but can't complain when this happens to me on 100% public land but if I've previously obtained permission to shoot on privately owned land you can easily send people on their way.
Bro, you just have to learn to laugh this kind of stuff off. Why let a **** ruin your day?
What was dickboi teaching? And did he have permission to use that land for commercial gain?
What you need is one of these.


This way, people'll mistake it for a rifle and will try their hardest to stay out of harm's way!

That had happened to me when I'm at the seafront area of a fine evening trying to take some long exposure shots of the local lights. Then that obligtory fella - reeking of beer - then appear from behind saying "Hey, what're you doing then, mate?". Rather than me saying ". Oh, I'm conducting an interview with Michael Jackson", I say "Oh, I'm taking some night time photos, that kind of stuff, just for fun" and hoping they'd move on with that knowledge to mind . . . but nope, that person then hover around me for ages and then go onto wandering about in my viewpoint.
When that does happen, I just pack up my gear and go to a "Plan B" type location, spend some time there and then return back to the first location where by then that "annoying" bloke will have moved on. Of course, that may not be an option when it comes to "timed" shot, such as sunsets.
Idiots everywhere I'm afraid, we have to learn to work around them unfortunately, either that, or end up having a row and a tear up every time we go out with our camera.

Nice picture by the way.
If it is where I think it is there are 200ha (500acre) and although not public land

“The Trust's work continues to be based on its original aim:
'To provide for the recreation of the public by the provision of a park for the benefit of the inhabitants of Peterborough and visitors with the object of improving the conditions of life for such persons'.”

Photography is not discouraged in fact there are hides for the wildlife guys.

But the world is full of a***holes and Peterborough has at least its Fair share

Anyway you still won it’s a dam nice image
I can see where your coming from but to be honest, just chill a bit.
You seem a bit wound up by it all and ready to throw the toys out of the pram at the first sign of anything that you haven't accounted for.
People are strange creatures it has to be said and taking your shoot out into the big wild world you are subjecting yourself to the strangest and most annoying people out there, accept it! Or just stay In your studio.
The guy on the segway could have been bargained with. He's a businessman, like you said. So why didn't you jump on the situation and offer to shoot the image yourself and then charge him for the image so he can use it as promotional material? He could obviously see the potential there so why not you?
Wheelie man? Well if you can do wheelies then why not ain't it lol pretty girl, bike...only one thing for it and that's to get back to your childhood and pop a wheelie, he probably didn't even acknowledge you or your set up, no matter how big your lens is, men get blinkered when a pretty girl is around so just accept it and realise, nothing goes to plan, ever!
Rudeness is everywhere... Only this weekend I was trying to teach people on a Segway and this idiot decided to setup a studio on top of the hill, in my way and got all stroppy with me!! :p

I am sure we have all been rude and inconsiderate at times, but he does sound like a plonker!
You need to exploit a situation like that to your advantage. Photograph the Segway mob with the model and give him your business card, might even lead to other promo shots.
Many thanks folks for taking the time to comment. It's nice (sort of) to know I'm not the only one. But it's a funny old world. I think a general lack of respect is rife these days and I don't know if it'll ever change.

You should have pointed out to Mr Segway man that that he was breaking the law

I didn't know he was Keith. What law?

Perhaps they have very small winkles.:eek:

Looks like Posh in a Ginger dress if you get me. Nice Shot! (y)

Nige - I didn't notice until you said it - she looks just like Posh doesn't she. Now I can't get it out my head :eek:

I spent about two hours at the Ring of Brodgar in Orkney last year waiting for the sun to appear to get the shot I had set up. On several occasions, the sun looked as if it was going to break through the cloud but either didn't or did but not at the right angle to get the shot.

At last, my perseverance payed off and the sun cam out just right. As soon as it did however, some plonker from the khaki shorts and Vimto brigade and his two hangers on stood right in front of my tripod and said "this must be an important stone as this guy's been here for ages" as he got one of said hangers on to take a snap of him pulling a stupid one leg in the air pose of him and the stone. Of course, as soon as he did this, the sun ducked back behind the clouds never to be seen again that day.

Bearing in mind there were 30 odd other stones that would have been equally suitable for his tourist snap it took all my self discipline not to throw my career as a cop away and give the plonker a chap on the chin.

I acknowledge that he had as much right to be there as I did but c'mon, a bit of common decency!

Ryan, I share your pain.

Common decency is the word.

That is a really nice image - you should also have got an image of the a#hole and sent it to his boss !!

Thanks. I think he was the boss. A self employed guy specialising in teaching people to ride pointless vehicles!

Sorry to hear of the rude intrusion Ryan - I've experienced similar problems too.

Just a quick question though - were you on 100% public land or privately owned land with public access ?

I'm curious as to why Segway man thought he had paid for the privilege?

I feel angry but can't complain when this happens to me on 100% public land but if I've previously obtained permission to shoot on privately owned land you can easily send people on their way.

I don't know for sure mate. But I figure if the world and his wife can go down there on a sunny day and set up their BBQ's and whatever else, it's probably ok for me to do some pictures. See Paul's comments below….

What you need is one of these.


This way, people'll mistake it for a rifle and will try their hardest to stay out of harm's way!

That had happened to me when I'm at the seafront area of a fine evening trying to take some long exposure shots of the local lights. Then that obligtory fella - reeking of beer - then appear from behind saying "Hey, what're you doing then, mate?". Rather than me saying ". Oh, I'm conducting an interview with Michael Jackson", I say "Oh, I'm taking some night time photos, that kind of stuff, just for fun" and hoping they'd move on with that knowledge to mind . . . but nope, that person then hover around me for ages and then go onto wandering about in my viewpoint.
When that does happen, I just pack up my gear and go to a "Plan B" type location, spend some time there and then return back to the first location where by then that "annoying" bloke will have moved on. Of course, that may not be an option when it comes to "timed" shot, such as sunsets.

I had to look at that several times before I realised it wasn't a rifle :eek: Sorry to hear about your experience.

If it is where I think it is there are 200ha (500acre) and although not public land

“The Trust's work continues to be based on its original aim:
'To provide for the recreation of the public by the provision of a park for the benefit of the inhabitants of Peterborough and visitors with the object of improving the conditions of life for such persons'.”

Photography is not discouraged in fact there are hides for the wildlife guys.

But the world is full of a***holes and Peterborough has at least its Fair share

Anyway you still won it’s a dam nice image

Cheers Paul. You've got the place :)

I can see where your coming from but to be honest, just chill a bit.
You seem a bit wound up by it all and ready to throw the toys out of the pram at the first sign of anything that you haven't accounted for.
People are strange creatures it has to be said and taking your shoot out into the big wild world you are subjecting yourself to the strangest and most annoying people out there, accept it! Or just stay In your studio.
The guy on the segway could have been bargained with. He's a businessman, like you said. So why didn't you jump on the situation and offer to shoot the image yourself and then charge him for the image so he can use it as promotional material? He could obviously see the potential there so why not you?
Wheelie man? Well if you can do wheelies then why not ain't it lol pretty girl, bike...only one thing for it and that's to get back to your childhood and pop a wheelie, he probably didn't even acknowledge you or your set up, no matter how big your lens is, men get blinkered when a pretty girl is around so just accept it and realise, nothing goes to plan, ever!

That's a hell of a conclusion you've drawn there. Spoken like a man who's known me years. I'm never looking for a fight and certainly get on with my shoots, oblivious to those around me. But when a guy goes out of his way to upset the shoot he ain't getting away with it.
Rudeness is everywhere... Only this weekend I was trying to teach people on a Segway and this idiot decided to setup a studio on top of the hill, in my way and got all stroppy with me!! :p

I am sure we have all been rude and inconsiderate at times, but he does sound like a plonker!

That made me :LOL: Simon. Very funny :LOL:
ryanyboy said:
Many thanks folks for taking the time to comment. It's nice (sort of) to know I'm not the only one. But it's a funny old world. I think a general lack of respect is rife these days and I don't know if it'll ever change.

I didn't know he was Keith. What law?

Nige - I didn't notice until you said it - she looks just like Posh doesn't she. Now I can't get it out my head :eek:

Common decency is the word.

Thanks. I think he was the boss. A self employed guy specialising in teaching people to ride pointless vehicles!

I don't know for sure mate. But I figure if the world and his wife can go down there on a sunny day and set up their BBQ's and whatever else, it's probably ok for me to do some pictures. See Paul's comments below….

I had to look at that several times before I realised it wasn't a rifle :eek: Sorry to hear about your experience.

Cheers Paul. You've got the place :)

That's a hell of a conclusion you've drawn there. Spoken like a man who's known me years. I'm never looking for a fight and certainly get on with my shoots, oblivious to those around me. But when a guy goes out of his way to upset the shoot he ain't getting away with it.

Its just my ten pence worth, nothing against you, and you approach whatever situation your way, nothing to do with me.
I just found it funny, building a picture in my head as you were describing the scene, can see the guy on on his chariot and you goin off on one basil faulty style lol
It happens everywhere, Ryan. A while ago a local am.dram.soc were rehearsing their summer out of doors offering at a local ruin near their hall. Loads of people, actors, music (It was Oliver!) and I was there as a spectator/photographer. A small party of people wandered over and plonked themselves down right in the middle of the 'stage' oblivious to the activity around them. When the director politely asked them if they wouldn't mind moving a bit, they started ranting about it being a public place, and made all sorts of fuss and obstinately refused to shift. So the rehearsal continued over them. Honestly, some people! You have to have a laugh or else you get a coronary!
Hey Ryan,

If they refuse to move my response is usually to tell them it's their own time they're wasting as I can photoshop them out very easily (even if I can't). They usually b****r off after a couple of minutes.

I can see where your coming from but to be honest, just chill a bit.
You seem a bit wound up by it all and ready to throw the toys out of the pram at the first sign of anything that you haven't accounted for.

Having assisted Ryan once I can confirm he doesn't take a pram with him on shoots :D
Were you causing an offence by obstruction? Seems a lot of people suddenly got in your way. Sure it wasn't the other way around?

Lights, reflectors and people passing all the time?

Great idea for an image though.
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Its just my ten pence worth, nothing against you, and you approach whatever situation your way, nothing to do with me.
I just found it funny, building a picture in my head as you were describing the scene, can see the guy on on his chariot and you goin off on one basil faulty style lol

Basil Fawlty!! - Almost :LOL:
It happens everywhere, Ryan. A while ago a local am.dram.soc were rehearsing their summer out of doors offering at a local ruin near their hall. Loads of people, actors, music (It was Oliver!) and I was there as a spectator/photographer. A small party of people wandered over and plonked themselves down right in the middle of the 'stage' oblivious to the activity around them. When the director politely asked them if they wouldn't mind moving a bit, they started ranting about it being a public place, and made all sorts of fuss and obstinately refused to shift. So the rehearsal continued over them. Honestly, some people! You have to have a laugh or else you get a coronary!

That's incredible Carol. What an ignorant bunch of **** ******** **** ******s!!!!

But you're right - the stress ain't worth it.
Hey Ryan,

If they refuse to move my response is usually to tell them it's their own time they're wasting as I can photoshop them out very easily (even if I can't). They usually b****r off after a couple of minutes.

Having assisted Ryan once I can confirm he doesn't take a pram with him on shoots :D

Whoa - now I'm getting nervous - Darkroom - have you assisted me?? I know I'm going senile; but who are you??
Were you causing an offence by obstruction? Seems a lot of people suddenly got in your way. Sure it wasn't the other way around?

Lights, reflectors and people passing all the time?

Great idea for an image though.

Seriously - we were in the top of a small hill in the largest park/meadow in Peterborough and the surrounding area. That question reminds me of the sketch in The Fast Show where the guy is sitting on the edge of a cliff in the middle of nowhere when some bloke appears from nowhere and says

"Oi, I was sitting there!!"

I may of been causing offence to the art of photography but I was certainly not causing an offence by obstruction.

This has really made me :LOL:
What about seeing you in the dress rather than Jo?

We're doing that in a couple of months mate. When it's such a hot glorious day that the whole population of Peterborough (approx 175,000) decide to descend on Ferry Meadows!! :D
cambsno said:
Rudeness is everywhere... Only this weekend I was trying to teach people on a Segway and this idiot decided to setup a studio on top of the hill, in my way and got all stroppy with me!! :p

I am sure we have all been rude and inconsiderate at times, but he does sound like a plonker!

there are many long replies in this thread and i'll be honest i haven't read them all, but what on earth was he teaching them? how to ride segways? :thinking:
there are many long replies in this thread and i'll be honest i haven't read them all, but what on earth was he teaching them? how to ride segways? :thinking:

Indeed. And I just found his website. £18 for an hour.

I charge £45 for a whole DAY of photography training. And you wan't feel like a total **** while you're doing it :D
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