Run away - it's another 365!! :D

Going to take that one later when the temptation gets too much ;D
millie looks so cute, last time i had a creme egg i managed to take photos half way through eating it, it was hard though :)
Usually end up eating them all in one go as they normally fall apart as soon as I taken a bit and I have to shove it all in before it goes everywhere. Well that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it! :naughty:
Love cream eggs - i always stick to the 70's ad and go to work on an egg - but i dont think they meant cream eggs though :D
I've been away for a few days with friends, so I've got a bit of catching up to do.

Friday Jan 30th - My friend's kitty - Florence


Saturday Jan 31st

Suprise birthday party for a friend - he had no idea!


Sunday Feb 01 - Snow is falling!


Monday Feb 02 - Snow is still here!

thanks (y) I can't believe it's a 12th of the way through already.

Fabs - believe it or not, that cat shot was an attempt to save a 'nothing' shot that was ruined by a stray ray of sunshine. I wondered if there was anything I could do with the bit that looked like it was supposed to or if it was all destined for the recycle bin. Chopped it in half, wondered if it would work and figured what the hell? I like different ;)
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Thanks Fabs - yes it is! I had no idea there would be so many cemetery shots in here when I started but the light and conditions in there just lend to pretty photographs. As you know, it's huge too, so you can get so many different lights/angles etc.
Thanks guys :) (y)

I go there every night with el poocho, and if it's not too dark I always have my camera on hand (although it is best and most atmospheric when it's pitch black). Never thought my 365 would end up being primarily of cats and a cemetery :LOL:

Still, whatever makes a good picture eh? Only problem is, it's mahoosive, and I'm struggling to remember where exactly that bit is. I'll have to walk around with my eye pressed to the viewfinder until I find it again :p
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A close friend of ours lost his dad a few days ago, and this morning, the funeral took place. On a cold day with a bright blue sky, the service took place in our local chapel and so, so many people turned up - we were queueing out of the doors and across the entrance. I didn’t think everyone would fit - and it turned out to be standing room only - which goes to show what a well loved and respected man he was.

I went back to the chapel a few hours after the service and took this photograph of the flowers left in memory of Terry. A much loved man, RIP.

040209 : Remembrance


PS... I promise no more cemetery shots for a few days after this one :p

Edit: It's also my first go with selective colouring too, so please let me know if I've done something wrong!
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florence the cat shot is fab ,

like the selective colouring in the last especially with the border
Thanks :)

Onto today's pic :)

I’m liking trees and the shadows and shapes they make at the moment. These trees make me think of Jazz Hands :LOL:

050209 : Trees at Sunset

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That is a lovely image, the changing sky and the 'jazz hand' silhouettes work really well!
Just catching up again some really nice shots,really like the one of Florence the cat :)

Interesting shot, but that's not 2 sensor crud spots is at the top? Or is it just the wood in the background ? Sorry I'm paranoid about such things :geek: