Sampling Colour from Web for replace colour function

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Not strictly a photography issue but any help appreciated :)

I'm looking to redecorate the masony on the outside of the house and thought one way to get a rough idea of coulour would be take a pic of the exterior and then use the replace colour function using the shade colours from Dulux etc from their web page. I appreciate I won't get an exact match but should be bear enough to get a rough idea

Is there a quick way of sampling a colour from a web page to just click into PS. I'm currently having to create a new blank document drag the eyedropper to the web page and then make a note of the RGB values. I'm sure there's an easier way :thinking:
Thanks for the suggestions I've cracked it now - wasn't keeping the mouse button down when moving fron PS window to browser window
Thanks for the suggestions I've cracked it now - wasn't keeping the mouse button down when moving fron PS window to browser window

Well you've taught me something today (y)