Daily Samuelslade007 365/6 Challenge...Day 365 of 366

Tezz450D said:
no luchtime...but he may be lurking...hope your bags are paked and u can make a quick getaway :)

....lunchtime?? .... My name is pepe rodiguez Montana....and welcome to my south American chihuahua farm ...
Nice box Kev (y)
Hi Kev...:wave:

love the ring in the box...works really well....but whats that shape in the background ?
blondie606 said:
Hi Kev...:wave:

love the ring in the box...works really well....but whats that shape in the background ?

Thanks Lynne.....that's the accent wall wallpaper...its french so i can't understand a word it says... I'm just waiting for leigh to mention it... Lol!!
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Day 23 ... out of 31 .. me??.. counting?? ...NEVER!! ...

I was going to enter this for the POTY this month... but Chateau Rouge's comment in the discussion thread didn't go down too well...so 'left behind ted' comes here (y)

If comments here are positive i may reshoot and enter one after all... SC obviously...
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its a great image....love the way he seems to be peering out....a curtain twitcher in the making?
Tezz450D said:
its a great image....love the way he seems to be peering out....a curtain twitcher in the making?

Ted gets me all the gossip on what's being pegged out on whose washing lines.... In case there's anything red out there...????
nicely done again.... Very creative set of shots here....
Cute shot of the bare Kev (y)
mipevo6 said:
nicely done again.... Very creative set of shots here....

Thanks Martin.. I think I try and be an all rounder and master of none ...except maybe seeing red..?? Perhaps next month I'll try things you and the others did...landscapes might be a toughy in sc though.
Hi Kev....just love that bear....turn the red bits blue & you have a new image for a range of cards that are in the shops :clap:

haha, nice one........

i could be inclined to take you serious Lynne... i don't go in many card shops so i'll have to venture forth and explore the racks for blue scarfed bears.. (y)
jennyb said:
Hi Kev, I love the ring and teddy. You are really very good at thinking up unique subjects (y)


Thanks Jen...its the final week... And I've got to keep the ideas following...mainly because I lost my spreadsheet...lol!! (y)
Day 24

Leading on from my small collection of W40k reading matter... is a sample from my collection of W40k army (y)

What is good about this shot? Taken in my own hand crafted lightbox, lit using cruddy argos desk lamps and look at that DOF ... :bonk: ....somebody stop ME!!!

...oh yeah...and the behemoth of a Dreadnought front and centre... (y)
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Cool little figures Kev, nice one (y)
Nice one Kev.... I also have the same figure for my blood angels army... have Orks and Tyranids as well :)
mipevo6 said:
Nice one Kev.... I also have the same figure for my blood angels army... have Orks and Tyranids as well :)

Nice one Martin.... The dudes on the RHS are the blood angels death company... Love.those dudes... Mad as march hares!!
sorry for not keeping up with everyone's threads... been mad busy... i almost worked for an hour non-stop yesterday :LOL:

standards have been maintained throughout your thread Kev.. in fact NO, i take that back... you have raised the bar as you have progressed through this challenge. I'm so glad now that i pulled you on the double wall socket... it's taken you to a whole new level :clap:
sorry for not keeping up with everyone's threads... been mad busy... i almost worked for an hour non-stop yesterday :LOL:

standards have been maintained throughout your thread Kev.. in fact NO, i take that back... you have raised the bar as you have progressed through this challenge. I'm so glad now that i pulled you on the double wall socket... it's taken you to a whole new level :clap:

you're right there leigh... phew... i was near the edge... double socketed.. it was close...:puke:...i could have gone the whole hog and got the background in focus and the subject out... :bang:

but building the light box... meant no backgrounds..just white card...i was so tempted to draw a socket on the back of it... but that would have looked naff.. :shrug:

hopefully the next couple of days will demo my attention to detail...you could almost say one is a life saver.. :naughty:
awww schucks... it was nuttin' :cool:
awww schucks... it was nuttin' :cool:

:thinking: ...oh.....ok........ HEY!!!.....i did it all myself....though i'd like to thank my agent... my director.. my PA :naughty: ... the whole cast of The Big Bang Theory ...and not forgetting all the folks on the farm.. (y)