scales up close

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Very close to the rough scales of one of my vipers

This is gorgeous, the sharpness is spot on,what species of Viper is it if you don't mind?

I have a few snakes myself though nothing on the DWA list :)
I adore this shot its great the detail and colours are brill crisp as ever.
Are you able to handle this gorgeous snake? Would love to see a close up of its head
You don't have to handle snakes to get good close ups necessarily... and this is one I would not like to handle. Beautiful snake though with their rough scales giving a wonderful texture to any picture. Also a lovely array of colours on this little beaut! Nice pic... J
Great looks awesome have u many snakes? Love them but never had the opportunity to care for one. I was trekking in once in india and a huge python came straight to my face was within a metre then darted down the side of the valley