Shauns 52-week 14 Shoot

Hi Shaun,

Sorry I missed your week 2. Too many shots in here at the moment to keep up with every thread, every week :)

Really nice take on the theme and good lighting to spotlight the bottle and glass. I'm undecided about the angle. It's unusual and gives a bit of a disorienting feel which goes with the boozy theme . . . but I think I might have preferred a lower perspective.

Chopped : (y) My favourite interpretation of the theme so far and I think you were right to keep it in B&W.
I agree that it could do with being a bit wider though. More I think to give the wood a bit more prominence. With the motion in the rest of the shot, I feel like I want to see a stationary focal point to anchor it.

Thanks for all your input
Sarah it amazes me how many people you respond to each week you really put a lot of people to shame, I need to view and give feedback on more peoples photos just trying to fit in replies in between work and home life while at the same time renovating a house getting it ready for sale :bang:anyway thanks again agree with the picture it would have been better with a wider view I should have changed my lens to accommodate this, as I had my 50mm fixed lens and was up against wall while taking picture, lesson learnt I think.
Good Poem and the shot suits. Chopped, an excellent interpretation and a good shot
Took some pictures in town today all very hum drum so did a little bit of editing to boost the shot but still not the best bring on the next theme.:crying:
Hi, really like your shot for 'chopped' - very different.
The street shot is looking a bit washed out and too purple - think you've over done the PP a bit too much. Good effort though.
I agree with ProG77, mate. The xhopped wasa cracking idea, but this isn't working for me at all.
Posted in a little bit of a rush this afternoon here is my second attempt

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Was attempting to get the sky looking more like sky as it was over exposed and blown out will try harder next time.
That is much better - the pedestrians almost disappeared in the first version.

You have some nice patterns there but I wonder if you could play around with the contrast a bit. It is still a bit flat to me.
You've got some nice angles and shapes in there but it's just lacking a little bit of contrast. It's a nice frame of buildings spoilt by the pedestrians for me. I know you can't control them but looks like an ideal spot for you to go back when empty and try multiple exposures of yourself (assuming you have a tripod, wireless release and a friend to watch your gear :)).
Street looks way better as a standard mono. Not sure what that purple one was tbh! :)
The first one is a bit much... not keen on all that purple.. sorry... the Mono one is much better... I like it, but maybe just a pinch more contrast ?
Just thought I would add my speed picture for week 5 its not original and has been done many times before so apologies before posting, but its the first time I have done this type of movement and light trail exposure so be kind :) had another theme/idea but that will have to wait for another day.
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well you've certainly given the impression of speed !!! Can I ask, was your camera on a tripod in the back ? How do you get it to stay still !?
well you've certainly given the impression of speed !!! Can I ask, was your camera on a tripod in the back ? How do you get it to stay still !?

Correct Rob on on tripod first two legs extended behind front seats third on back seat which had the rear seatbelt passed through the camera strap just in case of any sharp movement that may have unbalanced or toppled the tripod over but it stayed very steady. My only problem was I forgot my remote trigger :bonk: so had to set camera on a 2sec timer and keep leaning back to press the shutter button not recommended:wacky:when driving. Thanks for comments.
Correct Rob on on tripod first two legs extended behind front seats third on back seat which had the rear seatbelt passed through the camera strap just in case of any sharp movement that may have unbalanced or toppled the tripod over but it stayed very steady. My only problem was I forgot my remote trigger :bonk: so had to set camera on a 2sec timer and keep leaning back to press the shutter button not recommended:wacky:when driving. Thanks for comments.

Neat idea - if you want I have a small child you can borrow to press the shutter release next time.
Shaun, it's certainly worked well, and gives a great impression of speed... I take it your Mondeo (it is isn't it... ) wasn't really going at warp speed :D ... I can see how reaching behind to trigger the shutter would be bad...
love the curved pic, really well done. the second one i agree with what has already been said.....nice lighting but a bit to high an angle.
chopped is excellent idea and well executed,
street looks better in B&W but does look a tad flat
speed is a lovely shot. Fantastic colours and a real sense of speed

well done and keep it up
Shaun, it's certainly worked well, and gives a great impression of speed... I take it your Mondeo (it is isn't it... ) wasn't really going at warp speed :D ... I can see how reaching behind to trigger the shutter would be bad...

Thanks jgs001 correct with Ford but wrong with Mondeo actually a Focus keeping with the camera thing :LOL:
Hi Shaun,

I can't add much to what's been said already on street. Prefer mono, but maybe a bit more contrast needed in there.

Speed. Spot on. I almost tried this myself this week.
Ghost hands on the steering wheel add a nice touch, but what makes this work is that you've got the camera in a really good steady position. The inside of the car is lovely and sharp (y)
I'm not sure if it needs a bit of a straighten. The roof of the car looks a bit slanted, but having said that the rest of the car looks perfectly level. Could just be a result of the camera angle :shrug:
Yes,was the first time I have attempted this type of light trails not even done the usual car lights on the roadside type shoot exposure was set to 30sec then down to 20 secs speed of car varied up to around 50mph and generally started the exposure from standing ie traffic lights etc.
Nothing flowing on this weeks theme :( hope I do not have to play a joker still a few days left yet.
Great series of photos so far Shaun, keep it up! Ian.
Like your speed pic, I'm really gonna have to give this shot a go.

Would have been tempted to crop the LHS out and just have pure windscreen in the shot.

Like the green of the lights on the dash.

Had a really busy week with a great deal of head scratching but here is my present submission C&C welcome before I make my excuses :)

I like it. Nice DOF with all the important text in focus. It's a nice 'ahhh' image, which is always good to see on valentines day. :)
Explanation of the present theme, it was my Valentine card to my partner, the general idea was to take a picture of her gift wrapped chocolates but did not manage that photo as wrapping destroyed in the opening :) so next best thing was the card and the flowers. So a single rose placed along side the card I decided to take the photo outside and tried to wait for better light that did not materialise so maybe should have taken inside with artificial lighting, also another lesson learnt was I found it a lot harder to get a good framed picture as I was using 100mm fixed lens making it more difficult.
Speed is a great shot, the light trails are great :)

I like Present too, nice composition and colours :)
Really good photo for Present and would look stunning as a Valentines card
Hi Shaun Sorry I've not commented on your thread before - although I have popped in a looked.

My favourite so far is the black and white Street scene. I love the angular new buildings with just a glimpse of older traditional houses in the background. It really appeals to me. (y)

So on to Week 6 Present: This type of shot is, as you said, much harder than it looks and arranging the itmes to work with a prime lens isn't easy. I usually end up taking it a bit wide and then experimenting with different crops. :LOL: I think you've made a good job of this, though and it's topical as well as on theme (and I bet the choccies have disappeared by now :LOL:). If I have one very tiny niggle it's the little bits of white paper showing on the bottom corner of the red envelope. I love the shadow round that envlope, though - it makes it look luxurious, and you've got just the right amount of rose in the frame. I hope you both had a good day. :) (y)

Shaun, that image has worked very well indeed... I'd thought about trying something like that myself.