Shauns 52-week 14 Shoot

I like that, it's a good strong image and great for the theme. I agree with what everyone else has said about the composition etc ... well done (I prefer the darker version also) :)
Original darker shot for me too Shaun . . . although it may be one of those that depends on the monitor you're using.
My shot for this week looks fine on my lappy, was having a browse at lunchtime in work and it looks absolutely hideous on that monitor - waaaay too dark !!!!

Very strong composition and lovely clean background. Bang on theme for the week. I like this one (y)
Well this weeks play theme had me stumped for most of the week had a few ideas football/rugby other outside games,then I was going to go down the theatre route(plays)as my partner works at the royal exchange in Manchester which is a fantastic building inside with great domes etc but as usual work gets in the way so decided to go with the most popular board game I know Monopoly which seems easy at first just take out board, arrange board and take picture but this is never the way the process works out, so several shots later -

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Says 'Play' to me, so definitely fits the theme. Only thing I'm not liking is the fact that most of the foreground is out of focus and yous eem to have focussed towards the far end of the image. I would have liked to have seen the 2 green houses at the centre of the image in focus.
I did focus further into the photo more than I probably needed, was working with a shallow depth of field hoping to draw the eye more into the picture onto the pack of cards.
Yep, great idea and composition, but the focus needs to be on the boot for me as the boot is the key to moving around the board.
As I'm finding out this week, point of focus is a very subjective assessment when there are various to choose from. Looks a little too high in the frame in this instance. If you could move it onto a third the eye would find it more comfortable to rest there.
As I'm finding out this week, point of focus is a very subjective assessment when there are various to choose from. Looks a little too high in the frame in this instance. If you could move it onto a third the eye would find it more comfortable to rest there.

Agree with what your saying my mistake was I wanted to get the composition correct in camera and to achieve this I had to bring my lens(sigma 10-20) virtually onto the corner of the board, trying to focus on things that are just centimetres from the lens can prove difficult as I found out, what I should have done is to pull back the camera and then cropped the image on the computer later :bonk:
As Darren (dlh) above has pointed out, focus point is a very subjective issue, so I will move on. Shaun I like your composition on this image, it has brought all the elements of the game in. The colours too I like, and it certainly says play to me so definately on theme. Well done, week 10....bring it on. Iain
A very good attempt Shaun.

As others have already pointed out, the focus may have been better closer to the front. I would also have positioned the boot on one of the squares as well.

It is bang on theme though ( I would say that as I've used Monoploy as well though :LOL: )

I like the composition on it as well.
Yup - Play def. for me - Sundays with the kids fighting each other over the last houses... I like this :D

Works for me, on theme, I'm not sure where the focus point is... I'm thinking I'd like to see the boot sharp...
Not got much more to add to what's already been said. Would have liked to have seen the focus point as the playing piece and in play.

I feel your pain though as I tried a boardgame this week and had terrible composition problems.

Great subject choice that's well lit, and I think you have all the important bits in the frame. Keep on keeping on.

I think because the letters GO and the red arrow feature prominently in the foreground that this should have been the point of focus. The arrow leading the eye into the photo. I also think that if the car had been in the GO square then it just might have been a more powerful shot altogeather.
Just my thoughts.
I think the composition in this one is superb :clap:

I like the diagonal angle and your use of portrait orientation to fit it all in.
Your decision to focus high up in the frame complements the set up perfectly IMO and really does draw me into the shot.

Where I'm struggling a bit is trying to work out exactly where the focal point is. As other have suggested, I'd like to see a distinct object at the point of focus so that my eyes have something to settle on. I think if you'd got the boot sharp this would have been an absolutely brilliant shot.

p.s. I love the way that the splashes of red tie it all together and draw my eye through the frame. I'd have been tempted to swap the green houses for hotels too to keep that bit of red going.
Great subject, you have done well with the light. Maybe a little less clutter in the background, but that's only a small criticism. Overall I do like it, it bring's back old memories. I would always have to be banker so I could cheat and win.
Well Chemistry, had a few ideas and in the end decided to try and find some glass jars with coloured water maybe lit from behind so went into the small lab at work to find some containers etc then I came across a microscope which looked expensive as it had Leica marked on the side so hey presto change of heart.

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Hi Shaun, it's bang on theme, but a little, dare I say, uninspiring, mate. Soz!
Your edit is a massive improvement Shaun.

The first one was a little flat but the tighter crop and mono conversion of the second works for me,

Well done!
Cracking shot for mechanical (y)

Agree with previous comments on your focus point as it would have been better on the boot as too much of the foreground is OOF. Good idea though and the layout using the corner works well.

I like the B&W conversion as it looks like an old scope. (y)
Your edit is a massive improvement Shaun.

The first one was a little flat but the tighter crop and mono conversion of the second works for me,

Well done!

Thanks Dan Seem to be struggling with my 52 of late due to work or I should say life in general.
It's not the most inspiring of subjects, but the b&w conversion has given it a little something to make it a far more pleasing and interesting image. Good effort :)
The close-up B&W for me too.
When I saw the original, my first thought was I'd like to see a closer crop with more focus on the lenses and that's exactly what you've done.
The B&W's worked well and really brought out the reflections in the metal. IMO it's one you can be proud of.

Seem to be struggling with my 52 of late due to work or I should say life in general.

The idea of one photo a week just seems so easy doesn't it? The reality . . . it's damn hard!
I don't know how the 365ers do it.
I owe you two !!

Play - Nice DOF, lighting and colours. The composition is spot on and there's loads to keep looking at. Nice one.

Chemistry - B&W conversion wins hands down for me. Despite the all the bubbles I've been looking at really capturing my imagination I thnk this is my fave so far. It's different, I 'do' different.
The B&W crop is far better, both fit the theme though.
The close-up B&W for me too.
When I saw the original, my first thought was I'd like to see a closer crop with more focus on the lenses and that's exactly what you've done.
The B&W's worked well and really brought out the reflections in the metal. IMO it's one you can be proud of.

The idea of one photo a week just seems so easy doesn't it? The reality . . . it's damn hard!
I don't know how the 365ers do it.

Thanks Sarah
This is probably my worse photo to date :( so getting my apologies out of the way first) before I crowbar this picture into my 52 taken on holiday the guy in the photo was unaware I was taking his picture as he merrily went about his business of fumigating the undergrowth around the complex I was staying at in Mexico to kill of the mossys I think, I originally liked it because I have never seen this done before and I liked the lighting caused by the smoke in the evening air what I dont like is it is not the sharpest picture i have ever taken and not happy with the composition.

Roll on next week
Well it absolutely fits the theme of candid for me (y)
And I don't think it's that bad a shot either.

I don't like people shots very much, so personally I love the fact that this has got another layer of interest to it other than the man.
That smoke in the background and coming up between the trees is very effective and I really like the way that the light is playing through it.
It's got a sort of magical feel.
I also like your vantage point behind the brow of the hill and the way that the man is walking up the hill towards you, clearly engrossed in his own little world.

All of that being said though, the man is still the main focal point of the image . . . and I have to agree with your self crit on this point, he could have done with being sharper.
Shaun, I have to agree with Sarah here... I love the effect and all, I think the comp works, with the view point you have... the only issue is, as you said, the focus point... but it fits the theme nicely.
It works - well. As has already been said the smake and sunlight make for an interesting view, also like the way the path leads my eye to guy.
The B&W shot works for Chemistry. Nice composition and lines...

As for Candid... I'm afraid it's not for me. The composition doesn't quite work with the road chopping the bloke off at the knees and I can't quite figure out what it is my eye should be resting on. You kind of already know that though, so I'll just shut up. :)

Computer been causing me a lot of problems of late but back up and running fingers crossed so should be back in the 52 and uploading pictures :)
Hi! I like the smokiness of the Candid shot...interesting image :)

Produce is bang on theme and full of colour I have to say they are the funniest seedless grapes I've ever seen though! :LOL: