Show me your studio!

Dude that is bigger than my house! And it has more furniture too..:shake: Have you ever thought about organising a TP meet at your wonderful studio?? I would definitely be up for it.. ;)

Never thought of that, not been on here long, lemme have a think
I still largely class it as a hobby. I shoot my kids and other family members. Also shoot models which is where I get the most freedom to experiment with lighting.

What's your arrangement with the models Carl? Do you hire them just for practising shoots?
Do you shoot them at your house?....and what does the Missus say about this?:LOL:
I work TF, time for, with models, they get a dozen or so images to use as they want I get to practise with them.
I mostly shoot them in my home studio but a couple of times on location.
The wife is fine with it, shes modeled for me a few times as well, shes the one in the green dress and gasmask.
Well this is my place, some might call it a dump but it works for me! (y)





Here is mine, its more of a play studio rather than a studio to make money from but do some paid shoots from time to time. its cool because I can shoot full length with my 70-200 from the back of the studio. Looks a bit tatty in the picture but got some of my photo's to go up on the walls of some models I have shot which should brighten it up. (y)


Thats a lot of room :)
awesome space Toxic, do you do group days or anything there?

Not at the moment it is all personal project stuff really, I share with another photographer and we split the time between us.

The space is great we can build our own sets etc and no one gets the same images as we both shoot in different genres so it works well.

The best thing about it is the cost.... for what you would pay for 3 hours hire of a studio is what I pay for a month.
The best thing about it is the cost.... for what you would pay for 3 hours hire of a studio is what I pay for a month.

Ok how the hell did you manage that then? I have been looking for somewhere for months now and the costs are coming out at £500 + per month!

Very jealous thats some space you got!!