Show us yer film shots then!

Couple of mine from Dorset coast workshop, it was fun but I was knackered by the end of it :D

Both on Velvia:



2 is possibly my favourite landscape I've ever taken(y)
Medium format, Mamiya 6 with a 50mm lens, both practically full frame with just a slight crop for horizons. What you can't see are the other 22 frames, I'd say from the 24 frame total I got about 6 I'd be happy to show to people, bracketing sun rises is a pain:bang:

But then if the results are worth it... :woot:
Thought I might as well join in and show a few of my film shots. I haven't shot film for a number of years so these two are reasonably old. They are the only two I still have scans of - must get round to rescanning some others sometime...

#1. Somewhere in the San Joaquin valley, California. 2003

#2. Melissani Lake, Kefalonia. 2001
Went MTBing in Scotland this weekend. Mainly a P&S weekend really but shot a few frames with my EOS100 + Nifty Fifty. My first experience of Fuji Neopan 400 (dev'd in ID11).

Is that really Jo Lo's second cousin twice removed :)

some mud, Velvia 100F


Nice mud Joxby:D

Few more from Dorset, see if you can guess where they are:thinking:


Probably not from this one on its own, but;



Hooray, it's Durdle Door.

Nice place but everyone seems to crowd around trying to get the same shot, and Man-o-war bay is much nicer as far as I was concerned. Weather didn't help though so not got anything good from round there :razz:
Don't recall if this is Fujichrome or Kodachrome, but I do recall its from '94 or '95.

This was taken on a Mamiya 645Pro, using Velvia 100..


Also there is another one that iv just posted Here
A few of mine. Don't think I've posted in this thread before. All are scans of the actual prints so colour etc is a bit off.


Agfa Isolette I, 120 film (Fuji Superia I think)


Snowy drive home (Feburary I think) Camera/Film as above


Zenit 11, Ferania 200asa colour film (Poundland bargain) altered to B&W on my computer.


Praktica (TL5B I think), Cheapy poundland film again. Cropped and slightly fiddled with on Paintshop Pro 8 (My scanner isn't great so a bit of tweaking is usually required)

Well...My photos certainly aren't as good as the others in this thread, but I wanted to add some anyway :)
Went MTBing in Scotland this weekend. Mainly a P&S weekend really but shot a few frames with my EOS100 + Nifty Fifty. My first experience of Fuji Neopan 400 (dev'd in ID11).

Photography is an expensive hobby on its own, mix in an interest in MTB and you must have one empty wallet! :LOL:
These are beautiful...Very impressive.

Thank you .

They were taken about 10 years ago on the same trip with an Olympus OM2sp
The slides were transferred to a Kodak photo cd ...remember those ! (with mixed results i have to say ) They have been cleaned up a little in Photoshop , but they are pretty much as they were taken.

I like digital but i still miss the sheer depth of colour and range of slide film .
Good spot, like it.
But it looks so long.
To be fair, not the easiest, risk free, wide angle street shot to shoot up close and personal..:LOL: