Show us yer film shots then!


nowhere near as big an IR effect as Joxby's above, that's what you get for not going out in the blazing sunshine or taking the right filter with you :bang: I still like it though, I'm going to try turning it into a cyanotype once i get the gear for making internegatives together
I'm going to try turning it into a cyanotype once i get the gear for making internegatives together

now thats beyond me.:bonk: wikipeida it is then:LOL:
Nice shots

Did you rate the film at iso 12 meter than stick the filter on?
Or rate it at 400 and iso 12 is the equivalent with the R72 filter on the front?

I took the advice of TmassDChart, and called it iso 12...well 10 cos its easier to work out :LOL:, and Mamiya 6 doesn't meter through the lens.
They're all a stop or two over, 1 second would have been about right that day, I bracketed 2 & 4 secs cos I wasted 6 frames in 5 minutes :bonk:
So that means that was Sun 19th April - We know where you go and when!!!:D:D:LOL:

I was there that day, got three shots off (blossom on a tree) and then recieved a phone call and had to dash!!

That tree was shaded by the abbey, I had IR film in the cam, it needed direct sun and lots of it....bugger.
Where you shooting the costumes then, or just perusing ? they were under that tree for a while with silver bounce reflectors/speedlights and wotnot.

nowhere near as big an IR effect as Joxby's above, that's what you get for not going out in the blazing sunshine or taking the right filter with you :bang: I still like it though, I'm going to try turning it into a cyanotype once i get the gear for making internegatives together
Can just see it coming through on a few of those leaves, it could have taken a couple more stops, got some IR but probably lost the shady cosy darkness of the scene.
I like it as it is
Can just see it coming through on a few of those leaves, it could have taken a couple more stops, got some IR but probably lost the shady cosy darkness of the scene.
I like it as it is

Me too tbh. I'm amazed at how fine the grain is on this essentially ISO 400 film, it's beau
Canon EOS 100 + Canon Nifty 1.8 Fifty. Delta 400 in ID11.

Been scanning my film as linear Raw DNG files so it saves space and Adobe lightroom can process them just like normal DSLR raw file. And I came across this one which I thought may be worth posting.

Taken with a Canon 300x on Kodak Supra 400

They look nice and smooth jg, good depth to them, nice blacks too.
Silverprint don't sell Ektar 100 :(

*edit* I just realised, its colour film...:LOL:

Yes, It is color, but i scanned them to gray scale. The color version is really over saturated, especially the reds. As a color film, I don't like it, but as a black and white I think it is pretty good because of the smooth grain.
Great shot Cherryrig.

One of mine, I took yesterday. ETRSi with Fuji 160s pro film.
Had the film scanned when at the lab, only played with a bit of vibrance and clarity in LR2, frame, resize and sharpen slightly in CS4.

Your ghost towns appear to be remarkably well kept!:LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:
Corfe Castle. Ilford Delta 100 in ID11 @ 100ISO.

I'll attemtpt to get the picture sorted shortly!!!!!!

Picture taken in my hobby days - (15-20 years ago... maybe more)
Camera - probably Olympus OM2? - Film Fuji transparency.
Lighting - Studio flash head with snoot.

I know I was using just one flash head, because I was using my other lighting stand to support the skull and the sacking.

This image was selected for the first Surrey Salon of Creative Photography. Printed on Ilford Cibachrome 16 x 20.
Last edited:
These 2 images were both created before digital imaging was widely available (some time in the late 80's I believe.)
Shot on Fujichrome - Then contacted printed onto lith film. The result was then sandwiched with the original, and offset very slightly. I printed one onto Cibachrome and one on standard colour paper (neg/pos)



One form a recent Flickr meet shot on Provia400

Well, I hope you are ready top be astounded, mesmerized, over-awed and left speechless, at the astounding quality I have managed, on film day 1!!!




All shot on RB67 and Polaroid back :D 125i film.

I was just practicing getting the exposure working. As you can see, I am having some difficulty! :D

I'm astounded, over-awed, mesmerized and speechless! :eek:

Seriously - bodes well for a happy relationship. (y)
Oooh... signs of real progress there Kev! (y) Looks like it was taken through the bottom of a milk bottle though. ;)

They're not exactly pin sharp but then I've read that Provia400 isn't as sharp as Provia100 anyway. Problem being I find ISO100 almost useless for flash work when using flashguns instead of studio flash. Scanning just seems to make them softer.:thumbsdown::thumbsdown:

Kev, that is a fine image!

Thanks JG.
Nice work Gary.

Your pets are far more well behaved when threatened with a camera than mine, they refuse to look at you, stay still and not lick themselves in "delicate" areas

It's a slippery slope you've started down, but it's a fun one :D
That's the most fantastical collection of oof dogs I've ever seen...well done (y)
You're confusing a pack of polaroids with an 8 gig card

ya gonna need a bigger fridge...:LOL:
OK, I have ONE roll of polaroid left, which I will NOT be wasting. My next effort will be the real deal in terms of "trying". As soon as I work out how to load some proper film, I will go out and attempt some real landscapes.

So for now, you can see the rest of my "exposure practice". Still not had to resort to using the digital camera as a light meter. I am not nailign anything, but I feel in terms of light. I am close enough to learn from :D




Hey your eyes may be hurting just now, I promise to make up for it with my next set :D
