Show us yer film shots then!

Opened the back of the case on my roll of ektar 100, thought it was wound back into the canister...
Turns out it really wasn't so bad, the last few were written off and a few burnt edges, but the rest were fine. Phew!

I've now done my first B&W and Colour roll, got a pretty even spread of crap photos and ones that I'm happy with soo far





My first roll back from developers (who also did a fairly rudimentary scan - 6MP) and I have to say, I'm pleased with the results. Not because they are particularly good photos but because it bloomin' well worked! This film lark actually worked! It's almost as if it's technology that people have been relying on for over 100 years or something...


So this is a deliberately "cluttered" shot... because that's what Christmas is like at our house - in fact, that's what it's like all the time. My shooting notes tell me this one was lit with my new strobe bouncing off the ceiling and wall behind me, and I must confess I'm pleased with the catchlights and the way the light has shaped her face. Composition is very central which is just because it is... I know it would work better slightly to the left or right, but hey ho.

Did I say "Wooo!!!" yet, by the way? Is it normal to be this excited about your first roll of film arriving back? So far my hit rate is a lot better than it is for digital at least! Given I messed up half the film so only had 5 shots left!

Izzy ready for Christmas
by pjm1 (Paul), on Flickr
It is perfectly acceptable to go WOOOOO!! And yes, it is usual to be this excited when a film comes back. Just wait until you develop your own then you will get really excited....

The good thing about film is that it is the dark side and the light side and all other shades in between.
No matter how advanced digi cameras get and your hobby is photography then there will always be a place for a film camera.
An amusing story is when my wife who is not a photographer, and not computer minded, and just used a film compact camera for the usual shots about 4 times a year...... well my sons bought her a nice digi compact a few years ago for her birthday and to not use it would be an insult to them, well about 9 months ago she said to me "that she missed the simplicity of her film compact" e.g. of horses for courses.
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Three lilly shots, taken with Rollei RPX25 film in a Mamiya RZ67 and developed in D76.
First time I had used RPX 25 - it's OK but I don't think it offers an advantage over my usual TMax 100 and I have nearly 20 rolls of TMax left so probably won't be using it again for a while.

by Kevin J Allan, on Flickr

by Kevin J Allan, on Flickr

by Kevin J Allan, on Flickr
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Son of a Lady who ran an Agency in Hutton, Brentwood, for budding TV and Stage stars -- she got me to take him as a 1980's 'Punk' style -- not sure if it got him any work though !! I used my PENTAX 6x7 + 200mm f4 SMC Takumar and AGFA CT18 film. Lighting was by Bowens Monolite and some old Braun Hobby heads, in my lounge studio. I found photo in a lot of transparencies sent back by an agency that took over the original one that went broke when the owner died.
Pink Punk by pentaxpete, on Flickr
Son of a Lady who ran an Agency in Hutton, Brentwood, for budding TV and Stage stars -- she got me to take him as a 1980's 'Punk' style -- not sure if it got him any work though !! I used my PENTAX 6x7 + 200mm f4 SMC Takumar and AGFA CT18 film. Lighting was by Bowens Monolite and some old Braun Hobby heads, in my lounge studio. I found photo in a lot of transparencies sent back by an agency that took over the original one that went broke when the owner died.
Pink Punk by pentaxpete, on Flickr
Pete, great shot of some truly terrible hair!
'Happy New Year in FROST ' !! Out with two FTBn bodies with short test films, one AGFA APX 25, one AGFA Scala 200 I saw this written on the wall of our Town Hall in the Frost and got it with the 35mm f3.5 SSC Canon lens on APX 25 which I processed in 'MK35' Formula 1+5 for 7 minds at 20oC -- it was under-developed but scanned well
APX25 01 by pentaxpete, on Flickr
First shot of 2015 eh?.......good to see someone keen! ....i'm still catching up with some stuff from 2013 .......expect to see this years shots from me, next year :)
Both developed in HC110 dilution H, not usually my preferred developer, but I've almost run out of PMK and need to order some.


Nothing great and a bit boring, but from the first successful roll off the Leica on expired Ektar 100.
