Show us yer film shots then!

Same as Arthur said, there's nothing wrong with straghtening it in photos shop, you'd have done the same at the printing stage in a darkroom anyway (if you're into that sort of thing, I know some people don't give a stuff about converging verticals).

I'm usually pretty anal about architecture shots being straight and I'll have a go at it on my machine upstairs. (this laptop can take 5 minutes to load the lens correction suite) It was just a snapshot to finish a roll off before I went home, well two snapshots actually, there was a bus in the way of me being further over to othe left if I recall. I just posted this one straight up as I was impressed with the way the film captured it especially as it's C41 process film and I did it in normal black and white chemistry.
Not posted much recently but here are a couple form Italy, Rally should rescan them as they were scanned when I got them developed and they were fairly low quality resolution. Anyway here goes:

Yashica 124, from inside a Herculanium Villa


Yashica 124 Cafe chairs in La Mortella Gardens


X-Pan early moring across Sorrrento

I plan on adding a hell of a lot of pictures in here over the next few months, just acquired a Mamiya 645 with 3 lenses and shooting my project for uni on it.

Here's a few test shots done so I can see the difference between different films and developers. I have still to scan the negs from the 645 which were developed in PQ developer, these are with the RB67 by the way.

Very good, not sure what the experts say on where to cut off at the legs......maybe 2 could be showing bare feet?
Now I have had chance to look through them these are my favourite from two films I took to Albert Dock.

All taken on Ilford Delta 100 using Nikon F80 & AFS 24-70 f2.8G. Developed in ID11





#2 for me ...(y)

so many ways my eyes are drawn - with the roofs, stairs, even the lamp-posts
#2 for me ...(y)

so many ways my eyes are drawn - with the roofs, stairs, even the lamp-posts


These were literally from my first two self developed films. I have another film on the go now but am now looking forward to doing some prints too. I really like this Ilford film!
Excellent set Darren, they all work for me.

Looks like they've come out well Darren, maybe half a step to the right for the second one so the lamp post didn't clip the edge of the roofline, but as far as the technical side of dev and scan they've come out great :)
Looks like they've come out well Darren, maybe half a step to the right for the second one so the lamp post didn't clip the edge of the roofline, but as far as the technical side of dev and scan they've come out great :)

Thanks...... next step processing to paper :help:
Fantastic Javier, what a brilliant image and what a cheeky beggar.

Playing with my new scanner so please excuse the dust :)

My never scanned in time to submit for the 'double' photo comp


Metal sculpture on guildford riverside:


Safe load my a**e:


comment an crit all welcome, Spot ESII, fuji superia 200 (I think) developed by snappy snaps and scanned by me on Minolta Scan Dual.
A piece from work:


I would like to keep the shallow DOF but get the whole face of the meter in focus, is this where tilt lenses come in??

Really liking some of the pics above. Mine seem to lack contrast, see if this improves with my next film which I will be developing myself :)
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A piece from work:


I would like to keep the shallow DOF but get the whole face of the meter in focus, is this where tilt lenses come in??

Really liking some of the pics above. Mine seem to lack contrast, see if this improves with my next film which I will be developing myself :)

What lens did you use for this picture?

You need a wider lens with a decent apeture i.e. F2 / F1.8 (possibly too much). I use a Nikon 35mm F2 and can get in close i.e. 6"/8" and work back gently; I actually use that lens more than any other.

If you have a 55mm F2 Tak, that should do it.

Oh yeah, you need to get over the whole subject or adjust its positioning.

Hope this helps.
... Mine seem to lack contrast, see if this improves with my next film which I will be developing myself :)

Try a yellow filter for B&W, if you want to bump the contrast a bit. Failing that, there's always CS5 :LOL:
Some cracking pics up here, jgredline's stuff always impresses me and Rolleikin that leaf pic is very simple but just has something about it, excalibur2 that haloween pic is also one of those pics I keep coming back to, it just has some alluring quality about it (could be the subject on the right ;)).

What lens did you use for this picture?

You need a wider lens with a decent apeture i.e. F2 / F1.8 (possibly too much). I use a Nikon 35mm F2 and can get in close i.e. 6"/8" and work back gently; I actually use that lens more than any other.

If you have a 55mm F2 Tak, that should do it.

Oh yeah, you need to get over the whole subject or adjust its positioning.

Hope this helps.

I'm guessing that was the 35mm f3.5, I have a 50mm f1.4 that gives more extreme DOF, but I'm looking to move the focus plain from parallel with the camera to at an angle like the face of that avo meter, I don't want the background to be any more out of focus than it is there. To achieve this I think your in the realms of tilt (and shift) lenses but just wanted peoples advice. I may have to butcher my duff 50mm f1.4 into a lensbaby affair, I have some small CV boots at work :)

Try a yellow filter for B&W, if you want to bump the contrast a bit. Failing that, there's always CS5 :LOL:

I have just buyed a pair of Pentax yellow and orange filters on fleabay to try out. ;)
Another from my Autumn series all shot on 400VC on a Rolleiflex with Rolleinar close-up lens.


BTW Puggie I like your AVO I had one just like it at college in the early 1980's.
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Nikon F90 and Sigma 24-60mm f2.8. Can't remember what film as this was taken about 6 months ago.



Paying with my brand new Epson V500 :) :


Haytor, Dartmoor; Bronica ETRS, expired Fuji Provia 100f


Bovey River, Devon; Bronica ETRS. expired Fuji Provia 100f

Not sure if I've posted this one before; an old neg which I have scanned today on the V500:


Bottom of Becky Falls, Manaton, Devon; Bronica ETRS, Ilford XP2

I'm already loving this scanner :)
MtL3, Super Tak 35mm f3.5 superia 200...and the Tesco print looks better in that the wheat is bright but the clouds are dark and nasty.
Nice one Mr X, I have a few like this, but dijikal, yours is more vibrant.
A piece from work:


I would like to keep the shallow DOF but get the whole face of the meter in focus, is this where tilt lenses come in??

Really liking some of the pics above. Mine seem to lack contrast, see if this improves with my next film which I will be developing myself :)

Yes, from that angle, the only way you will get the face of the meter in focus and the table out of focus is to use a tilt and shift, or it could be done in photoshop. (I think it's always better do it in camera.)
Nice one Mr X, I have a few like this, but dijikal, yours is more vibrant.

A lucky shot in that all the ground visible was in sunshine (or bright light) with the clouds and rain showers coming towards me...erm on a bike with no rain gear :eek:
This a fun shot from the TVS-III - lucky it came out really - was quite late!

I couldn't find the scan so I took a photo of it :p
Anyway its just from a pinhole I made a few weeks ago, this was one of my test shots so do excuse the poor choice of subject I just wanted a quick test, again been one of the first shots it's not my sharpest but I quite like it :)

I'll post the scan when I find it, the colours on this looks wrong :(
