Show us yer film shots then!

I like these, #2 is a fave... something about the softness and the anonymity of the subject...

Chinon Bellami eh? Been chasing one for a while now - nice camera (y)
Thanks Ambermile :) It was actually an accident that the person was in the shot (he was crouching down hidden behind the glass and I pressed the shutter as he stood up!) but it turned out ok.

The Bellami is lovely, my all-the-time carry round camera now, which has replaced a Mju III zoom/XA3 depending on which was loaded at the time.
Nice to see how the colours are changing - you still not done any of that Ekta yet? I just finished the first roll through the Yashica and am trying to decide whether it's worth tetenal-ing it myself or letting Rapture in Norwich do it!
Nice to see how the colours are changing - you still not done any of that Ekta yet? I just finished the first roll through the Yashica and am trying to decide whether it's worth tetenal-ing it myself or letting Rapture in Norwich do it!

Apart from the Perkeo, I've not really got a decent 120 camera anymore (don't really want to try it with the Holgas :shrug:) - couple of days after I ordered the Ekta, my mate popped around to reclaim the Bronica for a while :(

I didn't have a particularly long time to get out and have a wander anyway, so just threw some 100F in the EOS30 with the 17-40L on, and walked my harris out there :LOL: Wasn't really light enough in the woods for what I was trying to shoot, tbh, and a lot of shots were ho-humm, but I was at least pleased that I'd got the developing back somewhere near correct. Like in this shot - not patricularly sharp, not quite how I wanted the composition, but plenty of Velvia blues and Greens :)

Velvia_100F_2010-11-06_007a.jpg by The Big Yin, on Flickr
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Agfa APX 100 @ 100 in Rodinal 1:50 for 14mins

To Anyone Who Will Listen.




Remember Summer


Waiting for Christmas


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Pentax ESII, SMC 50mm f1.4, Adox CHS100-ART.

My submission for the film comp

Friends Honda CRX

A silly big turbo almost in a scooby

Some random Mugenness (make more sense to Honda owners)

Funky little DelSol
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korean friend came to visit.

[First on Provia 400x, others on Ektar. Processed and developed at some cheap, not very good Chinese photo store. helios lens, wide angle lens for the gate shot]
LAST POST.. Sorry ! ; )


provia 400x (scanning was so poor by the local shop)


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thanks guys! the processing and scanning was done by a local store here close to where i am living in China. Their equipment is old so the quality is pretty poor; I can't wait to run these through a high res scanner some time.
Kodak Tri-X 400@400 in Rodinal - 1:50 / 13mins

Fightin' Talk (Sheffield 23/10/10)


Band of Brothers


MP Sounding Off


MP Taking Cover


PS: Much happier with Kodak Tri-X than the Agfa APX 100 when it comes to developing and drying and not curling!
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Alastair - most of those don't look old enough to vote - let alone remember the last Tory government :LOL:

Somewhat scarily, Mr Policeman is staring straight at you :eek:
I took these this past Sunday at my daughters baby shower. I will be a grandpa for the second time and I am so looking forward to it. I am happy to be alive to see two grand kids :)
So these are family and friends.
I used two cams. A Spotmatic SP2 with 35mm Super tak and an ME SUPER with a SAKIR 135F/2.8 that I shot wide open. Film used was Ilford XP-2 and scanned with HP4050

My eldest daughter with baby in the oven

My grandson Adam

My daughter Claire on the right

My daughter Elizabeth in the middle

My son in LAW on the right.

Elizabeth and Adam
Congratulations Javier; indeed it is good to be alive. You have a very nice looking family (those daughters! get ready for the grey hair :( )

Keep 'em coming (pics that is,not kids)

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Here is a picture that I took a couple of weeks ago in Sheffield (outside The Crucible Theatre)

There were two students recording sounds for a uni' project. The other girl asked if I could make sounds with that camera. I said but of course but it will mean taking a picture or two. As you can see, in the bottom left of the shot is the boom mic' cover :)



I am going to ask you guys-n-gals about Agfa APX 100 as I am having a real hard time with it. What is your experience with this fim? Anyone??
A while ago I posted a few frames from my last roll of Kodachrome. Well - this months POTY competition was for Tilt-Shift shots, and one of the images sort of lent it to a Toytown treatment... Some may consider it a foul and fearful sin, but I had to have a play... Can't post the shot in here (and would ask if everyone would refrain from back-linking it too) , as it'll DQ me for the competition, but it's here if you want a quick look...
'snot real tilt though (and not shift at all actually) but it is rather nicely done. For this effect you really do need the right image - I've just this last hour (weirdly enough) been playing online here and there's no shift there either :LOL:

Small world eh? I say that because I was out today with the quarter plate and it too has shift (no tilt) capabilities and I could see no point in it. Apparently, there's nowt tall enough around these here parts to make it worth using :LOL:
'snot real tilt though (and not shift at all actually) but it is rather nicely done. For this effect you really do need the right image - I've just this last hour (weirdly enough) been playing online here and there's no shift there either :LOL:

Small world eh? I say that because I was out today with the quarter plate and it too has shift (no tilt) capabilities and I could see no point in it. Apparently, there's nowt tall enough around these here parts to make it worth using :LOL:

Ah, it's an unashamed fake Arthur, and I admit, it's definitely only faked tilt. I'd quite happily go out there with a hired T/S lens and have a go, but I don't think i'll get the opportunity this month :(
Looks a nice lens - better to make one up yourself though... I'd help out but I seem to be having a bit of an issue with the quarter plate - not to mention spending my spare moments fondling the body of the Contessa and thinking what an excellent feel it has. Pity it's not 35mm...
I wouldn't know where to start to replicate something like the Canon T/S to be honest. They are a lovely bit of kit though - but at £1650 for a lens that I might use a couple of times a year - no thanks... :nono: That's a 24-105 and a 70-200 that'd hardly be off the camera.:shrug:
liam, looop, sam, tks for the comments! i've got a roll from south korea in the shop now, can't wait to see how they turn out.

javier love the feel of those grainy, high-contrast black and white shots. i've got a roll of neopan 1600 ready to be loaded next so hope to get something similar!
OK, here's few from the test roll of Ektacolor Pro 160, developed by Rapture in Norwich in (brand new) Fuji chemicals - first roll through their new processor (y)

Looks like it's a nice camera actually - why on earth I bought the Yashica-Mat as well... whatever, rest of the roll here.




These two stones fascinate me for some reason - I have yet to get a decent pic of them :(
The local shop is struggling to scan 6x9 120 film.. I really must get my own decent scanner.. Latest results with the Ensign Selfix 420 using Fujicolour Pro 400H and a touch of contrast and vibrancy boost in Lightroom..

Click through to Flickr photopages
Very impressed Alastair, I like the tones and colours in both of these. Shame about the mini...

How old is the 420 by the way?

They look rather nice Alastair, Norfolk's so bloody boring!

Thanks Arthur.. a touch of contrast boost to the county as a whole would help sometimes.. :LOL:

But King's Lynn and West Norfolk has a lot to offer, I'm looking forward to applying the slower pace and thought of film to some of the hidden corners I've previously shot with digital.

Very impressed Alastair, I like the tones and colours in both of these. Shame about the mini...

How old is the 420 by the way?

Thanks Andy, the Ensign Selfix 420 dates back to the late 1940's. I think I'm getting hooked on the Ensigns.. there's a charm to the design and they seem to be built like bricks. The brass bodied tropical models look particularly appealing.

Modern life creeps into the frame.. but it's part of the scene. With digital I think there's too much of a natural inclination to brush out the offending item. And whilst I'm not a purist I find the automatic recommendation by magazines and the like to reach for the clone/heal brush is too much an auto-script rather than considered advice.