Show us yer film shots then!

I love that. It could easily be a still from a 1970's police drama if it wasn't for how modern the car is. I actually like how soft it is I think it works well with the mist and the autumnal colours.

Cheers Jakska, you caught my intention. Soft wasn't deliberate but capturing misty grey most certainly was. Had I been digital I'd have had more settings to play with in-camera but I'm still number one novice with film and would then have been working out how to understand what my weston lightmeter tells me.
[/url] Liverpool by Marvin d martian100, on Flickr[/IMG]

A silhouette is a good way to shoot that art work. Nice.

It's a tricky one to shoot. I went on a grey day, and this seemed to work best (but retrogamer's is better in probably every way!):


I think TBY shot this too, probably earlier in this thread.
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Nice work Brian, IMHO, Portra is the best colour print film by far.
I found a roll of 120 Kodak Elitechrome EL400 at the back of a drawer. It expired some time around 2004.

What else to do but try it out? :)

Mamiya M645J with Sekor C 80mm f/2.8.

Expired by cybertect, on Flickr

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My Rollei SL35E 50mm planar lens and Centuria 200Asa.

New Build.


Olympus OM2n with Zuiko 50mm F1.8 and Ilford PanF+ (ASA 50)
Canon 430EXII from above at half power through 24in softbox
Triggered with Yong Nuo RF-602 Poverty Wizards

Developed with Ilfosol S (standard ratios and timings)
Image scanned and processed in Photoshop.

If the mods feel this is unsuitable for the thread, please feel free to remove it (in case anything's showing that shouldn't be) ;)
Very nice Si.

Here's one from today, posted in another thread too!

Olympus OM4T1, 35mm Zuiko @ f11, 1/125 sec, Ultrafine Plus ISO100 film

Sticks and Stone

Decided to post a recent of mine. Not ideal as it was windy but this year it was as good as it got in Winkworth arboretum. Kiev-60 (6C) + 45mm Mir-26B lens shot on Velvia 50.

Some 4x5 Ektar 100 from Hong Kong Island. The first "exposure" was about a minute in before I noticed the film holder was shut

Superb cityscape. The color shift of Ektar does give the image a unique look. Love that lens on the camera.