Show us yer film shots then!

Loafing about Leeds Corn Exchange
Pentax 645N, 45mm FA, Fuji 160H rated at 80ASA


So, after running a couple of rolls of Fomapan through the Mess-Ikonta, I thought I'd give some colour film a try.

Zeiss Mess-Ikonta 524/16 & Kodak Ektar.


FILM - In the glasshouse
by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr


FILM - Hothouse flowers
by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr


FILM - Around Hallowe'en
by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr

Despite Brian's earlier compliment, the second shot may be a little softly-focussed - shooting close subjects handheld at wide apertures with an uncoupled rangefinder is a bit of an acquired skill I reckon. :)
Here's a weird one... I had a great, if early, few hours at West Wittering at the weekend.

This is a frame from a roll of Pan F that I respooled to 620 for my grandad's old Kodak Six-20 Model C. The thing is I can't remember when I did the respooling or how long it was in the fridge before I put it in the camera.
From what I can figure out the mottling has been caused by condensation over time, probably due to keeping it in the fridge for a while.
Definitely a few lessons learned, but that's the fun of shooting film ;)
Finally got round to sending these rolls off to get developed. Very quick turnaround from photo express. Think these are just poundland Kodak 200 shot through an Oly Mju II... although some of them may have been done with the SLR, it's been so long.





Very happy with the results. Thinking of getting the dog one printed as a birthday present to my mam... lots to wrap my head around!
A few from last weekend in the Lake District

Fireworks. Voigtlander R4a, Nokton 35mm f1.4, Kodak Portra 400.
Fireworks-1 by Andy, on Flickr

Misty Coniston Morning. Voigtlander R4a, Nokton 35mm f1.4, Kodak Portra 400.
Coniston-Mist-4 by Andy, on Flickr

Tarn Hows. Mamiya C330f, Mamiya 80mm f2.8, Kodak Portra 400
Tarn-Hows-7 by Andy, on Flickr
Very nice Anthony and welcome aboard the good ship Film Section. :D
Many thanks Andy just getting back into film after a 20 odd year absence to bring up the family and other life related distractions!!!

Welcome back, you've made a wise choice. :D