Daily snorton's 365 project - Calling It A Day I'm Afraid :(

I love four candles :) One of their funniest sketches ever. Nice use of DOF, and stop it with the strobist porn, I've still not clicked the checkout button yet ;)
I love four candles :) One of their funniest sketches ever. Nice use of DOF, and stop it with the strobist porn, I've still not clicked the checkout button yet ;)

Go on Sarah click that checkout button, you know you want to ;);):naughty:

I promise that's the last of the strobist porn...well until I start to use it properly, which was supposed to be tomorrow but the bloomin' model has backed out at the last minute :bang:
So February is here and I'm still standing (ok how many are now singing Elton John :D:D ).....

...and we start the month with a selfie.

Concentration face while editing.

That's really cool :) Love the ghetto lighting :)

I'm sure I'll be clicking that button real soon :D
Fork handles made me chuckle!!.... Funny as....

Portrait... Concentration love it!!

It's nice to get out for a walk and see a bit of blue sky.....
Ace shots Hun
Day 34, and this afternoon was an experimental session in the garden with my strobist gear. Just playing around with different lighting setups, turning daylight into darkness etc, and my poor suffering mother who yet again stepped in as a reluctant model.....

Well, your mum doesn't look too worried about it - you kept the glare of her glasses nicely - this is so difficult to do (y)
Your last 2 are nice Simon, especially the sp of yourself.
Like the processing and idea behind your self portrait....

#34, well done to your mum for agreeing to be the guinea pig, I don't think the low light position works though if I am honest, would be interested in the light setup etc and your reasoning behind it.
I really like the idea behind 33, I would just like to have seen a little more of the path in frame :thinking: nice work on today, I take it that you went for a little rear lighting as well as some front (y) always good to experiment
Well, your mum doesn't look too worried about it - you kept the glare of her glasses nicely - this is so difficult to do (y)

Thank you

Nice to see a Happy Model !!

Hehehe you should've seen some of the other shots ;)

Awwwwww lovely!!

Thanks hun

Your last 2 are nice Simon, especially the sp of yourself.

Thanks Phil.

Like the processing and idea behind your self portrait....

#34, well done to your mum for agreeing to be the guinea pig, I don't think the low light position works though if I am honest, would be interested in the light setup etc and your reasoning behind it.

No real reasoning behind it, as mentioned in the description it was more of an experimental with different light positions. It was lit using 2 speedlights, one at the front shot through umbrella, 2nd behind mothers head with a rogue flash bender.

I really like the idea behind 33, I would just like to have seen a little more of the path in frame :thinking: nice work on today, I take it that you went for a little rear lighting as well as some front (y) always good to experiment

Yep spot on, it was good to experiment and something I've not really had the time to do before.
Today was last day of my long weekend off, back to the grind tomorrow :crying::crying:.

Still a very productive day, clear out of some rubbish, blood, bruises & swearing while putting up a blind.....blooming hate diy!!!!

After all that, time to knock up something tasty in the kitchen....beef stir fry in hoi sin & garlic sauce with singapore noodles..

I seem to have neglected you recently - sorry about that! :D I like your trees, with just a smidgeon of path there, your Mum looks lovely (and happier than you!:LOL:) and that food? Oh, god, I could just eat that right now! :D
I seem to have neglected you recently - sorry about that! :D I like your trees, with just a smidgeon of path there, your Mum looks lovely (and happier than you!:LOL:) and that food? Oh, god, I could just eat that right now! :D

Lol no worries Sam, I'm still struggling to keep up with the 365's at the moment. Hehehe mum calls me Victor Meldrew as she say I'm always moaning :eek::eek:.
That stir fry was lush I'll tell ya...maybe I should open a takeaway :D
So Day 36 arrives, after a massive 3 hours kip (no thanks to howling winds, thunder, lightning, sleet and snow) :shake::shake:, and a 8 hour day at work, it's down to relying on a normal day to day life shot instead of something taken that's technically good. So went to see my gorgeous little nephew at teatime, who at just over 2 years old knows his way round mother's iphone 4...


..and this taken shortly before the little @@!!!££$$$&&& had a paddy for no apparent reason.
..and this taken shortly before the little @@!!!££$$$&&& had a paddy for no apparent reason.

Well, that's actually in :rules: all part of the job :LOL:

He is a cutie and looks deep in concentration there :)
He's cute!.... i won't let me Rat anywhere near my iphone as he used to have a habit of hiding things......... down the toilet!!:eek:
Ah, I have a nephew like that too. He can lift any phone and go through all the menus until he finds Angry Birds!
God only knows how much that couple of minutes on the 'phone could have cost his Mum...hey, new app thing, that looks good and it comes with 5000 lives for only £399! :LOL:

I love that look of concentration kids get and you captured it well :)
Well, that's actually in :rules: all part of the job :LOL:

He is a cutie and looks deep in concentration there :)

Hahaha you wouldn't have called him a cutie if you'd have seen his strop last night :eek:

Ah snorton you are from Dukky. I'm from Bridge. Before Vegas got it's claws on it!

Great project and photographs by the way.

Cheers fella, Stalyvegas eh??? Was gonna say if ya ever wanted a tog buddy, but I see you're in't t'Yorkshire now :D

He's cute!.... i won't let me Rat anywhere near my iphone as he used to have a habit of hiding things......... down the toilet!!:eek:

Oooooo eck, iphone's and loos do not go hun :D

Ah, I have a nephew like that too. He can lift any phone and go through all the menus until he finds Angry Birds!

I used to find Angry Birds soooo addictive...until I found Darts Night for the iphone (y)

God only knows how much that couple of minutes on the 'phone could have cost his Mum...hey, new app thing, that looks good and it comes with 5000 lives for only £399! :LOL:

I love that look of concentration kids get and you captured it well :)

Cheers for that (y)
Just a quick visit tonight...and a valuable lesson learned today.

So half 5 start at work this morning, and one of the first to take out brand new buses out of the depot (still got that new car smell inside em :D:D). Got to terminus and took a shot with iphone, and thank god I did.

After work this avo, I should've been in the wonderful setting of Castlefield in Manchester doing a model shoot. Now I turned up in Castlefield, and waited, and waited, and waited, just a $$&&&!!!£££ shame she didn't :annoyed::annoyed::annoyed: :shake::shake::shake:.

Even more annoyed due to the fact that had she text to say she wasn't turning up I could've gone home from work and out with the camera instead of lugging strobist gear all over the bloomin' place.....

....rant over.

Hence why today's shot is a boring 'day in my life' shot, instead of some really nice model with some ace lighting etc...

So lesson learned....always take a shot with phone to use, just in case, even if it makes you look like a bus anorak :D

Ooooh wifi bus - we don't have anything so posh as that here :LOL:

Damn shame about the model, did you book her through an agency?