So, what have you hidden this week?

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Hi guys - when I first visited this forum I hadn't realised how often new gear was hidden from partners… so what purchases have you hidden this week? I can't - it's all on the bookcase in the living room - and I am lucky too, I don't have to! :clap: Have a great weekend….
I don't have to hide anything from her. I buy what I want with my money. She's got her hoover, marigolds and dusters so she's happy;)
I don't have to hide anything from her. I buy what I want with my money. She's got her hoover, marigolds and dusters so she's happy;)

:plus1: , Although that's tempered with her shoes (yes, I let her out!!!), handbags and whatever else she wants. I have my toys, she has hers. As long as the bills get paid, we're free to enjoy what we have - no kids!!!
The concept of hiding things left our relationship a good number of years ago. We have our own money, we spend it as we please.

Does not actively discussing stuff count? Because I did buy a 20-35mm recently... Although big purchases get discussed anyway mainly because Mrs L is a great sounding board for when my male logic is proving me to be a bit of a plank.
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I don't hide my 'gear' either. There's not much gear to hide since I am retired and living on a fixed income. Owning seven cameras wouldn't be considered very much gear, would it? Each little darling is very different than the others. All are p & s cameras. These are the only type that is really useful for the sort of photography I do; candid photography and street portraits, the no permission asked variety.:clap:
It would seem quite a few! When I mentioned this to my partner, the comment was 'they will be doing the same with bags and shoes'! :)
Why would you be with someone who you felt you had to lie to? Or more to the point, why would they be with you?

Sounds s*** to be honest.
NEVER hide anything - built the business as a team, we work as a team and buy what's needed as a team

Maybe I am old fashioned but I thought that marriage was working together and not hiding anything from each other even if we were not running a business :thinking:
Hi guys - when I first visited this forum I hadn't realised how often new gear was hidden from partners… so what purchases have you hidden this week? I can't - it's all on the bookcase in the living room - and I am lucky too, I don't have to! :clap: Have a great weekend….

I hide nothing. If I had to hide things from my partner, I'd be questioning whether I'm in the right relationship. Things are discussed and mutually agreed.
I hide nothing. If I had to hide things from my partner, I'd be questioning whether I'm in the right relationship. Things are discussed and mutually agreed.
Yep - with you on that notion… my partner really likes my hobby [obsession] handy for presents for friends and family and stuff for the walls…
I never need to hide anything and to be honest if i felt i needed to it would cause me to question the relationship.
every penny that comes into our house is put in the pot (bank account ) bills are paid, kids are fed and clothed and treated, we have the weekly family day out somewhere nice, once a month somewhere more expensive i.e theme park or zoo etc

after that we buy anything needed in the house then we see whats left to buy what we want.
We dont have our own money we just have our money.

although i did try to hide how drunk i was on my stag night, but this was soon discovered after id gone backwords down the stairs and ended up wedged in the shoe stand.
I have no need to hide anything from the wife, she is quite understanding and all the bills get paid every month.
Normally I will mentioning to the wife either I'm thinking about, or have bought whatever it may be. Although with more expensive purchases I tend to do a sense check and discuss it with her first as she will have some valid points against my logic :rolleyes:

Although I earn every penny that comes into our house, It is our money.
If I want something then I'll buy it, on the same token she is free to buy what she wants too (Although typically she'll ask first, and it's very rare I'll say no)

This way keeps us both happy :) and prevents any arguments etc.

As has been said a number of times above, if you are having to hide your purchases from the partner then there is something wrong somewhere.
The only purchases I hide are Xmas / Birthday and Surprise presents.

Happy purchasing :cool:
I usually use the wife as a sounding board for my plans, especially the expensive items, but she nearly always backs me anyway. As long as the bills are paid, the kids are fed (and us) and we're warm enough and have the money in the bank then it's no problems. I wouldn't dream of hiding anything from her as she has her own camera and lenses and knows everything I've got anyway, not that it would make any difference anyway.
I've never quite understood the need that some people have to hide stuff from their partners. It's not something I have ever done.
I used to find it easier to beg forgiveness rather than ask permission.


However I tend to buy stuff now and it's all ok!
I don`t hide a damned thing from my wife, we discuss things and she gives me her opinion, if it is similar to mine we go ahead, if not, then I take heed and have a rethink.

I certainly would not spend on a new camera without discussing it with her.

I cannot envisage being any other way with each other to be honest.
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Why would you be with someone who you felt you had to lie to? Or more to the point, why would they be with you?

Sounds tummymud to be honest.
i think the question was a little "tongue in cheek" not meant as a serious question cheers Mike.
Ha. SWMBO saw money out of the joint account for camera stuff. Just explained what/who/why. All fine!!
Ha ha... every time I have a wander round Oxfam on my lunch break and find another bargain film camera for my collection I have to sneak it into the house and hide it away in the cupboard. It's not happened yet, but at some point she's going to open the cupboard door and get buried beneath a pile of retro camera bodies. That'll be fun :)
I'm genuinely baffled why some people need to hide things from their wives or husbands. I had a friend like this once. He worked all the hours available while his wife stayed at home all day, then he handed over all his money, and had to hide his own in case she objected to him buying something for himself. I'd tell her to get off her fat arse and get a ****ing job if she wanted more money.