Sometimes works sucks.......

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Bit of a whinge so forgive me.

I'd also be interested to know what you would've done in my situation.....

I don't know if any of you are aware of a very posh estate agents that begin with S and sounds like a man called jim who used to 'fix it for you'. They've never used our services before and so Imagine my excitement/terror when I was given our first job for them. If we do this well, we could possibly land a good contract and most of the work would go to me. Kerrrching!

Now imagine my disappointment when I woke up this morning, full of drive and enthusiasm and nerves but determined to do a damn good job. I arrived at the property only to find the wretched thing wasn't finished yet! ARGH!!!! There's no f'in windows!!!!!!!!!!!!! Quick phone call to our office.....

'Do you want me to do this still? the shot's are gonna be gash?'

'Hang on a minute, we'll call the agents.....'

30 minutes later.....

'yeah, they still want the shots done!'

oh ****.

Then to put the boot in, the sun dissappeared completely.

I really did feel like going and having a little cry in my car!

I'll post some of the better shots when I have resized them......
Ah man, sounds like a spot of bad luck. To be fair, if they complain about certain aspects, its not your problem. You were sent there to get some nice pictures and if theres no windows then tough shoite.





All in the game for a working tog. :LOL:

Seriously Spencer it does suck, but I'm sure you've done as good a job as anyone would have done under the circumstances. ;)
Cracking job mate - you've more than done it justice! Looks like a fairly decent pad ;)
I was left with a distinct sense of unsatisfaction though. Especially after I met the architect of the development as I was leaving. Just the look on his face when he saw the images was enough for me, especially as he was an absolutley lovely person and obviously very proud and passionate about what he does.

I've agreed to go back twice in the next couple of day to get some shots, I felt that bad lol. It's only 8 miles from where I live so not too painful. Am I being a sap?

I'm gonna go for the golden hours I think.....

P.s. I know the windows are blown, before anybody gets smart ;)
I'd have done just what you did by the way Spencer - query the job with the customer and make them aware of the situation. Once they say "Carry on" then that's what you have to do.
Cheers guys. I'm still feeling slightly wobbly on this one, I'll let you know what the agents/work think tommoz once they've seen them. Fingers crossed.

I wont tell you about the penthouse in Bristol I did after. Photo's fine. Drawing a floorplan for a flat that's built on a curve with not a 90degree corner in the place was not very much fun either.

Still, tommorrows another day and I'm sure I'm imagining it's worse than it is!
I thought the shots were pretty good.. very good infact. If the rest are of a similar standard IMO you have nothing to feel bad about at all.
Is this the Bath branch?

They are a right fickle bunch and have been through more photographers than I've been able to keep count of in the last year.

I can tell you that they do like clean frame edges. On the internals you posted, in no.2 the cupboards and draws are cut when there was room to move the frame a little to the left without compromising the other edge. In no.3 the front door is cut when the frame looks like it could have moved to the right a tad.

I'm not just being picky but I know them pretty well and hence what they like. Not that I should really be telling you any of this. ;) :LOL:

Doing a job for them tomorrow morning. I know one of them will be comming down but will it be an oily bloke or one of the lovely young ladies? The suspense is killing me. :D
Tis indeed the Bath branch,

Thanks for heads up, gonna go back through my selection now with a fine tooth comb! You could end up doing this one if they don't like my stuff lol!

Ah, the lovely estate agent ladies. Always a tonic to a bad day ;)

P.s. Now I'm REALLY worried lol!
Now I'm REALLY worried lol!

Don't be daft, you're a seasoned pro. Just stick to the three basics and let your creativity do the rest.

Use your spirit levels, check the frame edges, tell the story of the room.
Nice pad! The room in pic 5 wouldn't make a bad studio.
I'd have done just what you did by the way Spencer - query the job with the customer and make them aware of the situation. Once they say "Carry on" then that's what you have to do.
what he said...get in, do the job to spec. and then get out. the client can't complain if you double check with them can they really...
Looks great, in fact the blown windows do you a favour as its harder to see there are no windows!
I'm sold mate? much? :)

Seriously though it's always possible to fake sunny day skies and colours in PS for the outside shots. Use skies from other shots then boost the contrast and warm the colours? Only a thought :shrug:

These people ain't photographers they ain't gonna pick faults in the pics. All you pics need to do is make it look nice.
Well I don't think your shots so far are bad at all... They made me want to buy one :eek:

Keep your chin up, I'm sure you will get the perfect light next time you go back :love:
Gandhi, I havent been here much last few days, entertaining a guest from overseas [so about 1000 images to process so far and still adding :help: ] but a quick flick onto the front page and I saw this and i had to comment, you were so helpful to me the other week.

Blown windows - In my very humble opinion [well ok, uneducated opinion] that was the only way you get it to look like there were possibly windows there.

The rest are very persuasively 'elegant' - yes, if they like clean edges, maybe go through them again, but personally I think they are fantastic!! You have done the best job possible in the circs (y)
This thread is like one of those property programs on TV.

You get to nose around someones house.... now we just need to know the price ;)

Nice job on the pictures - to my untrained non picky estate agent eye.
Nice photos of what looks like a nice property. Well done :clap:

However, why have they done the internal outfitting before the place is weather-sealed? Surely that's asking for trouble, especially given the current weather conditions! (I've been watching too much Grand Designs I think.
Well Done Ghandi.... under the circumstances. Not an easy take... I think I might've deliberately 'blown' the window highlights just to lose the detail anyway. Digital photography has done you a favour.... Serendipity....I love that word! :clap:

I might be tempted to 'lose' the window label in the penultimate shot though.

Offering to go back on a better day is something I would've done too. Makes us a couple of softies? Nah, don't think so! :) Professional is the word I'd use. (y)

Thinking about it.... the only way to improve the whole situation is to do it over two completely different days. Good blue skies and fluffy, Simpsonesque clouds for the externals and (if I had a choice) twilight for the internals. Given my ultimate preferences in an unreal world. Con't have it all ways though. :(
Offering to go back on a better day is something I would've done too.

Offering is neither here nor there sadly, it will be demanded and you'll get no thanks for it either. :LOL:

The real joy of working for estate agents is that as a group of people that are often looked down on and talked down to by everyone that they deal with, they are more than happy to pass on the feeling to the few people that they have power over.

Still, it's all good fun and this particular branch have had to market stuff that's far less ready than that one before. If the vendor wants it on the market, they don't have alot of choice but to get the snapper in there ASAP.