Spotted a togger ?

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Have you noticed how 'Brucies' ID badge looks nothing like him or was taken 30 years earlier.
spotted this lady with her 2nd tog in Holland.

Spotted at Howletts Wild Animal Park in Kent on 3rd of May


This guy had a nice Leica.


She was with me ;)



ROFL at the flash as the object was quite far away :)
Spotted these in Birmingham today.

The guy with the Nikon was getting the Big Issue seller to pose for a shot.


"Owwwww - You're hurting my arm!!"


"Excellent, Just right - Now hold it there a moment - I'll ring for an ambulance as soon as I've got the shot!"
One of my mates learning the ropes :)

well, you aint spotted me, but you have spotted my camera :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:

well, not THE SAME! model. but the same model.

confusing, I know.
The female is a press tog the guy a member here, Scunthorpe 5 May 2009.

The female is a press tog the guy a member here, Scunthorpe 5 May 2009.

Think the female is one of the Scunny Telegraph togs, I've dealt with her when she's done a couple of rugby games in the past, she's quite nice really.

Never found out her name though. :(
Spotted this fella at Groombridge Place last Sunday.

One of ours?
Spotted at Twycross Zoo, Sunday.

This was at the meerkat enclosure.

Not sure where this was, meerkat's again I think

At the elephant's
The female is a press tog the guy a member here, Scunthorpe 5 May 2009.

anyone know if shes actually from scunthorpe? i dont recognise her but its such a small place i really should (hometown), havent lived there for 3 years ***
From Oulton Park BSB races couple of years ago.


He had a fancy waist belt thing, similar to the sports fisherman. The monopod sat on the belt rather than going down to the ground.
I put one like this in the "stranger in the street" but now realise it was in the wrong section........this is a much better place.

i think the other one is the f4 which is much smaller than the f2.8

But the hood doesn't look right for the 70-200 f2.8 so i'm guessing it's not one anyway :D
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