State Pension Payments

That didn't work so well for people needing financial assistance during the pandemic.

no it didn't but from a financial planning perspective long term it is the way to go if you are a company director.
I did furlough myself during the pandemic for 6 months and yes i got 80% from Rishi, i think it was £526/month but hey ho.
All pension is taxable (excluding your yearly allowance) but you don't pay any NI on pension.
All pension is taxable (excluding your yearly allowance) but you don't pay any NI on pension.
Hence the newest proposal from the Government is to raise NI - over 65s even if still working won't pay a penny, higher earners will be impacted less (proportionally) than lower earners.

Hard to guess which demographics have a higher proportion supporting the Conservative party...
Hi all,

I sent of the documents to claim my state pension, and in return I received a letter telling me how much, and it also says I will get £X' pounds on the 12th January 2022, and every 4 weeks after that.

Does that mean I'll get my pension payment 13 times per year?

Many thanks

Yes state pension is Normally four weekly directly into your account. If you also have a company or private pension that will be paid per calendar month.

Some pensioners used to collect it weekly from the post office, but this is now rare.
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if things haven't changed in the last couple of years, you can choose to recieve your state pension your bank account, If you do nothing, it will be paid 4 weekly