Steam Punk Models

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Hi everyone,

Do any of you know any good sites or ways to find good steam punk models?

For example, when I have wanted to shoot some fashion or something in the past, I would go to sites such as purestorm (this was about 3 years ago when I last shot a model, photographically speaking)

If anyone is able to give me some assistance that would be fantastic.

Many thanks
An aside, I hate MM now days - a few very good models amongst a sea of mistakes and low (or no) self esteem
Brass Goggles.
F.i.i.k either :eek::eek:
An aside, I hate MM now days - a few very good models amongst a sea of mistakes and low (or no) self esteem

It is the *only* place I have found models in the last five or six years to be honest.

But then I look for guys and there are far less of them to trawl through to find the gems.
Thanks so much for the feedback from everyone. Sorry I am a bit late in coming back to this thread!

Have a great weekend everyone :)
Steam Punk is fab-u-las darling... Get your self to Whitby Goth weekend. 2 times a year now. you will find lots of folk willing to pose.. Even the odd vampire...

But please don't be a prat about it. Every year there's a longer-than-last-year list circulating of rude photographer at the Whitby weekend.
What are you on about fella??? Lots of steam punk at the Whitby weekend.

Daryl, that wasn't directed at you.. but whilst there are a lot of folk willing to pose there's a lot just there to socialise. It's a reminder that the Whitby weekend is about the Goths/Steampunks/etc. not the guys with cameras, and a bit of courtesy goes a long way if you're using it as a photo opportunity but don't participate in the event itself. It usually only takes a couple of hours before the Facebook lists are circulating reporting where the rudest photographers are to be found. Every year BG has a very long thread on the encounters that give photographers a bad name.
I know many steam punks in Leeds who would probably do some modelling. Shoot me a PM with some details and I'll try and hook you up.