SWPP Trade Show 2013

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anyone thinking of going in Jan?

I usually go to these but now they have moved it into Edware road i can be arsed with getting the tube etc.

When it was in Hammersmith you could drive in and Park at the Apollo theatre.

beats me why it has to be in London the centre of nowhere.

Mid Country would be far better surely?

Just miffed about having to trek into Centre.
agree - not having a sensible parking nearby makes it a no go for me
Contemplating, depending on the day = as I have a competing event (FA Trophy 3rd round match)..

I agree about the location, it's a pain for me as it was a short trip down the District line before. It's a good event, plenty of different things to see but I was never keen on the Novotel, 3 floors to get around. lamenting the fact there'll be no Jacobs there this year.
Agree big Dazzer! I used to get a lift to the show off my mate. That aint gonna happen now!

I think it will have to be Focus for me!

I'm going. Is the convention (8th to 14th) just for members, or for all? I assume I'm going to the trade show (11th - 13th).
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Great meeting you Richard - excellent guy and well worth the trip. This is what forums should be all about (IMO), meeting and talking to people who love to share information and knowledge / experience, even if it was at a trade convention.
So did anyone go today and pick up a deal anything? How about the 5DIII what sort of price were they on offer for? I am thinking of picking one up at Focus but with Jacobs no longer about I'm not sure the prices will be as keen. Cheapest online now about £2300.
Great meeting you Richard - excellent guy and well worth the trip. This is what forums should be all about (IMO), meeting and talking to people who love to share information and knowledge / experience, even if it was at a trade convention.

Thanks Dilip, it was really good to meet you.

Apart from our interesting chat, I also followed up your recommendation and made a visit to the Photostories stand. I spoke to Tony Holmes and I was very impressed with him and their wide range of Photostories goodies, in particular their mini Folios, Books and Fold-outs.

No doubt we will meet up again in the future, Dilip. Stay in touch.

If anyone else is interested in Photostories, their website is ....
London > anywhere else. If it were in the midlands no one would turn up.
Of course it will be in london, no one would moan about a convention in Paris, New York or Tokyo. Imagine if it were in the sticks in America or France or Japan it would daft.
Same for uk.
I have been to SWPP every day from the 10th (Members Day) and have been going to various masterclasses some of which have been incredibly beneficial. I'm going to last day which is a full day's talk on lighting with Jerry Ghionis, really looking forward to it (y) I have only ever been once before (2012) and I didn't go to see any masterclasses, didn't even think about it. I just went to the trade show and had a good look around.

If any of you went around the Trade Show, you may have seen my image blown up large on the Professional Photographer Magazine stand! :)