Tee hee.. I've just ordered a mega PC...

5GHz club anyone?
No.. some eedjit keeps me busy replying in this thread :p :D
Even if you could buy a mac for £500 I'd still have a PC.

Ach..I'm only joking with you.......

Although I must admit having converted to Macs a few years ago there is no way I would go back to Windows for my day to day machine. Although i do use VMWare for Mathcad and other engineering software not yet on the mac.
I just ran that. Took 26 seconds. I've no idea where this stands speed wise, but I hope my GPU upgrade will improve matters.
Not convinced it will. Not sure what GPU acceleration PS usess, but I turned my GPU acceleration off and on and reran the test and it was exactly the same speed. Either it is pure chance I have the same speed or that benchmark doesn't accelerate via the GPU...
I just ran that. Took 26 seconds. I've no idea where this stands speed wise, but I hope my GPU upgrade will improve matters.

66 seconds, eat your hearts out!;)

I think I will have to upgrade one stick of RAM from 333 to 400MHz to match the other three!
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Not even going to try .......4 year old laptop would probably self destruct
once you go twin screens you dont go back, much easier workflow with multiple items open.

i feel like one of my arms has been chopped off if i use 1 screen now.

I would rather have 2x 24" screens than a single 24" screen but there is no way I would prefer it to 1x 27" with a better dot pitch and far better resolution.

I would choose to sacrifice some combined resolution for the pure convenience factor of not having a hard division down the centre of my workspace.

An example of this was that my workplace used to have a standard workstation configuration of 2x 17" @ 1280x1024 giving a combined workspace of 2560x1024.

They started rolling out a new config of 1x 24" @ 1920x1200 and I was a bit reluctant about this as it meant loosing some combined horizontal workspace.

Eventually I asked to be changed to the new config and now much prefer it and if I ever have to use someone's workstation on the old dual screen config I don't like it at all.
Sorry, I had some alcohol to drink and problems with the bios. BTW, you can't run the i7 passive on the Ninja - at least not in a "normal" enclosure.

Anyone interested in the PS benchmark?

10 seconds at stock... ;) :D
What card do you have?
Passive 9500GT. I don't game and the 10s benchmark above was with an old passive 8400 I have lying around....

The old machine will be recycled (using the 8400) as a htpc running MythTV & xbmc...

I was thinking about a passive 430 but not convinced it would be worth it. My WPI scores are 7.6 CPU/memory 7.7 HDD and 4.5/5.4 on the graphics at the moment...

Anyone know what PS uses GPU acceleration for?
They started rolling out a new config of 1x 24" @ 1920x1200 and I was a bit reluctant about this as it meant loosing some combined horizontal workspace.

Eventually I asked to be changed to the new config and now much prefer it and if I ever have to use someone's workstation on the old dual screen config I don't like it at all.
Now that's interesting. I like having the vertical separation - it means I can dedicate one monitor to an application and fullscreen stuff on that whilst still having the second monitor to do other stuff, or use dual screen support in LR or create a new window in PS and see the pic. at high resolution on one screen whilst I have an overview window on the second....

If your workflow is heavily based around a single use window, one larger screen would be better.
Mine took 76 seconds......not sure if that is good or bad for my machine.
Maybe, but that's only if I can find a bios that'll actually overclock the CPU...
Sub 10 seconds now, may even be sub 9 but I don't have a proper stopwatch available... Seems to overclock to 4.2G quite easily without changing the core voltage. Took me a while to figure out that you actually up the max turbo speed on the processor, not the clock multiplier for the CPU. Doh <facepalm>
Interesting the way I used to do it was to reduce the fsb then up the multiplier until it crashed then raise the fsb again in stages until it crashed, then raise the voltage a tad.

That was some time ago on an old Athlon 1400...
Intel have moved all the clockgen on chip now so you only have 2 things to fiddle with bclk which drives everything (CPU/PCI/peripherals) so you can't move that much as it makes everything unstable if you do and the CPU multiplier. Now I've got the tedious task of setting up all the apps on the new PC :-s
Just finished my new system.

Intel I5 2500K
Asus P8P67 mobo
Akasa Venom cooler
8 Gig Corsair 3 (1600MHz)
ATI Radeon HD4870
1 TB Hard Disc Drive


The Venom cooler is a monster

Nice build. That board seems to be about the best value board.

I now have 4 computers in a 10' x 10' office and still the loudest one is my works laptop!!
Intel have moved all the clockgen on chip now so you only have 2 things to fiddle with bclk which drives everything (CPU/PCI/peripherals) so you can't move that much as it makes everything unstable if you do and the CPU multiplier. Now I've got the tedious task of setting up all the apps on the new PC :-s

ah i see.. handy..

hows it all settling in?
Getting there - just a few more apps then I'm done :) Had to change the cases over which took a good few hours yesterday as I tidied everything up...

Now rock solid at 4.3GHz - I've run fprime for an hour and maxed out at 74 deg. with the CPU fan throttled back so it's not too loud. Infrastructure all back up and running. Now looking at the Photoshop performance optimisations and trying to tune that for the sorts of images I run. I'm just trying some different filters and for most of the blurs, I get all 8 cores running flat out @ 4.3GHz :D

May well do a post with some screenshots of the CPU meters to give people an idea once I've had a chance to settle everything down.
Just for all you computer pr0n addicts:


and what drives it...

and finally how many cores!! (the clock shows 1600MHz as intel step the clock down to conserve power if the CPU is idle - it did fly pretty quick processing these images though ;))

Thanks guys... :D

Helps if you have a case that you can hide the cabling behind the mobo board tho :D - that's an Antec P182. Pricey, but well worth it if you're ever likely to open the PC up again (which I do fairly regularly...) IMHO. Also pretty quiet - it has 5 fans in it too yet it's still quieter than my works laptop sat just out of shot next to the right speaker....
I have a 182 too but had trouble fittng the cables behind the mobo. Then again I don't have any patience and just jammed it all in there! Perhaps when I upgrade I will try harder. Have decided to wait for the new generation of SSD's beofre taking the plunge.
Now you just need one of those Bose speaker sets to finish it off :)
Looks very good... When I need a custom PC like this building in the next year or so I'll perhaps drop you a PM if that's OK.
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Now you just need one of those Bose speaker sets to finish it off :)
Looks very good... When I need a custom PC like this building in the next year or so I'll perhaps drop you a PM if that's OK.
Bose :thinking:

This is where we do all our movie watching/music listening (that's a 50" TV between those speakers ;) :D)
