Daily Tezz 365 Challenge I must be mad!!

The water in the glass is really good. Love the suspended drops. I do agree that a slightly brighter background might help it though.

That snow shot is nice too, quite like the branches in the tree :)
Thank you all for all your feedback, comments and suggestions :)

well here is today's offering ... a variation on a theme :)

Displacement by Tezz 5D2, on Flickr
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Mmmm are these "travelling" jelly babies ;)

they could be ...might see some more of them later in the 365

Found some Jelly baby groups on flickr, :LOL::LOL::LOL: i think there must be a flickr group for just about everything
I'm going to have to get myself some lego! looks like fun Tezz.
Just catching up, the glass and liquid work really well, you've captured the flow and the bubbles in the glass, but as others have said, I think it would have more of a sparkle if it was a bit brighter. Snow shot is good, think we've all had some inspiration from it this week. Like the jely babies as well, good idea & nicely executed, again I'd like just a tad more exposure to brighten overal.
Thank you everyone for all your constructive feedback and comments so far :)

Well lots more snow today so ventured further than my local park and headed into the capital to take some images. Hyde Park was my port of call and managed to get to see the Wildlife Photographer of the Year Exhibition held at the Natural History Museum.

I like doing street portraiture, but only if I have my long (sniper) lens attached to the camera. I used my 70-200 today and walked through Hyde Park, past the Serpentine and along to Exhibition Road, snapping the mad fools, who like me, were out in the snow :)

This is my favourite Street Portraiture Shot from today (and look NO LEGO!!)

Man in the Snow by Tezz 5D2, on Flickr
Playing catch up too. Like the idea of the glass shot but definitely needs a brighter bg to make the shot pop. You're snowy scene is just lovely too and liking the jelly babies too (y)
Love it Tezz .... and like the idea of just walking but with a zoom lens like that :D Don't feel comfortable taking photos of people up close but with the zoom it would work for me :) Thanks for the idea :clap:
Love your snow shot, he has a very characterful face and it is evident how much it was snowing. I like this a lot.
That's a fantastic street shot, and now we know where Father Christmas lives the other 364 days of the year! Love the idea of your sniper lens!
Thank you for all your comments re yesterdays upload, I think its my favourite image so far of my 365 ;)

Well I have finally convinced myself to do a SP ... the other half came up with the suggestion of doing a tryptic ... Admittedly, he had to help me create a canvas etc, but I took the images :)

Brace yourselves :)

Introducing .... Tezz101 Intrepid Photographer by Tezz 5D2, on Flickr
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hahahahaha great SP :LOL: Love your office :D
Excellent, Tezz! Fab set, although you don't look quite as I imagined - you are shorter than I thought you would be! :D
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Love yesterdays Tezz, he has so much character. Well caught.
Todays is a bit unusual but nice.
Gotta love Lego people :D Seriously though I really like the man in the snow (y). Be brave though - you cant do street with telephoto that's more paparazzi :nono:
Great street shot - I'm not brave enough to try that sort of photography yet!

The lego triptych is fun! I like your office!
I love your street candid, really captures the struggle against the snow! Representing yourself in lego is also a brilliant idea. Really nice bright images too!
Like the lego, but the shot in the middle kind of takes over a bit for me. LOVE the shot of the man in the snow! What an excellent shot!
hahahahaha great SP :LOL: Love your office :D

Lovely today's shot Terri very good indeed !

Excellent, Tezz! Fab set, although you don't look quite as I imagined - you are shorter than I thought you would be! :D

Excellent, wish my office was as tidy as yours ;)

Love yesterdays Tezz, he has so much character. Well caught.
Todays is a bit unusual but nice.

Man in the snow is a great shot!! Great eye contact!

That really is a corker of a street shot (y) wonderful :clap: :clap: :clap: and todays works well for me too (y)

Great street shot - I'm not brave enough to try that sort of photography yet!

The lego triptych is fun! I like your office!

I love your street candid, really captures the struggle against the snow! Representing yourself in lego is also a brilliant idea. Really nice bright images too!

The portrait is awesome! I've never fancied taking photos of strangers, I feel like they'll get annoyed :LOL: Good old lego for yesterday (y)

I really like the street candid & am going to have to try it this year and not be a coward about getting the camera out & shooting people.
Love yesterdays lego SP as well.

Like the lego, but the shot in the middle kind of takes over a bit for me. LOVE the shot of the man in the snow! What an excellent shot!

Thank you all, your comments are much appreciated :D
Gotta love Lego people :D Seriously though I really like the man in the snow (y). Be brave though - you cant do street with telephoto that's more paparazzi :nono:

Thank you for the coments re the Lego and the Man in the Snow

I understand what you are saying, but i disagree, street portraiture is fun, uaing the telephoto (in this case 70-200mm) means you can get close but without losing the essence of the shot or expression or whatever ... it may be similar to paparazzi, but i see them more as candids .. which they are :)
Todays image was taken on my walk to work, I decided it wasnt worth the drive, as its only about 30 mins walk door to door ... I took this image with the P&S

The Walk to Work by Tezz 5D2, on Flickr
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