The Amazing Sony A1/A7/A9/APS-C & Anything else welcome Mega Thread!

Right am out trying the big stopper. I know it need be in bulb to get a 2 min shutter but is there not a way to do it without holding button down or remote as not got a remote yet
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What you guys this is on.. Sensor or Lens.. I just can't seem to figure it out as I had the sensor cleaned last week.. How do you clean the internet of the lens properly?

Screen Shot 2016-02-21 at 12.22.00.jpg by Andrew Rookes, on Flickr

Need to give it a good seeing to with the rocket blower before any long exposure as these cameras seem to be dust magnets. Quite annoying for anyone who shoots landscape.
That what I've done loads of time today with rocket blower and nothing being shift.

Never had one dot on the d750
but the question is mate did you check your d750 like you are with the sony and how often did you scrutinize the shots at f22? we know the sony series attracts dust I know nothing about Nikon
I've just looked back 3600 images not one got a bunnie
fair enough mate like I said I know nothing about Nikon always used canon ... did used to get dust on the canon ... get a little more on sony but I usually 90% of the time shoot at 2.8 or faster and only had to clean 1 of the sony bodies in 3 months bit weird that's yours is attracting that much
Tell me about it pal lol. It got cleaned on Monday by calumet and that lens never left the camera. I have a feeling they in the barrel of the lens.

Anyone else here with kit lens and can test theirs for me pls and put it in LR use spot removal and see if can see any I have the slider in middle. I took picture white paper to do my tests.

But I notice them in sky on my photos
Can anyone test theres at 22 and 32 pls.. As I am in talk with the Shop and going to get this camera swapped over I hope as not having it cleaned again. I had a few spots from Day one if you guys remember
Well I was doing some test to see how lean sensor was after I saw a spot in sky on one my images that was taken at f16. I do get 3 spots at f22 above gets worse as expected. Will do some at f16 and f18 see how they show
Can I make a point that may be of use ?
First buy an illuminated loupe - such as a Quasar Sensor 7x Loupe. It's so easy to identify if you have dust and more important where they are and if your rocket blower has worked or just moved them around a bit
Second - it was only after using a loupe I realised that there was more dust on my sensor after using it than there was before ! I changed to a Hepa Rocket blower which has a filter to clean the air of dust before you use blast the air onto the sensor - now I find it easy to remove those dust bunnies
Hope that helps.
Where did you get your rocket blower from pls??
Well I was doing some test to see how lean sensor was after I saw a spot in sky on one my images that was taken at f16. I do get 3 spots at f22 above gets worse as expected. Will do some at f16 and f18 see how they show

Have to be careful with sky shots as flying things can appear to look like dust bunnies. I always test mine against a white door.

I'm used to being the one who never has problems that affect others so I'm not surprised that I have very few dust bunny issues with any of my CSC's possibly because I rarely use zooms. I always turn the camera off and turn away from any wind and change the lens with the camera pointing downwards.

Dunno what modern cameras are like but my Canon's all suffered much more than any of my CSC and I find it hard to believe that Nikon avoid this issue as the net seems to be just as much awash with Nikon contamination issues as Canon with everything from oil on the sensor to the more normal run of the mill stuff.

I think the way forward is to test against a white wall / door / sheet of paper. I set the focus so that everything is completely out and I move the camera as I take the shot to avoid capturing any detail in my target. I shoot a series of shots starting from closed down as far as possible to something more sensible and then view the results and clean if required. I do this before heading out for the day and if I do lens changes I check again before I put the camera away.

Checking and cleaning at home is a very good idea, IMO. I only ever paid to have a Canon cleaned once and all they did was move the bunnies about so never again.
Hi mate..

Those shoots I have posted are test shoot of white walls pal so lots of bunnies.

Just waiting to see what shop say first before doing anything myself
u moving the camera with oss off and longish exposure and out of focus to test for dust?, otherwise you might be hunting for dust thats actually on the wall
Yes I am these are dust but will try again with paper
Dome some on paper and all the spots are in the same spot on every sample from F8 all the way to of cours F32 and as expected F32 is worse with more spots
Then they're real... time to give it a blast with a rocket, test again and wet clean if required.

Best check the camera end of lenses too as once I was hunting an invisible bunny on one of my Panasonics and it disappeared when I cleaned the back of the lens :D

Something on the front of the lens would have to be pretty big to appear on the sensor but it's possible that stuff on the other end could as it's much closer to the sensor.
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Everything as had a blast lol the lens both end the sensor and nothing is improving at all.. could the Sensor of been faulty?
Tbh mate I think they will just clean it again BUT you do seem to be attracting a lot of dust though :-(
Seeing if shop clean it. It been cleaned twice in space 3 weeks and the lens never been off it so this confuse me
How can dust go in ie it got cleaned last Monday and lens never been off it