The Amazing Sony A1/A7/A9/APS-C & Anything else welcome Mega Thread!

Magic. Keep away from that Lab coat.
It's not the lab coat that's the issue, well actually it kind of is as that's what's made me buy it in the first place :LOL:
I can't see myself ever buying one of these but I'll still be interested in your thoughts on size and weight Toby. IQ is pretty much assured so it's the other stuff that matters to me.
I can't see myself ever buying one of these but I'll still be interested in your thoughts on size and weight Toby. IQ is pretty much assured so it's the other stuff that matters to me.
Yep, it's the IQ and AF that's swung it but as I've said already I still have my hesitations. Time will tell (y)
Is it much bigger and heavier than the 24-105? If not then I really don't see a problem.
Slightly shorter but fatter and 115g heavier. Bigger and heavier than the Sigma 85mm f1.4 DG DN too.
Should be fine then. I've used the zoom as my all day travel lens, so the 50 f1.2 should not be any kind of problem.
It's more the way I use prime lenses, I like that they're light and I often use them one handed. I've got heavier lenses of course, but I use these differently. I'll see how I get on, but I think that I'm going to have accept the weight and change the way I do things (y)
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It's more the way I use prime lenses, I like that they're light and I often use them one handed. I've got heavier lenses of course, but I use these differently. I'll see how I get on, but I think that I'm going to have accept the weight and change the way I do things (y)

For me, I'd probably stick on the 55 1.8 or 35 2.8 for lightweight. :p
I keep meaning to give my 55mm f1.8 a go but these days when I get the time for photography I'm using manual lenses more.

As I posted earlier, I tend to take wide aperture pictures mostly in the testing and getting to know the lens period after buying and after than they're a smaller percentage of pictures. I can see the need to take the shallow dof pictures above but after getting to know the lens I'd mostly want pictures with more depth than these show.

I do know that everyone's mileage will vary :D
For me, I'd probably stick on the 55 1.8 or 35 2.8 for lightweight. :p
420g for the Sammy 50mm f1.4 is on the light side for me, but yes the 55mm is ultimate lightweight, along with the Sammy 45mm f1.8 (y)
Out with the A65s the other day, I came across two intrepid canoeist with their blow up boats on the Piazza Terracina at Exeter's harbour...

Cannoests on Piazza Terracina Exe walk A65 16-300 DSC00509.JPG
A GSW and a Robin with with the A1 and 200-600mm.

A0101411-Edit by Iain Clyne, on Flickr

Well, here's a shock...

I've no idea what Zeiss as a company do, what'll they do to make money if no longer making lenses?
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I've no idea what Zeiss as a company do, what'll they do to make money if no longer making lenses?
The Photblographer article suggests they've not stopped making lenses, they've simply stopped making lenses for photography, and are instead concentrating on the lenses for movies and cinema - It sounds like they've decided with Sigma and Tamron making decent quality 3rd party lenses, and Sony / Canon / Nikon making high end OEM lenses, they just don't have a place in the market .
Zeiss make alsorts of stuff - medical tech, lithography optics for making chips. I guess photo lenses are pretty small beer.

I googled them :D
The Photblographer article suggests they've not stopped making lenses, they've simply stopped making lenses for photography, and are instead concentrating on the lenses for movies and cinema - It sounds like they've decided with Sigma and Tamron making decent quality 3rd party lenses, and Sony / Canon / Nikon making high end OEM lenses, they just don't have a place in the market .

The Voigtlander e mount lenses appealed to me more than the Loxia range.
What does everyone use to clean their sensors? I have just bought a Sony A7RIII and it's already got a ginormous piece of dust on the sensor
A rocket blower and if that doesn't work Eclipse fluid and pec pads.
Rockery blower initially and wet clean if needed. Eclipse fluid too I think and those VCSO (?) swabs.

I've not yet needed to clean the A7Riii since I've had it but cleaned the A7 many times over the years.
What does everyone use to clean their sensors? I have just bought a Sony A7RIII and it's already got a ginormous piece of dust on the sensor
In camera clean followed by rocket blower, if that doesn’t work then swabs.
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Yep ! I need that lens again…
It’s a lovely lens, I still actually prefer the bokeh balls of the Sammy but I can always stop the GM down to f1.4 in scenes where it’s prominent. AF is insanely good.

Screenshot 2023-06-07 at 21.10.28.jpg
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I find it funny that in movies, the lenses that cost well into 5 figures (20k, 30k) cine lenses, the ONE thing they look for is bokeh balls that look like cat eyes, the very thing photographers trying to avoid.

They also want flare, JJ Abrams i am looking at you! Gold flares, Blue flares, all the flares.
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It's longer than the Sigma 105/1.4? is that with the fixed hood inlcuded?

But 500g lighter,'s a big lens and not one that can sit upright in a pelican 1510.
I can't see it selling in large numbers myself, but who knows.
not really sure who will actually buy it.
the 14GM is pretty much good enough for most/all use cases such a lens would be used for.

Its not even a full stop faster, its 2/3rd stop which is still significant but so is its weight and size.
I'm seeing more and more videos on youtube with POV in the heading, is this just another click bait type thing as I'm not really seeing anything different in terms of angles of shots etc? Surely all photos are from a POV :thinking: