The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

Just a simple candid street style Fujigraph taken at London UK of a guy with his guitar doing a bit of street playing.

X-T2, 55-200mm Lens, 1/500th @ F6.4, ISO-200, Handheld.
Muso (33) (M)-03235M by G.K.Jnr., on Flickr

:ty: for looking., (y):fuji:

I went out this morning with my X-T20 to try and catch the sunrise at Hadleigh Castle. I've been along a few times recently at sunrise but cloud cover has made it almost impossible to get a decent shot that I'm really happy with. Luckily, the weather was perfect this morning and I managed to get some shots I'm pretty happy with.

Hadleigh Country Park by Josh Kneller, on Flickr
Hadleigh Castle by Josh Kneller, on Flickr
Hadleigh Castle by Josh Kneller, on Flickr
I get warnings in mine..perhaps mine are previous generation.

I suspect the important thing is the capacity rating of 1260 mAh rather than the manufacturer, or colour!

The good news is that the X-T3, and I presume X-H1, aren't fussy about the brand of battery, only the charge it holds.
Thanks for this. Does the camera report that they are 126 and remind you that they don’t last very long ?

I only ordered them this morning, they are the S version so I assume they're compatible, X-T3 came saturday , I've been used to DSLR sized batteries so it came as a surprise when it ran out fairly quickly , I was using a 100-400 though. when I saw £80 for a fuji one I thought I'll risk the Hahnels
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I expect that this has already been covered in the over 1000 pages of this thread, but has anyone got any tips for sharpening with the X-T2/X-T20 and Lightroom?

On Canon I just left Lightroom at the standard settings, but that doesn't seem to work with my X-T2. I've seen some people suggesting turning off sharpening all together and others saying t crank the "Detail" slider up, whilst taking the "Amount" down slightly.

Do you find it is better to start with sharpening turned off and add it, or turned on and remove it?
I expect that this has already been covered in the over 1000 pages of this thread, but has anyone got any tips for sharpening with the X-T2/X-T20 and Lightroom?

On Canon I just left Lightroom at the standard settings, but that doesn't seem to work with my X-T2. I've seen some people suggesting turning off sharpening all together and others saying t crank the "Detail" slider up, whilst taking the "Amount" down slightly.

Do you find it is better to start with sharpening turned off and add it, or turned on and remove it?

Dunno if this`ll be of any help (just about to have a read through myself) :)
I expect that this has already been covered in the over 1000 pages of this thread, but has anyone got any tips for sharpening with the X-T2/X-T20 and Lightroom?

On Canon I just left Lightroom at the standard settings, but that doesn't seem to work with my X-T2. I've seen some people suggesting turning off sharpening all together and others saying t crank the "Detail" slider up, whilst taking the "Amount" down slightly.

Do you find it is better to start with sharpening turned off and add it, or turned on and remove it?
Dunno if this`ll be of any help (just about to have a read through myself) :)

Personally I feel that the Peter Bridgewood settings are best left to X-Trans1 and X-Trans2 sensors.

With the X-Trans3 (X-T2 etc) I leave sharpening as whatever LR selects when it imports, I may though nudge the clarity up just a smudge.

The X-Trans3 always have appeared much sharper in their base form than previous generations
Personally I feel that the Peter Bridgewood settings are best left to X-Trans1 and X-Trans2 sensors.

With the X-Trans3 (X-T2 etc) I leave sharpening as whatever LR selects when it imports, I may though nudge the clarity up just a smudge.

The X-Trans3 always have appeared much sharper in their base form than previous generations

Ahh my bad. I don`t use LR so not really sure as to its base sharpening, but assume it`s similar to ACR. At lease it might be a starting point ;)
Personally I feel that the Peter Bridgewood settings are best left to X-Trans1 and X-Trans2 sensors.

With the X-Trans3 (X-T2 etc) I leave sharpening as whatever LR selects when it imports, I may though nudge the clarity up just a smudge.

The X-Trans3 always have appeared much sharper in their base form than previous generations
Yeah, they do seem a bit on the heavy side, albeit slightly less wormy than the standard settings.
I have decided not to worry about noise in some of my night gig images, and when it comes to Jazz you can`t beat mono. Two from the Paris House, X-T3 + XF 50mm f2 edited only in Capture one pro 11.

Chris by Dave, on Flickr

Jason by Dave, on Flickr
I expect that this has already been covered in the over 1000 pages of this thread, but has anyone got any tips for sharpening with the X-T2/X-T20 and Lightroom?

On Canon I just left Lightroom at the standard settings, but that doesn't seem to work with my X-T2. I've seen some people suggesting turning off sharpening all together and others saying t crank the "Detail" slider up, whilst taking the "Amount" down slightly.

Do you find it is better to start with sharpening turned off and add it, or turned on and remove it?

For me when I had both the X-T2 and X-T20, I never used the sharpening in LR6 as I have some of the Topaz plugins and thought Detail did a great job, but now I only have an X-T3 I have not used Detail at all as my only three lenses are pin sharp anyway.
Personally I feel that the Peter Bridgewood settings are best left to X-Trans1 and X-Trans2 sensors.

With the X-Trans3 (X-T2 etc) I leave sharpening as whatever LR selects when it imports, I may though nudge the clarity up just a smudge.

The X-Trans3 always have appeared much sharper in their base form than previous generations
:agree:. I up Clarity by no more than 18.
I find very little need for sharpening beyond the LR default application (I think it's around 25) for the X-T3. I've not shot much in the way of landscapes with it yet (off to cornwall for a couple of days later this week so will give it an outing), but when you nail focus I'm finding it tack sharp, even at 200% plus.

Did have my first lock-up yesterday though and had to do a battery pull, wasn't even doing anything intense, single shot, AF-S, nothing fancy. Bit annoying. Not using the fastest card, so could be that I guess. Will report to Fuji and see.
Never had an issue with the T2 or H1 with Transcend UHS-II’s cards, not cheap but been 100% reliable in my Fuji’s
Thanks for this. Does the camera report that they are 126 and remind you that they don’t last very long ?

Delivered at 9am this morning, top service from jessops , can report they work the same as the original battery, plug and play, no error messages
I find very little need for sharpening beyond the LR default application (I think it's around 25) for the X-T3. I've not shot much in the way of landscapes with it yet (off to cornwall for a couple of days later this week so will give it an outing), but when you nail focus I'm finding it tack sharp, even at 200% plus.

I found the default 25 was too much, however it needed some.

I was hoping there was something better than tweaking each individual image.
Ok, don't know why this is happening, just took a dozen shots with the new Fuji X-H1, tried to import images the normal way into Adobe Lightroom 6 and there's no files showing...??...although there's files/images on the SD card ok.

So I can't upload any images from my card reader into Lightroom 6. Very strange.
Maybe Lightroom 6 doesn't support the Fuji X-H1 files and maybe needs upgraded....(?)

Any advice/tips appreciated.
Ok, don't know why this is happening, just took a dozen shots with the new Fuji X-H1, tried to import images the normal way into Adobe Lightroom 6 and there's no files showing...??...although there's files/images on the SD card ok.

So I can't upload any images from my card reader into Lightroom 6. Very strange.
Maybe Lightroom 6 doesn't support the Fuji X-H1 files and maybe needs upgraded....(?)

Any advice/tips appreciated.
See my reply
X-T3 was delivered Saturday morning , luckily we'd booked a weekend away on Anglesey , just snaps really, I'm still getting to know the camera , all taken with the 18-55 kit lens (which I'm very impressed with) apart from the boat which was 100-400mm on a very bobby boat

All jpegs straight out of the camera

IMG_1243.JPG IMG_1244.JPG IMG_1245.JPG IMG_1246.JPG IMG_1247.JPG
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