The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

X100F + WCL

It's locked up at night, I tend to wander early in teh morning 6.30am-8.30am and got in just after it was unlocked!
Well that explains it. Especially with the Friday/weekend night specials that happen all around the town!
Please talk me out of getting an X-T4 :) I am very happy with my H1, but have this annoying itch ...
Please talk me out of getting an X-T4 :) I am very happy with my H1, but have this annoying itch ...
Have both and whilst I like the X-T4, it is not a 'hewn from rock' X-H1. It focuses faster, it's lighter, the IBIS is supposedly better (I can't tell any difference) and if you are into video it is better. But as you well know, the brilliant X-H1 is the dogs doodahs.

It is the best FujiFilm body I have ever owned, or still own.

If you still have the itch I recommend Tiger Balm. At £4ish a pot it is very effective and many many beer tokens cheaper than an X-T4!

Stay X-H1
@Paulie-W Unless you do video then the XH1 is rock solid. It has a great shutter release and the IBiS works well. I have to admit that I dont have the XT4 as the XT3 suits me well and I do prefer its dials over the menu diving that is required if you dont have the fn buttons programmed to access the frequently changed items.
Of course if the itch comes then the choices are increasing with the XH2S which for me seems to focus faster and more surely than other Fuji X-mount cameras. I still need to test the AF eye features but I have been busy these last few days.
Please talk me out of getting an X-T4 :) I am very happy with my H1, but have this annoying itch ...
The pros and cons of the X-T4 are well documented. I prefer to use the X-H1 as I prefer the ergonomics with it’s deep grip and the tilting screen (but not the Q button placement). But the X-T4’s AF is quicker and more effective so the keeper rate is higher. The X-T4 is a few years newer, and it shows. My X-H1 suffers from the occasional soft image that a few people have reported that may be caused by AF issues probably combined with the IBIS function. It doesn’t happen often but it’s annoying when it does. The X-T4 is rock solid in this respect.

I’ve found that since I’ve had both cameras (I also have the X-T3 and an X-S10), the X-H1 takes more of a back seat and is relegated to mainly macro work. This is not really a conscious decision, just a case of which camera I grab for a particular job. For landscape stuff, I gravitate towards the X-T4 and X-T3. For wildlife I use the X-T4. As general carry around camera, I use the X-S10.

I think you should scratch the annoying itch. Having two bodies is never a bad thing either.
My X-H1 suffers from the occasional soft image that a few people have reported that may be caused by AF issues probably combined with the IBIS function. It doesn’t happen often but it’s annoying when it does. The X-T4 is rock solid in this respect.

@Paulie-W I too found this annoying, and it seemed to happen at the wider end of the 16-55mm more often (ie in the 16-23mm region of the zoom). It was 'very' annoying - and I resorted to a lot more BBF than I would have liked, so the focus could be easier checked before firing the shutter. Other than this the X-H1 is a superb camera (borne out by the fact that its s/h price has been stable for a couple of years).

The X-H1 was very well made, it feels great in the hand and balances well with heavier lenses. As others have said unless you need lightning fast AF or shoot video then stay with X-H1
Please talk me out of getting an X-T4 :) I am very happy with my H1, but have this annoying itch ...

Having seen the flippy screens on the X-T4 and X-H2S, I have bought a mint used X-H1 as a backup in case mine can't be repaired if and/or when it fails.
That`s a cool truck. Shame about all the modern stuff in the BG ;)
Classic Neg suits it (y)
I liked that there was a good range of cars at the show spanning from 1922(ish) to 2022.
X-H2S grip turned up today, but still showing pre order on Wex for some reason. Charging at the mo.
Just in time for bike weekend here in Barton (y)
Thanks all. for the helpful input. I really appreciate it :)

I can`t say i`ve ever had any issues with soft focus on the 16-55. But then again, my eyesight is shot, so probably couldn`t tell anyway ;)
I do have IBIS set to constant though, as it bugged me when ramping up, and I did miss a few shots.
Just paid for 150-600. Delivery should be next Tuesday 12th. Fingers crossed. Hope I’m in.
Wow. That is good.
Please can you post some sample images when you have time.
X-H2S. Didn’t see that coming..

I thought I’d give it a go as a few retailers has stock. Heavily invested into Sony so not sure whether to move it on or make the switch.

First impressions are very good. Af is brilliant. It’s so far ahead of what Fuji has done to date. It’s a solid brick of a camera as you’d expect from an xh.
Thanks David.

Update done.

You seem to have to use the Fuji Camera Remote.
I dont have a CFExpress card reader so I couldnt use that.
I tried the SD card but it said that no firmware was present.
Updated mine using an Sandisk SDHC card. Just format it first.
I formatted the SD card in the camera. I will need to check it and see if the camera can write to it. I know that it worked in the copy on my Mac to the SD card. Correct filename and location.

Going to do some checks and tests.
Very interesting.
I dont know why it didnt see the firmware.
I need to try next time there is a lens of body firmware to update.
The Fujifilm lust is strong at the moment, As much as I love my X100V the desire for a 35 1.4 is there. I know the my Sony A7Riv is technically capable of more but I find the pics I like the most come from my X100V. I'm thinking about maybe trading the X100V for an X-Pro3 and keeping the Sony until my pixel-peeping compulsion goes away.

Has anyone gone from X100V to X-Pro 3? Would anyone like to go the other way?!? ;)
I would like to other the other way but with an xt3 . Willing to offer a very good deal ☺️
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Very interesting.
I dont know why it didnt see the firmware.
I need to try next time there is a lens of body firmware to update.
There is a problem on Firefox in that the .dat file extension is missing during download and therefore the camera flags up the ‘camera not found’ message. Worked on Safari for me but a PIA for a while!
Always good to keep a back up browser ;)
Strange that some stuff works in some, but not others...
I formatted the SD card in the camera. I will need to check it and see if the camera can write to it. I know that it worked in the copy on my Mac to the SD card. Correct filename and location.

Going to do some checks and tests.
You need to format the SD card on the Mac then transfer the firmware file onto it
There is a problem on Firefox in that the .dat file extension is missing during download and therefore the camera flags up the ‘camera not found’ message. Worked on Safari for me but a PIA for a while!
I will check tomorrow but I am pretty sure my Firefox download had the .dat filetype.
Mozilla are a PIA as many of their customisations are not changeable these days, e.g. Tabs on Top/Bottom.
You need to format the SD card on the Mac then transfer the firmware file onto it
Never had to do that before in the 11 years I have had Fuji X mount cameras. I usually format cards on my Mac then format in camera. I only ever take the cards out of the camera to update firmware. I have new cards for every new camera. I never swap cards between cameras either.
However all these things can change especially as the last firmware updates were driven by Fuji file structure incompatibility to handle more than 999 files on a folder on Mac.
Another thing to check tomorrow.