The new version of Flickr

I've had a bit of a play around this morning and it seems that everything that we've been used to previously (functionality) is still there it's just that it's in a different place and needs getting used to.
Doesn't pro allow much higher res though? I can put up full 36MP images on mine... in fact, I've put up a couple of 80MP images with no problem.

What’s the difference between a Free, Ad Free, and Doublr account?

There are three kinds of accounts to choose from at Flickr, and all of them are awesome in their own way.

1 Terabyte of photo and video storage
Upload photos of up to 200MB per photo
Upload 1080p HD videos of up to 1GB each
Video playback of up to 3 minutes each
Upload and download in full original quality

Ad Free:
$49.99 per year
All the benefits of a free account
No ads in your browsing experience

$499.99 per year
2 Terabytes of photo and video space
All the benefits of a free account

So looks like 'Free' gives 200MB per image.

Here is what you used to get with Pro:

Unlimited photo uploads (50MB per photo)
Unlimited video uploads (90 seconds max, 500MB per video)
The ability to show HD Video
Unlimited storage
Unlimited bandwidth
Archiving of high-resolution original images
The ability to replace a photo
Post any of your photos or videos in up to 60 group pools
View count and referrer statistics
Limitation of maximum image size available to others
Ad-free browsing and sharing
Adfree is certainly not worth it when you can get free adblockers.

I wonder how long until they'll reduce service when using an ad blocker. I know I would if I was giving away a free service, which any sane person knows isn't a free service at all, it's paid for by data collections and ads.
So looks like 'Free' gives 200MB per image.

That's the size of the image as a file... not it's res. That means if you have a 200 megabyte image, you can upload it.... not a 200 megapixel image. If you did upload a 200 megapixel image (or even a 200 megabyte image), it would be resized to the maximum size on a free account.. which is 1600 pixels or something like that. With pro, it won't and you can display it and post links to the full resolution should you wish to do so. That's how it used to be anyway.. whether that is still the case I have no idea. If you have a free account... you will be able to test it yourself. Upload a full resolution JPEG and see if you have the "original" resolution option available.
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As a long time Pro user I have no idea what's happening, the FAQs really aren't clear. My current sub doesn't expire until June 2014, but they seem to be 'offering' some sort of ultimatum to go free by August 20th.

As far as I can tell I can continue as a Pro with stats, unlimited uploads but 10mb file limits, or go free and have no stats, 1tb uploads, ads and 200mb file limits. Or pay $50 to remove ads, but still get no stats...?!

i know i dont get it either..

"Eligible Pro members have the option to switch to a Free account until 8/20/2013."


"If your Pro account expires, it will revert to a free account with a storage limit of 1 Terabyte."

i know i dont get it either..

"Eligible Pro members have the option to switch to a Free account until 8/20/2013."


"If your Pro account expires, it will revert to a free account with a storage limit of 1 Terabyte."



With these changes comes the news that we will no longer be offering Pro accounts on Flickr. All those with one-time Pro will retain their benefits until their subscription expires. Recurring Pro members currently have the opportunity to continue renewing their subscriptions. Until we communicate otherwise, your subscription will continue at the price you started with (and not higher). All current Pro members will receive a message in their primary email accounts with more details.

Pro badges will also no longer be visible on the site. If you’re wondering about your current subscription status, please visit your account order history.
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I wonder how long until they'll reduce service when using an ad blocker. I know I would if I was giving away a free service, which any sane person knows isn't a free service at all, it's paid for by data collections and ads.

Probably not long, heh! I'll use an adblocker for as long as I can though.

Just noticed someone has said that existing pro members can renew at the price they started. If I'd had known that I wouldn't have cancelled my pro account. NOWHERE on flickrs website did I see that information.
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I like the design, but I dislike the free / pro feature set.

The doublr is just pointless, but it makes me wonder: the 1tb must be real. I know a lot of companies who say you get this much... only because you'll never use near that.
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Probably not long, heh! I'll use an adblocker for as long as I can though.

Just noticed someone has said that existing pro members can renew at the price they started. If I'd had known that I wouldn't have cancelled my pro account. NOWHERE on flickrs website did I see that information.

Likewise it didnt say it would increase in price, at least it didnt for me on my recurring account. Lets call it a wise lesson to not switch on the day something is launched when likely you had days if not weeks or months to make that choice ;)

I quite like the no ad subscription model. Provides a good way to try out in full, but when a regular user one has a choice to remove the ads or not. I do that with multiple sources.
That's the size of the image as a file... not it's res. That means if you have a 200 megabyte image, you can upload it.... not a 200 megapixel image. If you did upload a 200 megapixel image (or even a 200 megabyte image), it would be resized to the maximum size on a free account.. which is 1600 pixels or something like that. With pro, it won't and you can display it and post links to the full resolution should you wish to do so. That's how it used to be anyway.. whether that is still the case I have no idea. If you have a free account... you will be able to test it yourself. Upload a full resolution JPEG and see if you have the "original" resolution option available.

Right ... I don't see anywhere that it talks about resolution :shrug:

As I see it, my current Pro account costs me $49:99 for 2 years whereas the new 'Ad-free' account will cost £49:99 for 1 year so I would be an idiot to change unless I went to a free account ... unless what you say about resolution is correct.
I love the new layout for the photostream, really nice, the front page however is crap. I don't want the comments on my images mixed up with the new images from people I follow, also i follow a few portrait togs, some of their work is NSFW and is now splashed all over the front page, instead of in small discreet thumbnails....not ideal.
It's not as easy to use, but I get why they've done it - it's more social.

It reminds me a lot of 500px.

It makes finding new work from your contacts easier too - which is nice.
That's the size of the image as a file... not it's res. That means if you have a 200 megabyte image, you can upload it.... not a 200 megapixel image. If you did upload a 200 megapixel image (or even a 200 megabyte image), it would be resized to the maximum size on a free account.. which is 1600 pixels or something like that. With pro, it won't and you can display it and post links to the full resolution should you wish to do so. That's how it used to be anyway.. whether that is still the case I have no idea. If you have a free account... you will be able to test it yourself. Upload a full resolution JPEG and see if you have the "original" resolution option available.

Just checked this on a photo I uploaded several weeks ago, if I look at all sizes there is now an original size link which I don't think was there before, this is on a free account not a pro one.
I really still cant get my head around what is happening with the Pro accounts. I took out a Pro account about a month ago, on a 3 month subscription. In my account it says
You have a Flickr Pro Account. It will renew on 19th July, 2013.

So, is it going to renew for another 3 months? Could I choose to subscribe for 1 year on my renewal day? Will I still be paing the same as I paid for the previous 3 months? Are they going to force us over to te 'Free' account eventually, and if so, do free accounts have stats etc or will I need to pay for 'ad free' to get stats?

Very confusing :bang:

However, I do like the new design.
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TBH I like the way it looks but with all the confusion over Pro a/cs and the doubling of fees it looks like it might be a good time to set up a personal website to display pics.

In that way you do have total control over how they are displayed.

And the Flickr setup reminds me a lot of 500px.

But I really can't see why they would lose a great deal of revenue by making the Pro A/Cs and the free A/Cs so similar.

I really still cant get my head around what is happening with the Pro accounts. I took out a Pro account about a month ago, on a 3 month subscription. In my account it says

So, is it going to renew for another 3 months? Could I choose to subscribe for 1 year on my renewal day? Will I still be paing the same as I paid for the previous 3 months? Are they going to force us over to te 'Free' account eventually, and if so, do free accounts have stats etc or will I need to pay for 'ad free' to get stats?

Very confusing :bang:

However, I do like the new design.

Recurring Pro members currently have the opportunity to continue renewing their subscriptions. Until we communicate otherwise, your subscription will continue at the price you started with (and not higher). All current Pro members will receive a message in their primary email accounts with more details.
I'm just trying to get my head around what is going to happen to my pro account....

If you've got a subscription so it auto renews you keep it, if you haven't you'll lose it when your current term runs out. Then your options are use the new free account or pay $50 a year for no ads and $500 a year for another TB of storage (still less than the unlimited you get with pro currently). So you lose being able to replace an image or stats.

Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer said “There’s no such thing as Flickr Pro today because [with so many people taking photographs] there’s really no such thing as professional photographers anymore”

Google could seriously benefit from this if they make a point of advertising Google+ as a Flickr replacement for people who want more than an image dump.
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Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer said “There’s no such thing as Flickr Pro today because [with so many people taking photographs] there’s really no such thing as professional photographers anymore”

That should go down well :)
Does the new adfree option allow replacing pictures, or for viewing stats?
Does the new adfree option allow replacing pictures, or for viewing stats?

No, it's literally just removing adverts at twice the price of a pro account.

Flickr staff have posted on their forums that they're looking at a way to allow people on non-renewing pro accounts to switch to the renewing account.
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I'm getting no pictures on my photostream, my sets are just a jumbled mess and the front page is uploads from contacts....not sure I like it so far.
I can't really see many adverts on there anyway so I don't think they're going to cause me a problem.
There's also smugmug if you want photo storage. Their site layout and appearance is antiquated though. Basic account with them is $40 pa but that is unlimited storage and bandwidth.
No, it's literally just removing adverts at twice the price of a pro account.

Flickr staff have posted on their forums that they're looking at a way to allow people on non-renewing pro accounts to switch to the renewing account.

That's a bugger, that was the one thing that i really used on my pro account. Stats are a 'nice to have', but hardly essential for an amateur like me...!
Well, the new service makes far more demands on my miserable internet connection than it can provide. It is now virtually unusable at 800kbps., you can also upload via email. It's unfortunate that your connection renders it unusable but web developers don't care about those on slower DSL connections. Would be nice if there was a 'lite' version of the site.
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I'm on 120MB yet for whatever reason I've not been able to view my 'original size' D800 images yet ... just get the red & blue ball ad infinitum :(