The Official Fuji X10/X20/X30/XF1/XQ1 Thread

So Sarajevo street project complete. Some desaturation so bring subject rather than colour into focus and some contrast and grain to give a more gritty feel in PP. I feel I've achieved in the photos how I saw the experiences but as always others are the better judge of this.






souldeep said:
So Sarajevo street project complete. Some desaturation so bring subject rather than colour into focus and some contrast and grain to give a more gritty feel in PP. I feel I've achieved in the photos how I saw the experiences but as always others are the better judge of this.

Loving all of those. Fantastic set and really does give the right effect with desaturation etc. well done!
Just a quickie

Did somebody on this forum (UK) say that they were returned the wrong camera from the sensor replacement program?
So Sarajevo street project complete. Some desaturation so bring subject rather than colour into focus and some contrast and grain to give a more gritty feel in PP. I feel I've achieved in the photos how I saw the experiences but as always others are the better judge of this.

Wow - what a project!
That's a powerful set of images.
What have you got planned for them?
Loving the gate shot Callaghan!

Cheers! I'll revisit that, it's just a few hundred yards down the road from me. I was very hasty taking the shot, thought I was going to get clonked over the head and dragged in to a workshop to be broken up for spare parts :eek: It's uncropped and I reckon I could do better with focus. iso800 is very useable for general purpose, tho'.

Good candid. Can I ask what made you go with the -1 on sharpness? Was it from reading the forum or did you decide you wanted to soften the image straight out the camera?

From reading the forum :) When I first bought the camera back in April, I went the Medium/Fine routé with -1 Sharpening and -1 NR but I found I was increasing NR in most images in PP. I'm all over the place dabbling with settings at the moment. I'm very much a learner, not just with this camera. It's a great learning tool.

The Free Parking pic I posted earlier, I believe, nicely demonstrates the non-pasted on look of -1 Sharpening. The shift to Large/Fine could be at work, too, I suspect. I really need to get C1 & C2 set up so I can investigate further possibilities.

BTW - was that your locket?

It was a friends watch and didn't work. About £1200 worth of scrap 18ct gold, tho'. Alright for some :)
All great shots, souldeep. The close-up of the girl with the headscarf and the cat are really doing it for me (y)
Still no sign of mine yet.........despite an email from Fuji on 22nd June saying it was on its way back to me!

I've just sent them a "what's going on email", hopefully they'll be able to track the parcel and let me know where it is:)

I'm assuming they'll have sent it back the same way as it went to them - RMSD?
Try phoning them.
The last email I got was that they had received the camera and would fix it soon. I phoned them and the guy put me on hold while he went to check the status of my camera. He came back saying it was done and would be posted out in a day or so. It came next day by City Link.
Worth a call?
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Dropped my X10 into PO yesterday in prepaid bag, really hope all goes well with the sensor replacement
I'm assuming they'll have sent it back the same way as it went to them - RMSD?

I received my original purchase and sensor replaced X10 via CityLink. The bag to send the camera off for repair was RMSD. I can't remember who delivered my empty packaging for some reason :shrug:
Loving all of those. Fantastic set and really does give the right effect with desaturation etc. well done!

Thank you kindly. Great confidence builder to hear someone else feels I've achieved what I set out to accomplish. These things can be so subjective.
Wow - what a project!
That's a powerful set of images.
What have you got planned for them?

Thank you kindly Duncan. You hit one of the key words I was looking to portray via some of the photos - "powerful". I attempted to capture some of the soul of the locals via candid subject. Also in my set there are a number of more architectural and detail shots capturing how the war, 20 years on, still permeates throughout society from the gifts sold (e.g. converted bullets into pens etc) to the war damaged buildings still found everywhere. Although many people I spoke to say its long forgotten the constant subconscious reminders from everything that surrounds them doesn’t really allow them to move forward. From talking to some people, I get the impression that it would only take one little tinder to spark the whole Balkans affair off once again.

The mini project was just my own personal idea. I wanted to create a certain street style, focusing on the soul of the place and telling it via photo’s with Sarajevo as the focus. No other plans with the photos now. Displaying them here is kind of the highlight which sounds quite sad for all the effort I guess hehe.
I'm starting to post to this thread so much I might get mistaken for spam so one quick post to say thanks Ed and Callaghan for your comments :)
The mini project was just my own personal idea. I wanted to create a certain street style, focusing on the soul of the place and telling it via photo’s with Sarajevo as the focus. No other plans with the photos now. Displaying them here is kind of the highlight which sounds quite sad for all the effort I guess hehe.

I was wondering if you were working towards ARPS in the Travel category.
I went to the recent RPS Distinctions Celebration day which got me all enthused and was extremely informative about the slight change in direction the RPS seems to be taking at the moment.
Your project statement seems just the sort of thing they say they are encouraging for submission and the images look strong enough to be capable of making a decent panel.

Your profile doesn't say much.
So I've either just given you a huge thumbs up, or a slap in the face depending on where you are in your photographic journey....
Fingers crossed you take this post in the spirit it is offered.

P.S. I've got an assessment date for ARPS in Visual Arts later in the year.
I'm bricking myself as the expected standard is daunting and the amount of work to pull together a submission is far bigger than seems probable.
They emailed me today that they had my camera, (second time) so I hope I have better luck this time.

While it was here I checked that when they changed the sensor they do not change the Firmware, it was still 1.03 which surprised me for some reason.

This thread is not only all things X10, but it is showing that there is coming to be an X10 style of photography. The camera is certainly influential.
P.S. I've got an assessment date for ARPS in Visual Arts later in the year.
I'm bricking myself as the expected standard is daunting and the amount of work to pull together a submission is far bigger than seems probable.

You'll do fine. It is a horrendous process though, I can relate well to how you're feeling. I think it took me about 2 years to put my portrait Associateship together and 18 months to do the native wildlife one. Expensive too with the fees and all the printing. But it will be well worth it Duncan.

My Fellowship panel is doing my head in - I keep wanting to scrap it and go in a totally different direction, just to alleviate the strain of being silly enough to choose a portrait genre. I'm wishing I'd done something more inanimate.
I was wondering if you were working towards ARPS in the Travel category.
I went to the recent RPS Distinctions Celebration day which got me all enthused and was extremely informative about the slight change in direction the RPS seems to be taking at the moment.
Your project statement seems just the sort of thing they say they are encouraging for submission and the images look strong enough to be capable of making a decent panel.

Your profile doesn't say much.
So I've either just given you a huge thumbs up, or a slap in the face depending on where you are in your photographic journey....
Fingers crossed you take this post in the spirit it is offered.

P.S. I've got an assessment date for ARPS in Visual Arts later in the year.
I'm bricking myself as the expected standard is daunting and the amount of work to pull together a submission is far bigger than seems probable.

I'm so amateur I don’t even know what that qualification is! No risk of offending me here. To be honest any suggestion I should do anything further with the project is a massive boost in whatever capacity its offered

So can I ask – is ARPS some sort of masters in photography? How does it work? I did a quick search before posting this but can only find workshop type sessions on the rps site (which I’m assuming is related to the qualification).
I rather fancy using clips like these on my strap but they are £2 each + postage in stainless steel.
they would make taking off and on much easier.


In alloy they are only £16 for 200 but I a might worry about their strength.
My Fellowship panel is doing my head in - I keep wanting to scrap it and go in a totally different direction, just to alleviate the strain of being silly enough to choose a portrait genre. I'm wishing I'd done something more inanimate.

The RPS Distinctions Celebration day I went to was VERy interesting, we saw quite a lot of Fellowship panels.
One of the presenters made an interesting comment - that he could tell if a panel was likely to get F purely by reading the statement!!!!!!!
In other words, the images are expected to be top notch, but the purpose and vision captured in the statement is what showcases that the photographer Fellowship materiel.
The same is true for ARPS, but slightly less demanding.
They went as far as saying that an image in the panel that does not 100% fit the statement will badly affect the success of the panel and that a statement written to fit a set of pictures is unlikely to be successful.
The new rule changes also demand that FRPS assessment includes both the new work plus your ARPS panel; and they expect to see how you have matured and evolved between the two. If it looks random it will count against you.

Souldeep's statement and vision are so strong you can see why I thouight he had a purpose in mind :)

I've taken their advice on board and have chucked away my panel.
I've written a statement which once I'm 100% happy with, then I'll go raiding my library to find images that back up my statement and try and create a cohesive panel out of them.
Really scary stuff!

I'm so amateur I don’t even know what that qualification is! No risk of offending me here. To be honest any suggestion I should do anything further with the project is a massive boost in whatever capacity its offered

So can I ask – is ARPS some sort of masters in photography? How does it work? I did a quick search before posting this but can only find workshop type sessions on the rps site (which I’m assuming is related to the qualification).

You get to use letters after your name, but that's missing the point.
I'm treating RPS distinctions as a way to push my photography.
I like to think of LRPS as someone who knows what they are talking about giving you a huge pat on the back.
ARPS is a huge step as the RPS demands evidence of an individual style, originality and creativity.
FRPS is for walking gods.
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Fantastic pics Souldeep, for any level of photographer with any camera. Great processing too, did you use any standard settings for the camera or change depending on scene? (I.E. film modes, noise reduction, EXR etc). I pick up my X10 tomorrow to replace my Sony Nex 5 I've never been happy with - I hope I can take some shots half as good as yours here! :)
The mini project was just my own personal idea. I wanted to create a certain street style, focusing on the soul of the place and telling it via photo’s with Sarajevo as the focus. No other plans with the photos now. Displaying them here is kind of the highlight which sounds quite sad for all the effort I guess hehe.

Why not download the book publishing software from Blurb and edit your photos down into a book? Even if the book never goes any further than my hard drive I find it a good way to pull a set of photos together, sift the wheat from the chaff, and see how they work together. You could always upload it and let people view it on-line for 30 days without ordering a print copy.
Souldeep's statement and vision are so strong you can see why I thouight he had a purpose in mind :)

You get to use letters after your name, but that's missing the point.
I'm treating RPS distinctions as a way to push my photography.
I like to think of LRPS as someone who knows what they are talking about giving you a huge pat on the back.
ARPS is a huge step as the RPS demands evidence of an individual style, originality and creativity.
FRPS is for walking gods.

Thanks for sharing that - and boy have you got me thinking. Thank you Duncan :)
Folks, check your returned cameras carefully!

As I reported a week or so ago, my camera was returned in the same box with the same clip on lens cap and the GGS screen protector still attached, hoorah, hoorah, my camera, or at least it looked the same!!

A few days later an empty box arrived from fuji, which I dismissed and threw in the bin, assuming it was sent by mistake. After all I had my camera back, who else could have applied a GGS screen and a clip on lens cap. It even had the tiny bit of fluff around the edge of the screen protector which I noticed before I'd sent it for replacement.

A week later I recieved an email asking me if I'd recieved the return box stating that if I could send the camera back with serial no xxxxxxxxx, they would return my camera with serial no xxxxxxxx. Imagine my surprise when I checked the camera box to the cameras serial number they didn't match, how could that be, it looked the spitting image of the one I sent.

I rang their support team this morning and was told they'd mixed them up and sent mine to somebody else, "oops sorry!!!"

This is really irritating and has been niggling me all day, like I say check your serial numbers carefully. What's worse is that we're off to Italy next week and have been looking forward to taking the camera with me. Their support rep thinks they'll get mine back to me in time before departure, but I'm not holding my breath.

Fuji, I was willing to praise the sensor replacement program but now you are seriously dropping the ball and being basically incompetent.


I received my original purchase and sensor replaced X10 via CityLink. The bag to send the camera off for repair was RMSD. I can't remember who delivered my empty packaging for some reason :shrug:
Fantastic pics Souldeep, for any level of photographer with any camera. Great processing too, did you use any standard settings for the camera or change depending on scene? (I.E. film modes, noise reduction, EXR etc). I pick up my X10 tomorrow to replace my Sony Nex 5 I've never been happy with - I hope I can take some shots half as good as yours here! :)

:D Wow wow. Thank you all - I am so inspired by everyones feedback I've gone photo crazy :bonk:

P mode and Manual. Colour switched down to low in camera. Grain and desaturation applied in pp.

Thank you and good luck with the camera - its great fun.

ED - thanks for the tip. I'll do a search on the web and find out more. Hadn't heard of this until you mentioned it.
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The RPS Distinctions Celebration day I went to was VERy interesting, we saw quite a lot of Fellowship panels.
One of the presenters made an interesting comment - that he could tell if a panel was likely to get F purely by reading the statement!!!!!!!
In other words, the images are expected to be top notch, but the purpose and vision captured in the statement is what showcases that the photographer Fellowship materiel.
The same is true for ARPS, but slightly less demanding.
They went as far as saying that an image in the panel that does not 100% fit the statement will badly affect the success of the panel and that a statement written to fit a set of pictures is unlikely to be successful.
The new rule changes also demand that FRPS assessment includes both the new work plus your ARPS panel; and they expect to see how you have matured and evolved between the two. If it looks random it will count against you.

Very interesting Duncan. I've seen quite a bit of judging of A and F panels, and it does vary according to the awarding body. Some give little or no credence to the statement of intent. Very interesting to hear your experience. When I did my A with the BIPP I had to show a complete body of work - not just 20 mounted prints but a portfolio of between 40 and 50! I also had to provide a full working profile as a printed hard backed photobook, containing everything from health and safety assessments, insurance documents, operating procedures, philosophy, published work and other supporting evidence etc. I was told I was just a few points off F, and was advised to replace some of the shots and re-submit within 6 months. I have to say I found the RPS much more straightforward, though many of the judges are the same. That was in February but my workload has prevented me from pushing on with my F. Hopefully I'll get back on track soon, but motivation is just not there at the moment. I got the X10 to help me enjoy photography again rather than seeing it as a relentless economic millstone.

Souldeep should definitely explore the possibility of submitting an ARPS in travel photography. Remember that the layout of the panel is almost as important as the content - get them in the wrong order and you're doomed.
Just recieved my x10 back from sensor exchange.

But optical viewfinder has a lot of dirt, not just fine dust but large lumps on the lens surfaces inside. This obviously begs the question what conditions was the camera serviced in.

Also when I shot about 30 test pictures I noticed an straight black line of a single or maybe few pixels wide across the image on 2 of the pix.

The viewfinder dirt has really diminished my confidence.

Perhaps I should assk for a new camera.
Very interesting Duncan. I've seen quite a bit of judging of A and F panels, and it does vary according to the awarding body. Some give little or no credence to the statement of intent. Very interesting to hear your experience.


Souldeep should definitely explore the possibility of submitting an ARPS in travel photography. Remember that the layout of the panel is almost as important as the content - get them in the wrong order and you're doomed.

the RPS recently had rethink on distinctions and the changes are subtle, but profound. The issue you raised was one they discussed at the day I went to and is one of the reasons they tweaked the criteria.
The latest A and F handbook looks basically the same, but the differences are there. I needed the explanation of which points have changed and the new emphasis that drove the changes.

One of the successful F panels they showed on the distinctions celebration day was from a wedding photographer - WOW !!!
Another F panel they showed was from someone who rushed their re-application to sneak in before the new rule changes as their F panel had images from their A panel; this is no longer permitted as it has to be a fresh body of work.
It was an informative day and to get to see so many L, A and F panels in the flesh was a rare treat.

As for Souldeep...
As I heard it, the RPS is encouraging people to go one step at a time and view it as exceptional to go straight for A; but have not ruled it out.
He should talk to the RPS and get their opinion.
Assuming Souldeep has enough images that fit together well enough to make a panel, then IMHO opinion, his travel images are definitely a strong L candidate, make that very strong; and with his statement they are potential A panel material, but that's determined by whether there is enough images of high enough quality to make a strong cohesive panel of 15 images.
I think Lindsay will back me up on this; it sounds easy, but it isn't!
Gosh, I see what you mean - things certainly have changed then. The other bodies are happy for you to include A panel images in your F submission, but usually only if the A panel was close to F in standard.

You are so right - it's much harden than you think it's going to be. Getting the panel layout alone right can take weeks. One weak image and you're finished. Unless the rules have altered on this, the RPS did indeed allow candidates to apply straight for the A but I wouldn't recommend it. However if your L submission is strong the RPS will occasionally award an A (the BPPA/SWPP won't do that - you have to go through all the stages). I'm sure souldeep has more than enough images to put an L submission together (it's still only ten I think) and then a stronger set for an A.
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Just recieved my x10 back from sensor exchange.

But optical viewfinder has a lot of dirt, not just fine dust but large lumps on the lens surfaces inside. This obviously begs the question what conditions was the camera serviced in.

Also when I shot about 30 test pictures I noticed an straight black line of a single or maybe few pixels wide across the image on 2 of the pix.

The viewfinder dirt has really diminished my confidence.

Perhaps I should assk for a new camera.

Yes. Read the riot act to them and demand a new one - that's what I would do. This is simply not good enough. I'm hearing too many stories of shoddy repairs from Fuji.
Any one going down the RPS awards route should under stand the long term commitment.
Awarded letters LRPS ARPS FRPS only stand as long as you keep up your membership (payments).
It is not like winning a Gold medal, that is yours to keep, unless you are offered an honary award.

Most professional bodies do the same in this respect.
I was a very early member of the MPA soon after it was formed, and it was the same with them then.
OK im a little worried now. These are some of the first pics ive taken post "fix" The first 2 show a couple of the last ones i took before i sent it off. All of these are Raw iso100. The amount of sheer noise on the post fix pic (hms belfast) is very worrying! im just hoping there was a default factory setting that makes your raws look like **** that i can turn off.

ive posted full sized versions in flickr. Anyone else noticed pre and post changes? Frankly raw iso100 is broken if i cant change the settings somehow it will have to go back :(

Ive just had a wade through all my old x10 raws at iso100 and that heavy coating of "mottling" simply isnt there, in fact its all pretty clean up to about 800. Gutted.

Pre fix

Post fix

Check the ship hull and sky around the bridge.

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