Well done Neil - glad you decided to be kind this time...... Can't believe no-one pulled you up on the terrible sky banding in your second edit. :naughty: :LOL:

Okaaaay now what did I do here???

Set WB from white on the frogs tshirt
reduced exposure
darkened shadows
darkened (I think) highlights
lightened the tree on the left
increased detail
fair bit of local contrast boost to the foreground paving
Noise reduction
Increased vibrance and luminosity

Maybe added some starbursts to the lights. :cautious:
cloned the person from in front of the black car
cloned a few bits from paving
exaggerated vertical perspective distortion
cropped including cloning in extra in corners where I lost in the rotate
Heavy sharpen with HP filter, hard light blend mode

In Picasa
slight vignette

30 mins, say what you like about it. (y)
Just used the histogram in LR to get rid of the glaring colours, all to yellow /orange for me, with the sliders
Desat by - 20
Noise reduction
Desat the pavement and cloned out bit and bobs
20 mins

Frog Store (1 of 1) by HS-uk, on Flickr


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Well done Neil - glad you decided to be kind this time...... Can't believe no-one pulled you up on the terrible sky banding in your second edit. :naughty: :LOL:

Okaaaay now what did I do here???

Set WB from white on the frogs tshirt
reduced exposure
darkened shadows
darkened (I think) highlights
lightened the tree on the left
increased detail
fair bit of local contrast boost to the foreground paving
Noise reduction
Increased vibrance and luminosity

Maybe added some starbursts to the lights. :cautious:
cloned the person from in front of the black car
cloned a few bits from paving
exaggerated vertical perspective distortion
cropped including cloning in extra in corners where I lost in the rotate
Heavy sharpen with HP filter, hard light blend mode

In Picasa
slight vignette

30 mins, say what you like about it. (y)

Second one was a filter so just left it as it was lol
Wow, good efforts already, don't think mine's quite up there with you regulars:)

Opened ACR and tinkered with WB left it at Temp 2450 and tint -17
Clarity +28 and upped shadows a tad.
Opened in CS6 and straightened about 0.5 degrees
In shadows/highlights set highlight amount at 39% and Mid contrast +24
Ran noise reduction
Selected the ground and buildings and made layer copy
Grabbed some moonlit sky and pasted in.
Didn't like left hand side of building so extended stairs and put in some Frog signs
Nearly forgot, removed top of lamp-post but made poor job of filling the hole!
It was still a bit too red so selected that in colour range and desaturated to taste.
The humanoid by the car I didn't care for so inserted another.....Francois Hollande :)
Flattened and resized for Flickr.
F/B and critique gladly accepted !
[/url] PPwork by Farmejim, on Flickr[/IMG]
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The humanoid by the car I didn't care for so inserted another.....Francois Hollande

LOL I like

Nice one Neil, (y)
Well from what has already been posted, I must be the only one who likes the blast of colour.
I liked the blackness of the sky, the red from the inside of the bar spilling out onto the street, the brashness of the whole image.
The one thing I didn’t like was the lamppost; it cuts the picture in half.

So my edit consists of getting rid of the lamppost and its shadow, upping the darkness of the sky and increasing the colour content, using curves.
Correcting the bar uprights with the crop.
Dodging and burning.
Add a border.

“Oh yes” the moon, I know this sort of thing can go against the rules, :rules:
So I’ll leave it to that nice thread cop (Phil) to pass judgement. :D



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Couldn't make my mind up whether to do colour, or mono, so did half & half :D

Started by straightening - all perpendiculars - & cropped.

In LR to fiddle with sliders to get the saturation generally down, the pavement less in your face, the bush to the left changed to a ruddy colour & grew quite a bit to frame the shot.

Then into PE10 selected the sky but Jim beat me to the replacement sky which is one of my usual tricks so blackened the sky & put a lot of cloud cover to take away what would have been just a black blob.

Wanted to highlight the big frog to the right of the main entrance along with the lettering below.

Then I was still bored with it so did a random selection here & there & desaturated to get my half colour & half mono :nuts:

Anyway Neil it looks more like a blooming brothel to me :clap:

So done - Phew :puke:

30 minutes trying different ways

Feedback good!! (y)


A little bit of noise removal
Reduce temperature
Boost clarity, tweak histogram for fairly even spread with high contrast
Convert to b&w , losing green/aqua/blue
Gradient filter to darken top right
Split tone
Rectangular Vignette
Add grain
Great edits everyone!

Here was my try.

in Lighroom Raw used sliders to lighten and darken
Crop image.
Into Photoshop to sharpen and reduce noise.
Dodge and burn here and there to enhance.
Reduce image size and save.

here goes
overbez. that was what i was after, i loved the bright garish colours of the bar, it was night so the sky is great too, good edit

Helen. you didn't really like my bright colours did you lol, a fantastic edit nether the less, a little noise in the sky, perhaps if it was left darker?

farmerjim. really like this one, crisp and sharp, just how i like it, the sky is very atmospheric, it really adds something, good work.

rhodese. thats pretty much how it was, only gripe maybe pull a little too orangey? but love the moon, and as i said i love the colours on my original this is a definite contender, great edit

Daydreamer. great edit, not what i was after this time,im afraid but its clear to me your skills have gotten better and better, like me you see things in a different way and tried to think outside the box, very good

all the others have not asked for feedback, so all i can say id wow, some really great edis here, wally as johns i love the thinking, the same goes for Cathy and Simon, a real spooky edit there

so to sum up, the edit which most resembles what i was after on this occasion is.....Graham, Overbez!, well done fella, over to you.
here goes
overbez. that was what i was after, i loved the bright garish colours of the bar, it was night so the sky is great too, good edit

Helen. you didn't really like my bright colours did you lol, a fantastic edit nether the less, a little noise in the sky, perhaps if it was left darker?

farmerjim. really like this one, crisp and sharp, just how i like it, the sky is very atmospheric, it really adds something, good work.

rhodese. thats pretty much how it was, only gripe maybe pull a little too orangey? but love the moon, and as i said i love the colours on my original this is a definite contender, great edit

Daydreamer. great edit, not what i was after this time,im afraid but its clear to me your skills have gotten better and better, like me you see things in a different way and tried to think outside the box, very good

all the others have not asked for feedback, so all i can say id wow, some really great edis here, wally as johns i love the thinking, the same goes for Cathy and Simon, a real spooky edit there

so to sum up, the edit which most resembles what i was after on this occasion is.....Graham, Overbez!, well done fella, over to you.

Yuck :LOL:

Well done Graham

Well done to all of us but a special well done to Graham - the chosen one :clap:
Graham very well done!
Looking forward to next one!
Guys I am happy to have critique at any time.
Do you need to say this after each edit?
Shadows +20
Highlight -30
WB Day
Camera profile Vivid
Clarity +40
Sharpen +50
Blacks and Whites -50

Clone out the lens flair
Select lost highlights on dog and darken
Clone in hair over lost highlights
Darken background
Add DoF
Remove green colour cast on dog
45 mins


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First tried every crop I could & came to the conclusion, if I had a dog, this is the crop which would show him/her off to the best effect. Face, chest & some of his/her legs :nuts:

I did the PP all in LR but cocked up by losing the steps I took but recall the usual fiddling with sliders & lots of brushing - to get the highlights down, the background de-brightened & de-saturated & selective sharpening. Finished with vignette to frame.


PS Daren't go for one of my 'alternative' edits or Pepper (or Graham) may not like it - so kept it safe :)

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Congratulations Graham.

John I was in a similar quandary about the crop, I sort of got to square but it didn’t seem quite right so just off square is my choice.
I have no experience of editing with LR so this may be a daft question , is there no history panel for you to see what edits have been made?

My edit.
Open in ACR, no edit, open in PS.
Crop, copy layer.
In levels, bring the left hand slider in to the edge of the histogram.
Use a mix of clone and spot healing to get rid of the lens flare.

Now if you remember on the recent park image, I talked about a simple technique of non-destructive dodging and burning. I now employed it on this image.

Create a new layer call it “Mask” then fill it with 50% grey, set the foreground and background colours to black and white respectively then using a soft brush set to low values, paint black to darken and white to lighten.
(The use of other colours can be employed to effect, for toning.)
This was used mainly to balance the eyes and shape the face/body.
A large brush was used to darken the background.
Copy layer. Call this “Oils”
Using the Oil Paint filter apply the default setting, drop the opacity to 50%.
Create a new layer on the top of the stack. Call this “Boarder”
Select all; select a colour from the image as the foreground colour then using stroke create a border.
Use “fx” to bevel and emboss.
Save for web.



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F/B welcome:)
Here's my effort.
Opened in ACR
Contrast +34
Shadows -50
Whites -46
Saturation +23
Opened in CS6
B&W - Adjusted sliders Reds, yellows greens all down about 100%
Shadows & Highlights adjusted sliders to taste
Unsharp mask 49% Radius 2.7 Threshold 4
Noise reduction
Image size for Flickr.
[/url] PPwork by Farmejim, on Flickr[/IMG]

Maybe a bit over-processed?
Thanks for the test:)
here's my edit:

DSC_7215-1 by btyreman, on Flickr

all done in LR5:

cropped to 1:1 ratio,
warmed up white balance,
- highlights,
- blacks,
+ Clarity,

Tone Curve: + Highlights, - Shadows.

Split Tone: Boosted reds in the shadows.

slight white vignette around the edges,

sharpened on output saved as jpeg.

then finally used a gradient filter with clarity boosted on only the top half and a brush on the eyes with clarity +,

feedback is appreciated,

great photo! really enjoyed this one,


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F/B welcome

I went in close for my crop as I could see Graham in his dogs eyes. :)

Opened in Lightroom
opened up shadows and highlights
moved white and black sliders for look and colour i wanted.
Increase vibrance a little.

Into photoshop where I cropped the image close .
Cloned out lens flare and bits of fur and some background.
Blur background.
New layer/ high pass sharpen/ hard light.
Duplicate bottom layer place on top of sharpened layer
Erase eyes to increase sharpness.
Flatten and add border and text.

:eek: oh my.... superb work here, could pick my winner from about 4 or 5 of these so far. :clap:

Oh, and peppers a girl, she's 7 now although often still gets accused of being a puppy. (y)

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I have no experience of editing with LR so this may be a daft question , is there no history panel for you to see what edits have been made?


Yes there is a History panel but which becomes defunct when you take in & out of other PP programmes. In my case, this time, it was all done in LR but I save then use Picasa as my browser. My mistake, which I make time & time again, is to rename the pic & so when I look at it again in LR for a final 'fiddle' it treats it like a new one & all the old pic details are gone :(

I'll try harder next time but my history panel can be very very long :nuts:
adjusted clarity sharpened etc
cropped and blurred backround
located a polaroid template and placed pepper in
add name
added backround rotated and drop shadow
slight sperize to give an old photo look

Untitled-1 by flying giraffe, on Flickr
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A bit early but I'm not going to be here at lunchtime...

Well done and thankyou to you all... The only picture of her on the wall we have is from about 5 years ago, so I been thinking of getting another done. 'Twas early(ish) in the morning and I wanted to get her nicely backlit, wasn't too bothered by the lens flair but wanted a nice warm feel to the shot with the loose hairs highlighted by the sun.

So to my thoughts,
Wally - always a risk being the first edit up, but this has actually grown on me, best of the "B&W" if I may lump it in there I feel. Would have maybe preferred the drop shadow over the bottom left than the bottom right to echo the incoming light.

Helen, super skill removing the flare and cloning in over the highlights, super sharp in the face. Would have maybe left the BG as is though - individual hairs are really hard to select.

John, right decision I think to stay on the safe side. (y), started the trend for the crop which I think it needs. Accurate colours. Like it.

Rhodese - love the composition - colours accurate but still warm, detail in the backlit hairs, I do like the oil effect on the background, and it doesn;t overpower the fur detail, even adds a bit of texture to the blown highlight. (y) (Possibly a tad soft (dunno if thats from not sharpening, the filter or the resize)). :shrug:

FarmerJim, well done for a good consistent start. I'd agree there is a tad too much contrast I think it was from my memory of your edit. Never saw this as a B&W to be honest either. Learning what doesn; work is sometimes as good as learning what does. (y)

Ben - (No request for comments but I have to say) WOW, that leapt off the screen at me. The feel I was going for myself :clap:

Cathy - great crop - really bold but it works really well. could possibly have kept a bit more of the top of the head - really good job covering the blown area on her ear.

Scott - welcome to you - state if you want comments or not next time.. (y)

Thanks Neil - always hard to find a different take once everyone else has jumped in. Colours on the dog spot on - detail in the fur - love the oversauturated green.

Which leaves me to say..... Well Done Rhodese. (With Ben John and Cathy joint second by the tiniest of tiny margins!!).

Here's mine, simple processing, upping shadows and bring ing back highlights as much as poss, Direct sun WB, and then split toning (yellow Highlights, red . orange shadows) and upping saturation after, as well as crop, vignette and border. And probably slective sharpening of the face with HP filter. And cloned a couple of the light "bits" out of the reflections in her eye's.

And a bonus one from the same morning,

Would maybe have posted this one up but our address is clearly visable on the tag, well it was before I changed it in this edit. :nuts:

Over to you Rhodese.
Well done Rhodese

Graham, the 2nd one is really lovely but maybe a little distracting with the 2 colour spilt BG

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Nice one Rhodese :clap:

And yes there were some really good edits - that's what Pepper told me anyway ;)
Well done Rhodese:clap:, looking forward to the next test.:)