Sorry I’m late.

Well Graham, thank you kindly.

Thanks for the kind remarks people and well done. If no one enters, we don’t have a game then we finish playing with ourselves! :eek:

Neil that was a well presented edit. If I may be so bold as to criticize the sellotape, should it not be on the backing also?

Cathy I could have kicked myself for not spotting the stray whisker on her right eye.

Some of you, on this thread and others may have noticed my liking of avenues and alleyways, (That would be a good title for a song) :LOL: this then is no different. Taken in Limone on Lake Garda on a lovely fresh spring morning.

Be gone winter get thee behind me. At my age I know that I should not wish time away, but, but, Roll on next spring.

Good luck with this one I have never been satisfied with any of my edits.

I'll call it early on Saturday. Make that Friday, :D I got me days mixed up. :wacky:


I hope the link works; I’m useless at this kind of stuff.

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Hi Rhodese,

I had a quick go at this one. Are Nik Plug-ins allowed? I used Lightroom to start and then took it into Color Efex and added a filter, which I tweaked a bit and then to finish reduced the shadow noise in Dfine.

Lightroom adjustments were:

White balance>warmer
Enabled lens profile (auto)
Lifted shadows and decreased highlights
Clarity +20
Then into Color Efex and Dfine as above


C&C welcome.
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Graham, the 2nd one is really lovely but maybe a little distracting with the 2 colour spilt BG

Thanks Helen, see what you mean about the BG, doesn;t ruin it for me but I take your point. Thanks.

actually graham I said feedback is appreciated lol but glad you liked it!

Sorry Ben - I did notice when I read back..... I wouldn;t have said anything different anyway. :LOL: (y)
Thanks for the shot Rhodese, looks like a pleasant place for an early morning stroll. I like Mark's effort it's warmer so I went for a look with menace.
Steps were:
Opened in ACR
Highlights and whites down, shadows and blacks up.
Clarity +23
Opened in CS6
Cropped bit off left and top
Shadows/highlights to taste
Colour balance, moved the bias away from blue towards red.
Sharpened a tadge with unsharp mask.
Added border and vinette
Added menace!

[/url] menace by Farmejim, on Flickr[/IMG]

FB and critique welcomed
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Well done Rhodes ! Looking forward to the next one!

I see that hair I missed argh! Lol!

Well done to everyone else too. Thanks to wee Pepper she is such a cute wee bundle of love! Cathy
Cathy, I’ll have a pint of whatever you are drinking. :LOL:

You didn’t miss the hair, It was you who was the only one to remove the hair.

Cathy, I’ll have a pint of whatever you are drinking. :LOL:


She may drink whiskey & a pint :beer: of that MAY make you a bit :nuts:
One of those seemingly easy - but ultimately tricky ones here Rhodese...

For me, extremes of darks and lights I get best results from making multiple copes at different exposures, and further ones with highlights and shadows protected at the extremes.
So 5 copies, blended together.
Various sliders used to increase midtone contrast and adjust the midpoint of the blends.
Then overlayed the dark layer over the exposure blended version
Noise reduction and despeckle
Further local contrast increase on the foreground stones,
Lighten the lady walking away
Noise Reduction on her.
Sharpen overall plus extra on the foreground paving stones.

Hold my hands up to an absolutely terrible workflow here... :LOL:
Happy to hear what you think, 30 minutes here... not all of it profitable!

......Jack/Jackie Is Back
Mostly light and colour painting brushes
WB to Cloudy for the yellow/orange street lights of London
Clone out the man hole covers and the light coming in on the left

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Cathy, I’ll have a pint of whatever you are drinking. :LOL: You didn’t miss the hair, It was you who was the only one to remove the hair. Rhodese.

Duh! I thought you meant if you had done my edit you would have been mad because you missed that little highlighted hair on her right eye sitting just at the black rim.
When I looked closely I now would have blended that into the rim.
No drink I'm afraid only high on coffee :)
Great edits so far and Helen so scary all that blood! Argh!
Not as easy as it looks this one Rhodes but that is the fun of it!
Cathy :)
Well not great at all but i tried!

Opened in photoshop and played with sliders to get shadows and highlights the way i wanted.

New curves layer but used auto.
Increased vibrance and then took saturation down a little.
A little dodge and burn.
Sharpen and decrease noise,remove CA.

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Jim I just noticed that creepy hand!

I think you and Helen are right in the Halloween mood!

Creepy! but great ideas.
Cathy the size of your entry is massive, 2920pixels by 2592pixels, I'm having to scroll to see it. Is it just me?

Jim I just noticed that creepy hand!

I think you and Helen are right in the Halloween mood!

Creepy! but great ideas.
I like your edit Cathy, bl**dy good(y)

Halloween? Nah, I'm just dark and evil:) Can't answer for Helen tho'.:eek:
Cathy the size of your entry is massive, 2920pixels by 2592pixels, I'm having to scroll to see it. Is it just me?


I'm using Firefox and it automatically re-sizes large images.
Jim I use IE, Firefox and Opera at times, it’s the same on all three?


In your TP options, have you left "Thread display, image resize" as default? Cos oversized images are automatically resized on this forum.
That's the only thing I can think of:shrug:
Thanks Jim that seems to be it, the appropriate boxes had zeros in. I’ve cleared them and all is well, thanks again. (y)

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First the crop then into LR where I spent nearly all of the PP, exposure, shadows, contrast, clarity, vibrancy, temp & tint up a bit. Whites up quite a bit & blacks down quite a bit. Sharpened up a lot so a lot of noise reduction.

But a lot of brushing in twelve different areas to tackle varying needs but keen to have colour on the far shops.

Resized 1024 pixels wide for web & that's it.


PS No sick macabre edits from me as I don't want to scare the youngsters on this thread :eek:

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You missed something.

The lady should have been carrying a head dripping with blood & not her handbag :LOL:

Guess what's in the handbag, why there is a trail of blood

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Guess what's in the handbag

Make Up, Mirror, Credit Cards, Loyalty Cards, Powder Puff (or whatever they call it these days), keys, Mobile, Tissues, ..................

Have I missed anything else :cautious:
Make Up, Mirror, Credit Cards, Loyalty Cards, Powder Puff (or whatever they call it these days), keys, Mobile, Tissues, ..................

Have I missed anything else :cautious:

Hmm you seem to know reather a lot about Ladies handbags
Ducky ;):eek::D
Make Up, Mirror, Credit Cards, Loyalty Cards, Powder Puff (or whatever they call it these days), keys, Mobile, Tissues, ..................

Have I missed anything else :cautious:

Well yes, obviously the meat-cleaver and chloroform:eek::eek::eek:

PS. Great edit John.
Hi everyone sorry about the delay, I had to take my little brother (He’s only sixty three)to hospital this morning at 8am, I was still there at 3pm, he had broken his left ankle, trouble is he broke his right hip a couple of months ago and now…… he hadn’t got a leg to stand on.

I digress; the hour of judgment is upon us.

A good edit, but I feel the crop has not left much of a foreground, the tone is nice as is the colour in the far distance.

Oh Jim, what a super edit, the distant shops have form, colour, the coat has detail, loads of detail in the rest of the stonework, and then you added the clown and the hand. I know it’s Halloween and all that but personally, I think it adds nothing.
That’s not to say I don’t think it’s a talented edit, because I do.

Another good edit encompassing the whole scene, there’s detail wherever you look. A warm feel to it finishes it off.

Blood and gore ay. Its different I’ll say that.

A good crop and loads of detail, a bit noisy perhaps and a bit light for a dark alley.

I like what you have done with the shops and the way you pulled the overall detail out but and there’s always a but, like Cathie’s I feel it’s too light for a dark passageway.

The only square crop, you haven’t asked for feedback so I’ll leave it at that. O ang on, does FW mean feedback welcome? If so then I’m not sure the Lomo works, and as with Cathy and John, it’s a dark place and I think that has to come over in the overall feel of the picture.

Thanks for entering, a difficult picture to edit I know, I’ve had umpteen attempts and not come up with anything better.
So who is it to be, I know this is a bit like ping-pong but I’m giving it to “Graham” it’s nearest to what I tried to achieve. I can smell the dankness. Jim comes in at number two (it would have won but for the additions) and third is Mark.

“You’ve all done very well.” Now where have I heard that before?

Over to you Graham, again!

My edit.
It’s been quite some time since I did this but it was basically, crop and get rid of the drain in the foreground. Adjust levels; dodge and burn then paint the colours into the shops.


Here is my go at this and what a great photo I love the way you framed the edge with the buildings Photoshop. Shadows and Highlights New level layer to brighten. New vibrance layer to increase colours and then placed a copy of background on top and rubbed out parts I wanted to be more colourful. increase contrast. Light paint of orange along path to photographer Sharpen/reduce noise

F/B welcome

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Figured I'd give this game a try:


just a quick attempt, with a bit more time I'd probably mess with the angle and distortion and all that and try to get it perfectly symmetrical, though I like the image as is, absolutely amazed at how low noise/shadow dynamic range there is compared to what my 40d would be doing.

Trying to remember what I did, think this:
upped exposure between 0.55 and 1 stops,
reduced highlights -100,
upped clarity + 40 or something quite heavy like that(reflections on windows), only negative impact is on the trees.
10%saturation red hue in highlights
low saturation green hue in shadows, I forget how much.
also forget the balance of highlights-shadows

added 15 sharpening, no noise reduction(didn't need any)

slightly adjusted the vertical distortion & applied profile for 18-55 IIRC,
adjusted angle and cropped to try to increase symmetry, couldn't get it perfect, just a quick attempt.

Pretty sure that's all I did, but no doubt missed something.

Yeah I'd love comments, pessimism is appreciated, just slaughter it, I'd much rather receive negativity that helps me improve than positive comments, as I read somewhere recently, everyone who says something bad about your photos(in this case the processing) is correct, and I agree.
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