The Slimming Thread 2010


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Not sure if this thread already exists? Seems the 2009 one fizzled out, so heres another! Just to say sorry I havent been around much guys, been working hard on my weight loss! I have some progress pics to show you all!

Well I set myself a target to lose 2 stone in 16 weeks... 8 weeks in, and Ive already lost 16lbs (y)

This is the night before the diet began... its not a pretty sight, so just pre-warning people now :p I have censored accordingly though :D




And here is me as of this afternoon, remember I am only just halfway through the diet so far, so Ive got another 8 weeks to go, and another 12lbs :)




Feeling so much better about myself right now, my size 14 jeans are now so loose, I can pull them down over my hips :D

I am doing Body Combat twice a week, and I am starting a LBT class this week as well, plus trying to get in a game of badminton once a week.

What do you think then, can you see a difference? :D
You'd be blind not to be able to see that difference! Good way of doing by finding a gym class you like, more likely to keep it up, Combat is a great class.

Those photos should also be good to keep the motivation going.
I'd be lost without combat, I love it! Glad you can see the difference too, Iam feeling pretty good right now :)
Wow! You're looking fab Dee :clap: That's pretty amazing in such a short time - I wish I had a good incentive like you. I've lost about 7lbs in the same amount of time, although I seem to take 2 steps forwards and 1 step back :LOL:
Stuck :)

Thats a mighty fine difference there Dee. Although I must say, you did look fine before too!
Wow! You're looking fab Dee :clap: That's pretty amazing in such a short time - I wish I had a good incentive like you. I've lost about 7lbs in the same amount of time, although I seem to take 2 steps forwards and 1 step back :LOL:

Thats still half a stone!!!! People tend to get disheartened when they lose *only* 2lbs here, and a 1lb there. Its still a loss, and you're doing bloody well too! :)

Thats a mighty fine difference there Dee. Although I must say, you did look fine before too!

Why thank ya :D I still want the curves... just less of the excess fat :D
Well done dee and looking good. I'm glad you have brought this post back to life.I came on board the 2009 post back in Jan at a weight of about 19st got to about 15.5 st about aug time with good eating and the gym(god i hate the gym).But slowly i returned to my bad eating and not going to the gym,about oct i had some health issue's under the doctor and hospital which i admit i used as an reason for my eating and lack of gym.Last week i was back up to 17.8 st so i had to start again. I returned to the gym(still hate it) and eating better, so here we go again. So once again well done Dee.
Thank you Gary :) And well done fer getting back on the wagon!

I cant stand the gym either, it bores me. My weekly regime at the moment is Body Combat Mon and Wed, Spinning Tues, LBT on Thursdays, and trying to play badminton as well! I cant find the time :D
I cant stand the gym either, it bores me. My weekly regime at the moment is Body Combat Mon and Wed, Spinning Tues, LBT on Thursdays, and trying to play badminton as well! I cant find the time :D

IF you like dancing, try body jam, or this new Zumba stuff. I did for a joke more then anything, but i actually really injoy it after a bit, and if i had a pound for everytime i get asked what i do for my abs since i'd be a millionare now!
Would love to, but I can't find anywhere nearby that does it :(
Thanks Steffan :)

I had put on a lot of weight recently, I just needed that boost to get fit and healthy :)
Well done you are looking loads better. I know how hard it can be to stick to these things.

I decided that it was time to do something about a slow weight gain that had been happening over the last 3 years from 90kg to 107kg. I'm 6'2" so am tall but 107 put my BMI as obese :eek:

4 months in and I have got down to 95kg and when I think about the 12 1L cartons of milk I don't have to carry everywhere and the extra holes in my belt I am determined to get down to 85kg as my target weight.
That bra doesn't look very comfortable!

Well done, and keep up the good work!
Well done Dee, you look great and I'm sure you'll keep going :clap:

I need to lose a little - I actually have 10kg more than my ideal weight but due to illness and meds (including cortisone) I have very little chance of losing it. If I could even lose half I'd be happy. I walk as much as I can with the dog; go to the gym when I can (but I can only do gentle weight training and a tiny bit of aerobic exercise). It's not much but I reckon it keeps the metabolism working that teeny bit faster so it has to help. I wouldn't mind so much if it was just a number but one of the places prednisolone can make you put on weight is the stomach and I used to have a very flat, hard stomach and now I look like Mrs Michelin man.

Good luck for the rest!
Thanks everyone, and good luck to everyone else on their road to weight loss!

That bra doesn't look very comfortable! Well done, and keep up the good work!

Haha, its a bugger to keep up :LOL:

Amazing progress! You look fantastic and such a huge inspiration to us all :)

Wow, thank you so much! I hope you can all see more progress when I post my final pics!
Some impressive weight losses, cant say i know how it feels really as i am the opersite at this stage in my life, i loose weight by simply not training, but i have hit a mildstone in that i a m currently 78kg. Which is the heavist i have ever been.

But i always say being and feeling fit is a better gage then weight, dont forget muscle weights more then fat.
I agree on the feeling fit gauge, but on Weight Watchers, it gives me something to aim for when I know what I weigh :)
Little update, Ive done Body Combat twice this week, as well as spinning and LBT! The scales better thank me Sunday morning :D
Little update, Ive done Body Combat twice this week, as well as spinning and LBT! The scales better thank me Sunday morning :D

Just remember Dee that muscle weighs more than fat (just in case you're disappointed on Sunday). Even no loss may not mean that your body shape hasn't changed.
Just remember Dee that muscle weighs more than fat (just in case you're disappointed on Sunday). Even no loss may not mean that your body shape hasn't changed.

Arrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! :bang::bang::bang::bang:

Muscle and fat weigh exactly the same. 1lb of muscle is exactly the same weight as a 1lb of fat. Get the scales and check if you don't believe me.

Sorry - pet hate. I do a lot of work for a charity the supports weight loss and this is something that gets touted week in week out.

Muscle is denser than fat so whilst weight might not be lost the tape measure can see a difference.
Arrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! :bang::bang::bang::bang:

Muscle and fat weigh exactly the same. 1lb of muscle is exactly the same weight as a 1lb of fat. Get the scales and check if you don't believe me.

Sorry - pet hate. I do a lot of work for a charity the supports weight loss and this is something that gets touted week in week out.

Muscle is denser than fat so whilst weight might not be lost the tape measure can see a difference.

And a 1lb feathers weighs the same as a 1lb of anything else.

For a similar sized piece of tissue, muscle will weigh more than fat!
I've lost 7Lb in the last 6 weeks. I was 14 stone at 5'11" , almost a stone heavier than I was before I stopped smoking three months ago.

We didn't really have a bad diet but I've tweaked mine to include more veg, more low fat stuff and more wholemeal bread. Also cut out the Mars bars which were/are a real favourite of mine.

Most of the loss has been through exercise. I've been doing the gym thing 4 or 5 nights a week, building up from a gasping 1 mile run to over 3 miles now. Not fantastic but not bad for an old smoker :p Throw in circuit training after the treadmill and there's a definite change happening :) Probably the main thing is I can almost get back into a 32 waist trousers :banana:
Ahhhh, 32" waist trousers. There's a distant memory for me.....
Ah well done dod! Feels great don't it :D

Update from me... 4lb loss this week! I have now lost 10% of my body weight!!!! Feeling pretty good today :D
Well done people!! I'm 5 days into my lifestyle change :D Shift work has taken it's tole in the last 10 years and me being a lazy sod inbetween hasn't helped either!! I say lazy sod but get quite down about myself and then comfort eat :(
Anywho I haven't done the scales thing. I know I'm a whole heap of lard and I don't need a few numbers to tell me. I am just going along the lines that I will notice when I loose weight. I have to say that I am determined this time but would never do before and after picks as I really don't like myself so shudder at the thought!!
Went up to look at the local David Lloyd Gym today andam tempted to join with the wife. She loves all the spa stuff and I dare say I would if I felt confident enough to bare all as it were :)
Anywho keep up the good work all and it will be worth it in the long run :D:clap:
Sounds promising Steve! Good luck with it all, and keep popping in here for a boost! :)
Sounds promising Steve! Good luck with it all, and keep popping in here for a boost! :)

Cheers Dee, I will keep you all updated lol and after my recent bout of stress:

I have not raided the fridge for anything bad to make me feel better (that would usually have been the first step) so thats all positive! just a cuppa Earl Grey for me

Oh and well done on the loss so far!!
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Well done to those that have lost weight :D

My weight loss needs a bit of a boost tbh I have lost 78lbs in total (just over 5.5 stone) but only 1 stone of that has been since xmas :(

any suggestions?
Thats still some good going Ruth! How much more to you want to lose?

Have you tried changing your exercise? If you keep doing the same things, your system will plateau, so give something new a try? Thats what I am doing now :)
Well done all you slimmer people! I'm having problems at the minute trying to eat well due to working some silly and unpredictable hours so have gained 2lbs :( I know it's a vicious circle, but I don't have any energy to do anything and am not sleeping well. I'm also having surgery in about 6 weeks so that will seriously hamper my plans too.
Woohoo i lost 2 pound today woop

Well done :)

Well done all you slimmer people! I'm having problems at the minute trying to eat well due to working some silly and unpredictable hours so have gained 2lbs :( I know it's a vicious circle, but I don't have any energy to do anything and am not sleeping well. I'm also having surgery in about 6 weeks so that will seriously hamper my plans too.

It must be hard with your job, guess you never know whats going to happen :D

Try not to dwell on the surgery, just dont fall back into bad habits just because you feel you have to, just get straight back on that wagon when you can... or else :bat:

And on a another note, I managed to get into my size 12 work trousers today :D
And on Friday, I got into a size 12 dress! Legs out and everything! :D
Thats still some good going Ruth! How much more to you want to lose?

Have you tried changing your exercise? If you keep doing the same things, your system will plateau, so give something new a try? Thats what I am doing now :)

Thanks Betty

Sounds like your doing well :)

Yeah i keep changing my exercise, in fact i went canoeing today although im not sure the french pastries are helping matters tbh :(