no but i was a bit disappointed by last nights episode. was hoping for a build up to a big final episode.

wonder whats going to happen at terminus, and why is it so damn quiet? was this woman the person who took beth? why is rick covered in blood for next weeks teaser?

I have the feeling that we will lose Maggie next week, as she burnt the picture Glen had of her. 'You dont need a picture of me now'.....yeah...see ya!!
They can't kill Maggie, I'm sure I wasn't the only one that wanted Glenn to get back together, it was the most annoying thing about watching it, Carl and Rick have already made their mind up about Judith but Glenn wouldn't let it go!

Tyreese and carol weren't in the trailer I saw so hopefully they will get a good vantage point to help out Rick & crew, maybe Daryl will be the one to go?
ooh can you imagine.. Daryl would flip..

Had this conversation with someone at work this morning also, although beth wasnt mentioned. We were thinking that maybe she was barbecuing and eating walkers, but if it was reaction would be priceless!!
rumours, based on those who read the comics and played the games are that terminus is full of cannibals, and most likely they'll be eating Beth Burgers for tea, or that they give sacrificial humans to the walkers

For me, It was just too quiet, not security posts, unlocked gates and even though it was a lovely sunny afternoon, nobody but the lady doing the BBQ and greeting.

Then just after it finished, they showed a clip of whats to come, Rick Grimes sweaty and bleeding, Carl running through the woods pointing a gun, and Michione was chopping heads off, been attacked by walkers

I think they are going to take 'care' of the girl who was with Glenn as she has a injured leg, they can't go see her in the hospital, and Glenn?? sneaks to see her and uncovers what the Terminus is all about, finds her been chopped up for food/feeding walkers, queue him warning the others and then them fleeing for safety, with a few deaths on the way.

As for Eugine, the scientist, his a recluse who lived in his moms basement playing RPG games and is delusional, in a post apocalyptic world, you wouldn't keep the cure to yourself, you would tell all, to give it more chance to spread and be successful
rumours, based on those who read the comics and played the games are that terminus is full of cannibals, and most likely they'll be eating Beth Burgers for tea, or that they give sacrificial humans to the walkers

For me, It was just too quiet, not security posts, unlocked gates and even though it was a lovely sunny afternoon, nobody but the lady doing the BBQ and greeting.

Then just after it finished, they showed a clip of whats to come, Rick Grimes sweaty and bleeding, Carl running through the woods pointing a gun, and Michione was chopping heads off, been attacked by walkers

I think they are going to take 'care' of the girl who was with Glenn as she has a injured leg, they can't go see her in the hospital, and Glenn?? sneaks to see her and uncovers what the Terminus is all about, finds her been chopped up for food/feeding walkers, queue him warning the others and then them fleeing for safety, with a few deaths on the way.

As for Eugine, the scientist, his a recluse who lived in his moms basement playing RPG games and is delusional, in a post apocalyptic world, you wouldn't keep the cure to yourself, you would tell all, to give it more chance to spread and be successful

I hope all of what you just said happens :)
so do I:), hoping it is a fast action type episode to finish off the season, its been too slow for too long
The TV show is quite a way apart from the books now, even running timelines differently. But, as people have said, Terminus could now be The Hunter's part of the books, and Maggie did attempt suicide at this point, too......................
Talking Dead showed a very boring couple of minutes preview of the series finalewith the explanation that the finale ws so action packed that was all they could ahow without it being a spoiler.
I've been cursing the wife for the past 3 months when i found the final episode was two days after we leave for a 3 week holiday….the women should have got her priorities in check before booking ;)

doubt i will be able to see it till we return as we have no internet access at her parents or if its even accessible in china :(
I've been cursing the wife for the past 3 months when i found the final episode was two days after we leave for a 3 week holiday….the women should have got her priorities in check before booking ;)

doubt i will be able to see it till we return as we have no internet access at her parents or if its even accessible in china :(

It is actually been show on youku at moment. you will able to watched it the following Monday after it shown in american.
Yeah, right, some one in, we have great food and water.....and a frinkin' hatchet in your head.

Just watching the rerun. I did like it when Daryl was about to cover the guy who got, rather savegly, I thought, killed, and then he though, "What the hell!".

Staying away from this thread for a while as I wont be able to watch until 10 o clock
Hmmmm, might have to watch the final episode again.

Not keen on Rick's closing comment, found it a tad cheesy

Blooming short series as well. Any idea when season 5 is out?


Oh, and I do like it when Rick have the it her guy a love bite...ouch.
Hmmmm, might have to watch the final episode again.

Not keen on Rick's closing comment, found it a tad cheesy

Blooming short series as well. Any idea when season 5 is out?


Oh, and I do like it when Rick have the it her guy a love bite...ouch.

It was a full 16 episode season, just split into 2

Season 5 starts in August I believe
Sets up the scene for s5 nicely... Think the general consensus about them being cannibals is correct.


Rick showing Carl how the snare lures the prey corresponds exactly to how they were shepherded through terminus.... And the cage full of butchered bodies they ran past was a slight clue too :)
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It was a full 16 episode season, just split into 2

Season 5 starts in August I believe

Ah, I see. 16 episode, doesn't seem that many.

Sets up the scene for s5 nicely... Think the general consensus about them being cannibals is correct.


Rick showing how the snare lures the prey in corresponding exactly how they were shepherded through terminus.... And they cage full of butchered bodies they ran past was a slight clue too :)

I recall thinking there were getting shepherded but didn't connect it to the snare scene. Well spotted.

Yes defo cannibals.

Loved ricks final comments, yes a bit cheesy but it just shows that rick is back!!!

Surprised the biker guys died so easily.
But as they where being "led" towards the railcar, I'm sure you could hear a woman screaming at one point, maybe Beth?
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oh and saw this on another forum..

Hey guys if you get the chance it is good to watch Talking Dead (not sp error) the after show show where 'Rick' is interviewed etc. They are threatening major mayhem in the first 5 episodes or so of Season 5
Beth, Judith, Carol and Tyreese were all unaccounted for in the train car so I would imagine they play a part in the beginning of the next season. Unless of course, they keep the baby away from the chaos. I also suspect it's Beth that was screaming too.

I thought it was a good episode but I spent most of it thinking "they've got a lot to cover in the next xxx minutes" but then it was left on the cliff hanger. Looking forward to October or whenever. In the meantime GOT must be due back on soon and then True Blood ( minus Eric Northman) will be due back soon too.
Where's August come from? Season usually starts in October?

I probable misheard, October sounds more reasonable.

Beth, Judith, Carol and Tyreese were all unaccounted for in the train car so I would imagine they play a part in the beginning of the next season. Unless of course, they keep the baby away from the chaos. I also suspect it's Beth that was screaming too.

I thought it was a good episode but I spent most of it thinking "they've got a lot to cover in the next xxx minutes" but then it was left on the cliff hanger. Looking forward to October or whenever. In the meantime GOT must be due back on soon and then True Blood ( minus Eric Northman) will be due back soon too.

GoT is back next Monday. :banana: