TPF Slimathon

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ok, so i went to the Doc's today with a big toenail problem, whilst i was there she decided to weigh me as she said ' you look like you are carrying a bit too much weight', and she was damn right too.:( :crying:
So i thought i have heard a lot of members in here mention they are ' large' also, :naughty: and thought what if we all tried to loose weight together and post some nice idea's for things to eat, instead of nibbling chocolate biscuits.
Anyone up for it, we could post our weight now, and again in a fortnight or month..
so anyone up for it..:shrug:
A cracking idea. I started a similar thread on another forum (OK it was started in 04 by someone else, I was just ready at midnight running for the past two years to start each years slimming challenge thread :p)
i weigh 80kg and im just over 6ft, so im about the right weight anyway, my beef is with my beer belly, so im gonna start on a diet of sex and pointy dancing to shed the pounds :D
Why not just loose the big toenail?
If it's big it must weigh a lot :D

Seriously though a good idea (y)

I've been blessed with a slight build all my life so I won't be joining in or I would have to run around in the shower to get wet.

I am very pleased with myself however as I was a fairly heavy 'in-house' wine drinker and fairly heavy smoker (around 30 a day)

In my quest to save for my 1dMKIIN I gave up the booze and fags at the same time about 2 weeks ago and all is going well.

Feel fit as a butchers dog already and I'm sure anyone losing the weight will feel better for it too.

Go for it!
i weigh 14.5 stone(thats old money) so im up for losing a bit of unnecessary fat...
I'm trying to lose about 2.5kgs which just will not shift!

I was about to start on that cornflake diet.....but i'll wait and see of owt crops up here :)

The weight I need to shift is around the waist proven exercise tips pleeeeeease.
its looking good for the challenge, my weight is 14stone (88kgapprox) but i am only 5'8' tall, there lays the problem, instead of having to go to the chiropodist, i should go to the dentist and have my sweet tooth removed, that is my downfall. We will give it a couple of days, see who else want to join in, then we will start on a given day and take it from there.
digitalfailure said:
I'm trying to lose about 2.5kgs which just will not shift!

Put your wallet down next time you weigh yourself...
whitewash said:
i weigh 80kg and im just over 6ft, so im about the right weight anyway, my beef is with my beer belly, so im gonna start on a diet of sex and pointy dancing to shed the pounds :D

What's pointy dancing ? :cautious: (if it's a fit subject for this forum :naughty: )
matty said:
Put your wallet down next time you weigh yourself...

If i had my money belt on, i'd be off the scale! 2.5kgs would be pocket change :LOL:

Anyway......less of the lip you 14½ stone umpa lumpah

Im into pink not orange...
Tell ya what, i'll have it all off you. I'm 5'8" and about 9 1/2 stones at the mo. When I was properly unemployed I did balloon up to 10 1/2 but I seem to have lost that somewhere.

Could do with re-positioning my central ballast though so any exercise tips that don't involve dancing like john t greatly appreciated ;)
A few home truth's coming out here eh...:LOL:

Well Boon you are too late old chum, I started the 3rd week in January this year and up to press have lost 3 stones...:clap:

I can also say that at this moment in time I am still a tad over 20 stone on the scales and stand 6ft 1 inch tall..:help:

That made me just over 23 stone just after Christmas this year when I decided it was time to get my @rse into gear.:shake:

I am very pleased with the way I have lost weight although I aim to lose another 3 stone before I finish..:banana:
all i can say tim is well done mate:clap: that takes some doing, now, all we need to know is, what have you given up, or have you done more exercise, and do you think the next 3 stone will be harder than the first lot?
14lb in a stone jewel.

I'm currently about 179.3lb at 6feet tall.
i am 203lbs and 6ft tall, im better looking though and I have a nice selection of party dresses
I always thought it weird how Americans (Don't know about Canadians) measure weight in pounds and height in cm.

Best ways to lose weight are running, swimming, cycling.
SammyC said:
Best ways to lose weight are running, swimming, cycling.

and keep off the crap too..(y)
whitewash said:
think 70's dancing where lots of pointing goes on!
Get rid of the sequins :D
I've no idea how much I currently weigh.

Last October (when I last weighed myself), I was 20st 9lb. I'm 6ft 3. I look about 16-17st.

Now? Dunno. But i've lost a good 2" off my waist. Probably 18-19st I guess.
SammyC said:
Best ways to lose weight are running, swimming, cycling.

Not sure I would agree with ya on that one Sammy,lol ;)

So 14 pounds to a stone eh,thanks! If you guys are going to be doing this I honestly think some before pics should be posted first? Then at the end of it all the after pics. ;) Perhaps one of you in your party dress Matty, you big handsome fella you! :LOL: :D

i reckons that DF got there and changed that, im sure i said party FROCKS
OMG I have always thought of myself as chubby. But then now I think I have to admit it, I AM FAT!!!

There just like an alchoholic I have gone and said it.

I am 5ft 11 and just over 20st. Time to start doing something about it. I think I am at that point where I am the heaviest I have ever been. But I am still happy about it.
jewel said:
If you guys are going to be doing this I honestly think some before pics should be posted first? Then at the end of it all the after pics. ;) Perhaps one of you in your party dress Matty, you big handsome fella you! :LOL: :D


Who's got the widest lens ?? I think we may need it ;) :LOL:
Well I'm 6'4" and I'm nto sure what I weigh at the moment. A couple of months ago it was 17 something...Now I daren't weigh myself because I'm afraid it's gonna be

Back in 2004 I was working for the BBC and was about 17 1/2 stone...steady weight...(Job on the road, ate out alot). Anyway, I ended up leaving there due to depression, and ended up ballooning to 22 stone. As luck would have it, in August, something inside me said "**** me, look at the state of you", and I started slimming....

As of last April I got down to 16 and a bit stone, but then lost interest. Ended up quitting the gym, and became less fussy about eating healthily.

Now, as I say I reckon I'm about 19 stone I need to kickstart myself into touch again.

I did write out a little story I did last year, talking about my weight problems I had...I'll see if I can dig it out.
That's a real problem mate, getting bored with the exercise. I am absolutely certain that dieting alone will not lose weight permanently, as soon as you start eating normally again the weight comes back.

But the same happens with exercise, as soon as you stop the weight comes back. Which is why I think running, swimming, cycling is the best form of losing weight as its nowhere near as dull as a gym. If you can find an exercise that you enjoy it stops being exercise and becomes fun.

I've started cycling to work every day, much more fun than queuing in the car, and it gets you fit. Even in the rain its good fun!

( don't think you can use that one Marcel! :D )

jewel said:
Not sure I would agree with ya on that one Sammy,lol ;)

If you guys are going to be doing this I honestly think some before pics should be posted first?

Well I would but the constant stalking and fan mail gets tiresome after a while ;)

PS. What's wrong with the exercise listed? :thinking:

I've always been a firm believer in the Law of Thermodynamics :D

When people say "I hardly ever eat, and I exercise loads but it just won't shift", I find it hard to believe.

The rules are simple. Eat more calories than you burn, and you'll get less and you'll lose weight...simple.

So how do we lose weight? Well we either eat less calories, or we burn more calories.

Doing it excessively is just silly, because as has been said, when you stop and revert back to normal, you'll just put the weight back on....we're back to thermodynamics again :D

What is needed is a lifestyle change, a PERMANENT one.
Now it sounds daunting but it isn't really.

If you tackle it a bit at a time, it really does become easy.
For example.
Switch from butter to low fat spread.
Dont fry: Instead bake, or use a griddle pan.
Or spread a little bit less on your toast.

Drop from 2 sugars in your tea to 1 and a half...then a few weeks later, to 1..then to half, then to none...Trust me it works. I used to drink tea with full fat milk and 2 sugars....and *hated* it otherwise, now I drink it with semi skimmed and no sugar.

It all takes time, after all you didnt put your weight on overnight, so don't expect to lose it overnight.

Also, another golden rule / misconception, is that you cannot spot reduce fat.
If you want to lose a bit of weight from your tum, bum, thigh or whatever, then just aim to lose weight.
You don't get to chose where that weight comes off...Your body genetics does.

You'll notice that men are predispositioned to putting weight on on their tummy first, ladies on their bums.
Well when you lose weight, it comes off in the reverse order it went with men, chances are your tummy got bigger first...then your hips, then your thighs and bums....Well when you lose weight, your bum and thighs lose some first, then your hips, THEN your tummy....

If that makes sense. The only thing you can do is weighted exercise to tone up the area you are interested in :)
SammyC said:
I think running, swimming, cycling is the best form of losing weight as its nowhere near as dull as a gym. If you can find an exercise that you enjoy it stops being exercise and becomes fun.

Well I belong to a gym and I actually enjoy it very much so! It's almost addicting now and if I don't go I feel like crap. I have kids though so I do bike ride, go swimming, and so on. I'm very active but still manage to put on a few extra pounds the older I get it would seem. I'm 31 years old now and I just can't eat the way I used too,lol. No more ordering pizza at 1:00am. One of my worst habits,lol :LOL:

Sammy's right too, the minute you stop exercising, the weight comes back very quickly. It's a lifestyle change so find stuff you enjoy doing boys or it just doesnt' seem to work!

In June I lost 1/2 stone in 2 weeks down at Goreskh in Afghanistan. The heat and the vast amount of water you drink (about 16 litres a day) means the fat just melts off you.
It's even hotter there now, so I'm looking to lose about a stone with any luck. I'm pretty thin everywhere apart from the love-handles and a slight belly - it's the only place I put any weight on and it's all beer, I'm afraid. A month in a 'dry' camp should sort that.
I havent got a clue what my weight is and if Im honest, I dont want to know either.
Ive always been a perky size 8 but now a size 12 is looking a bit on the tight side and I really dont like it.

Some of my girlfriend's laugh when I complain Ive put weight on but I know I can rely on my old mam to tell it like it is. Last visit as I walked up the stairs in front of her she uttered the crucifying words every woman hates 'Our Glo, youre getting a right ar*e on you'. Thanx mam!

I think I just need more exercise to be honest, been a bit lazy of late.
One of those huge zoom 'L' lenses should do it, struggling to lift one of things would soon whip me back in shape!
InaGlo said:
I havent got a clue what my weight is and if Im honest, I dont want to know either.
Ive always been a perky size 8 but now a size 12 is looking a bit on the tight side and I really dont like it.

Some of my girlfriend's laugh when I complain Ive put weight on but I know I can rely on my old mam to tell it like it is. Last visit as I walked up the stairs in front of her she uttered the crucifying words every woman hates 'Our Glo, youre getting a right ar*e on you'. Thanx mam!

I think I just need more exercise to be honest, been a bit lazy of late.
One of those huge zoom 'L' lenses should do it, struggling to lift one of things would soon whip me back in shape!

:LOL: i wouldnt dare mutter anything like that to the wife...:nono: