Trackball problem.


Nod (UK)
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For some years now, I've been using a Microsoft Trackball Explorer but recently the scroll wheel has been causing problems. Only at one specific click on its travel but it's a pain in the proverbial. Is it an easy fix or should I start trying to source a replacement? If the latter, can anyone recommend something similar - 4 buttons, extremely ergonomic and easy to use, ideally on Win7 and 8 (planning a machine upgrade soon).
This video shows you how to take it apart:
Probably other guides available too, just google it.
Seems pretty straight forward, just take it apart, have a look at it, give it a clean, see if there is anything obvious that is causing the problem.
Ye gods, he's a bit of a butcher! Useful to see where the screws are under the rubber but less so in most other respects. Thanks for the response though. Looks like I'll be getting the screwdriver out at some point to see if the wheel can be made to work reliably. If not, a trip to PCWorld might be in order, although last time I looked, there was nothing that was anything close to as nice to use as the Explorer thing. Not a huge fan of mice since desk space is very much at a premium and they also seem to be shrinking (I've got big hands!)