Photography location search

This looks like an excellent idea.

Not sure what I can do to help, but if there is anything drop me a line. I've been trying to research locations for a couple of trips and it would be so much easier with something like this available!
Hi Lee/Richard,

We are looking for people that know different area's well. Both to review other's entries, and also add their own. It's going to become harder and harder to add places- as we don't know everywhere in the UK (obviously), and it makes sense to speak to people that know the local area's. We are only talking about an hour a week.


Well I know my local area reasonably well - so could certainly validate local stuff. I also have a huge image library from my UK holidays over the past 8 years which I'm sure could add some content as well.
Really hope this takes off - one of the photography mags has a similar section on their website, but there's not that much on it. I think the nearest location was 2hrs drive from me!
Another feature that might be good would be those iconic shots we all recognise (that pier in the lake district (coniston water?), the tree on Rannoch moor, etc etc, and exactly how to get to the shooting location. I've spent many frustrating holidays thinking "it'll be obvious when i get there" and then finding that the spot i needed was an hour's trek from the road and i didn't have the right gear!
Good idea, I've just registered and adding local places.

If everyone does the same, it should quickly fill up.
You need to a few more location types, the current selection is limiting...

Buildings and Monuments
Coastal Points
Events Venue
Heritage and Museums
Landscapes and Scenary
Nature Spot
Towns & City

I've just added Chessington Zoo and Beale Park and not sure what area to put it under, I think you'd also need an 'Animals & Wildlife' type.

As suggested, perhaps field for key photographic features etc. (waterfall, animals, landscape, sculptures etc.)

Another field that should be added is if the location is free or if you need to pay to get in (might need extra details)
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I just put in Peterborough and 25 mile radius..... nothing came up :LOL: says a lot about where I like :LOL:

I'll have to input some stuff for you around here!
