Trumping co-worker

I agree with you (despite being a bloke) , what 'm saying though is that all these get backs being suggested are also unproffesional and don't belong in the office environment.

the proffesional thing to do is to politely make your disaproval plain and if he continues despite being asked not to then if its a serious issue take is up via grevance procedure - if its not serious enough to do that then just ignore him

at the end of the day everyone farts sometimes - i do more than most due to a medical issue, but if i feel one coming on I usually take it to the toilets (not least for fear of following through) or at least outside the office - I don't find it remotely funny and if i have to let one go in the office i'd apologise and open a window

I never for one minute agreed that the situation should be handled with some of the somewhat humorous yet unprofessional suggestions made.

I know everyone farts. Hell, someone even wrote a book about it (or was it Everyone Poops?)... But it's interesting to see what behaviours most men think is acceptable and the 'suck it up and get on with it' attitude. Not being sexist, but I can assure you that women think differently to it. I suppose more fool me for posting something like this in a predominantly male environment.
And I agree with you, Big Soft Moosey Moose ;)
Bethy - I personally don't think it is funny. It wouldn't be tolerated in most offices! It is disrespectful.

I sat next to a guy in an office once, and he stank of stale cigarette smoke - REALLY smelly. Made me feel sick. I was in a similar situation to you - not knowing what to do. Luckily I left that contract for another (for other reasons).

I feel for you.


Thanks Dav. Stale ciggy smoke is awful... I'd struggle with that too.
Joe, it's called respect.

If this guy, or anyone else in the office needs to fart, then they should either go the bathroom, or pop outside.

And +1 to Big Soft Moose above.

all sounds a bit over the top to me. A trump is a trump - it's a natural thing!
Where e'er you be let the wind blow free
except open office plan, hold it in, like a man

if your toots are much too loud
and your farts are becoming fabled
dont upset the silent crowd -
nip to the gents or the disabled

all sounds a bit over the top to me. A trump is a trump - it's a natural thing!

a poos a natural thing - it doesnt mean all your co workers want to see it, smell it, or hear about it :shrug: - you said yourself that the toilet was for bowel movements - a fart is a bowel movement, just a gaseous one rather than liquid or solid
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I've noticed that you're all blokes... And not really seeing the issue here... I'm all for a laugh, and my god, I have to laugh when my husband wakes the house every morning with his anal eruptions. But in an office environment, an open plan, why should anyone have to put up with someone who cant be bothered to walk the 30ft to the toilet and do what he needs to do and leave it there! It's rude, it's ignorant, and it's disrespectful towards the others in the office.

I don't really expect now for anyone to really see my point as long as this thread remains testosterone weighted. So... 'Nuff said.

Slow down there. I'm male, I fully agreed it's wrong for an office environment and offered you the two ways I'd attempt to deal with it. The last thing this thread needs to help it further degenerate is to turn it into an argument of the sexes.
at the end of the day everyone farts occasionally , but theres a difference between doing it occasionally and doing it habitually or deliberately- the latter is definitely disrespectful to co workers.
Slow down there. I'm male, I fully agreed it's wrong for an office environment and offered you the two ways I'd attempt to deal with it. The last thing this thread needs to help it further degenerate is to turn it into an argument of the sexes.

I was speaking generally, not for all, and it was an observation. Who's arguing?
a poos a natural thing - it doesnt mean all your co workers want to see it, smell it, or hear about it :shrug: - you said yourself that the toilet was for bowel movements - a fart is a bowel movement, just a gaseous one rather than liquid or solid

the definition of a bowel movement does not include passing wind. It means defecation - which is the passing of fecal matter.

guess its a personal thing. I wouldn't have an issue with a co worker trumping as I find it an amusing thing, but if others do find it offensive then that's their prerogative
Another bum thread, full of hot air, people trying to trump each other and the usual stool pigeons.
Turn the other cheek people.
I agree with you (despite being a bloke) , what 'm saying though is that all these get backs being suggested are also unproffesional and don't belong in the office environment.

the proffesional thing to do is to politely make your disaproval plain and if he continues despite being asked not to then if its a serious issue take is up via grevance procedure - if its not serious enough to do that then just ignore him

at the end of the day everyone farts sometimes - i do more than most due to a medical issue, but if i feel one coming on I usually take it to the toilets (not least for fear of following through) or at least outside the office - I don't find it remotely funny and if i have to let one go in the office i'd apologise and open a window

Now that would make me chuckle...up on a grevance for breaking wind....that one would go all the way to the Supreme Court !!! Any union member or HR staff would inform you that you are farting a losing battle, although you may not like it, you could find yourself up on your own harassment or discrimination charge !! What's to say he has not got a medical condition or he may not have any control over it, don't get so pumped up about it....suck it in and enjoy :)
What's to say he has not got a medical condition or he may not have any control over it, don't get so pumped up about it....suck it in and enjoy :)

He doesn't, he does... And why not at minimum say 'pardon me!' It's called respect.
I was speaking generally, not for all, and it was an observation. Who's arguing?

I'm glad no one's arguing :) I just take exception to it being reduced to an argument of gender. I fart - as we all do - but I suspect it's something that we'd all never do knowingly on a first date or at a job interview. That suggests there's something that people may not like about it in a lot of circumstances.

It might be amusing to some, in certain circumstance, but if it is all day and he actually cock's a leg or strikes a pose to let rip that's pretty unpleasant behaviour for a professional environment where you're amongst colleagues but perhaps not people you'd call friends.

Let's not forget that when flatulence smells it's because we're inhaling tiny faecal particles. That's pretty grim if it's someone else's.

As I've said, if a friendly word in the ear of the man doesn't successfully deal with the problem then speak to a senior. It doesn't immediately need to be anything formal but it won't stop if nothing is said. If others object to it too then suggest they raise it too.

You could even go the route of a 'fart jar', which could work the same way as a swear jar. Perhaps the proceeds could go towards something like biscuits/tea/Christmas party for the office.
Now that would make me chuckle...up on a grevance for breaking wind....that one would go all the way to the Supreme Court !!! Any union member or HR staff would inform you that you are farting a losing battle, although you may not like it, you could find yourself up on your own harassment or discrimination charge !! What's to say he has not got a medical condition or he may not have any control over it, don't get so pumped up about it....suck it in and enjoy :)

I know someone who wound up on a greivance charge because of unusually bad BO (caused by not washing , not by any medical condition) He lost and got given a warning as the employer felt his conduct was unacceptable for those that had to share space with him
Not only that, I'm not sure that co-worker would appreciate being hauled in front of a tribunal on a trumped up charge. :D
Not only that, I'm not sure that co-worker would appreciate being hauled in front of a tribunal on a trumped up charge. :D

Lol!! Trumped up charge... That make me snort! Lol!
would that solve the issue. If each time he farted he just said "pardon me"?

If he's got any manners he certainly would. In the same way when he burps, a quick 'pardon me' wouldn't go amiss.

When I burp I'll offer up a Pardon me...even when I fart at home, I offer up a Pardon Me. But when the wife farts and burps at home....nothing, absolutely nothing from her.

Manners cost nothing, Joe..............
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the definition of a bowel movement does not include passing wind. It means defecation - which is the passing of fecal matter.

guess its a personal thing. I wouldn't have an issue with a co worker trumping as I find it an amusing thing, but if others do find it offensive then that's their prerogative

And that confirms that Joe can certainly talk a load of $#!? (y)
A huge floor standing fan pointed in his direction would get your point across and keep the smell away.


FTR, farting is not funny, it just makes everywhere smell rotten.
And if you're STILL not having any joy, get him this T shirt as a gift and see if he takes the hint . . .

"Windy Miller, Windy Miller sharper than a thorn,
Like a mouse he's spry and nimble when he grinds the corn.
Like a bird he'll watch the wind and listen for the sound,
Which says he has the wind he needs to make the sails go round."
Judging by the manners joescrivens finds acceptable when dealing with potential clients over email - as per his recent thread - it doesn't surprise me one bit that he would also see no problem with public flatulence.

The australians call it 'Bogan'.
Most of your replies have appeared, IMO, to go against using manners.

I always say excuse me when I trump and always say pardon me when I burp. I have good manners. (y)

I also understand that trumping isn't amusing for everyone. I hope the op finds a solution and is happier at work.
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