Pot? Kettle?

That all sounds terribly frightening glad you are on the mend and managed to maintain a sense of humor throughout x

Get well soon Richard.

Cheers guy`s. What I found more frightening was when the wife came to collect me she gave the staff on duty a box of family circle biscuits. Hell!! is that all I am worth to her? I would have said a years supply of Jaffa`s would be the minimum.
•muscles problems; unexplained muscle pain, lack of energy, weakness.
•memory problems; memory loss, confusion.
•face, sensory organs, throat or ankles edema, flushing, hoarseness.
• flatulence.

Out of just a few of these side effects, can you explain please how we tell the difference :naughty:

Best of luck mate (y)
•muscles problems; unexplained muscle pain, lack of energy, weakness.
•memory problems; memory loss, confusion.
•face, sensory organs, throat or ankles edema, flushing, hoarseness.
• flatulence.

Out of just a few of these side effects, can you explain please how we tell the difference :naughty:

Best of luck mate (y)

:LOL: Cheers Trev, I got told off by Lindle for watering the garden yesterday :( The sooner she goes back to work the happier I will be (y)
•muscles problems; unexplained muscle pain, lack of energy, weakness, myalgia.
•memory problems; memory loss, confusion, depression.

Age related...

• flatulence.

Self explanatory...

Rich is an old fart!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
•muscles problems; unexplained muscle pain, lack of energy, weakness, myalgia.
•memory problems; memory loss, confusion, depression.

Age related...

• flatulence.

Self explanatory...

Rich is an old fart!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Don't get me too excited Nod, you may have me on your conscience if I go Tits up again :D

When "she who must be obeyed" goes back to work I can always help you go over the wall.

As said, everything in proportion! So, for now, no walking up Glastonbury Tor but a gentle wander is all part of the getting better process. If you remember when we met I was still trying to get my left leg working after the fracture - now much improved....... so when you want to go jogging....... find someone else! :)

It is great you are still being humourous - made me smile!


When "she who must be obeyed" goes back to work I can always help you go over the wall.

As said, everything in proportion! So, for now, no walking up Glastonbury Tor but a gentle wander is all part of the getting better process. If you remember when we met I was still trying to get my left leg working after the fracture - now much improved....... so when you want to go jogging....... find someone else! :)

It is great you are still being humourous - made me smile!


Cheers Mum will do (y) Although when we met I thought your main problem was trying to get your hand in your wallet :shrug: ;)
Personally I think this place is enough to give anyone a heart attack lol
( Waits for Brash to respond :cautious: )

Why should I respond? You've ignored my good will messages much to my hurt and disappointment.:crying: If we ever meet again, you can look forward to a little longer in hospital;)
Why should I respond? You've ignored my good will messages much to my hurt and disappointment.:crying: If we ever meet again, you can look forward to a little longer in hospital;)

Cheers Brian :p ;)
I was just looking in the fridge a few minutes ago at a packet of Dark Chocolate Digestives. The wife creeps up on me from coming in from outside and says in a loud voice What you up to? :wacky: She is a living hell at the moment, tells me off for over filling the kettle, I mean how frigging important is that on a scale of 1-10?
Cheers Mum will do (y) Although when we met I thought your main problem was trying to get your hand in your wallet :shrug: ;)

Nooo you were too quick off the mark :p

With your enforced rationing - the next 2 lunches are on me! So we will be forced to limit ourselves to 8 pints each and a slice of tomato on a lettuce leaf for eats.....
Why should I respond? You've ignored my good will messages much to my hurt and disappointment.:crying: If we ever meet again, you can look forward to a little longer in hospital;)

Why is that? You gonna bore him into a coma?
Rich, in all seriousness, ONE choccy bikky isn't likely to do you too much harm. I've found that simply taking just the one bikky out of the packet and putting the packet away is enough to persuade me that that's all I need, whereas I used to sit down with a packet and end up munching through half the pack (which didn't help my weight gain!) Obviously, I'm not a doctor so ask their advice but mine certainly told me that the trick is moderation rather than self denial. When it was thought that I was diabetic, I was even allowed chocolate - good dark chocolate has very little sugar or fat in it - 70% cocoa solids or more should be fairly safe. I was even allowed ONE chunk of milk (or ONE truffle etc)
Why is that? You gonna bore him into a coma?

:LOL::LOL: :cautious::cautious:
Rich, in all seriousness, ONE choccy bikky isn't likely to do you too much harm. I've found that simply taking just the one bikky out of the packet and putting the packet away is enough to persuade me that that's all I need, whereas I used to sit down with a packet and end up munching through half the pack (which didn't help my weight gain!) Obviously, I'm not a doctor so ask their advice but mine certainly told me that the trick is moderation rather than self denial. When it was thought that I was diabetic, I was even allowed chocolate - good dark chocolate has very little sugar or fat in it - 70% cocoa solids or more should be fairly safe. I was even allowed ONE chunk of milk (or ONE truffle etc)

Cheers Nod, I know I will obviously have to plan my food a bit better but in saying that like they said at the hospital, clogged arteries are not things that happen overnight so like you say best not get too paranoid. I am not sure if I get to see a dietitian as a follow up, or if that is something I need to sort out myself, not sure if I even need to :shrug: My main indulgences I suppose have been sweet things, cakes, sugar in my Tea & Coffee and Meat with fat on. Other than that I still eat and enjoy all foods, Fish I cannot get enough of, love my vegetables and fruits. I understand that I will probably just have to change over to different types of Pasta etc, but other than that I think it is a case of just cutting down or cutting out certain things.
Glad you are back and up and about, heart issues tend to focus the mind!
You should get the advice of a dietician provided and you should also get put onto a cardiac convalescence course (exercises, monitoring of BP etc, talks from different bodies about cardiac care etc).
Lifestyle warning though. :)
Glad you are back and up and about, heart issues tend to focus the mind!
You should get the advice of a dietician provided and you should also get put onto a cardiac convalescence course (exercises, monitoring of BP etc, talks from different bodies about cardiac care etc).
Lifestyle warning though. :)


Totally agree

After I had recovered from my CABG the follow up included all you have listed.

An exercise regime was run at the Cardiac centre at the RUH in Bath and included thos who had stents (angioplasty) and CABG (By-pass surgery).

6 x 2 hour group sessions spread over 6 weeks. An hour with lecture type classroom session with a nurse specialist covering food and diet, meds, romance and sex, exercise, self monitoring etc, followed by a group gymnasium session on bike machines, directed fitness routines, step programmes etc.

They then recommended local gymnasiums which had instructors qualified to assist recent heart patients but main recommendations was walking and swimming but in moderation.

By the way, the dietician WILL be stick thin, and not understand at all! :D
Oddly, the one I saw about a year ago re the probable (now seems to have been a misdiagnosis) wasn't thin at all - it was very much a case of "do as I say, not as I do"! And I did and still try to, although I have let things slip a little since the reappraisal of the diabetes (it appears that I'm not actually Diabetic and never was - thank all the possible gods...) A LITTLE of what you fancy is usually OK every now and again, it's when it's now and again and again and again etc that there's a big problem. The one thing I do try to be a bit careful about is sugar - I now try to use sweeteners rather than sugar in coffee and tea as well as on my cereal - I've found Stevia to be the best of the bunch although I usually use the little tablets in beverages (they're easier to carry than a pouch of fake sugar!) The current load of sugar free fizzy drinks has less of an aftertaste than diet coke used to have too.

For a long time (a separate health problem...) I've eaten brown rice and wholemeal pasta etc rather than white - more taste and texture as well as being better for me.
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Just seen the title and thought "Banned" for giving honest critique in the bird section :woot:
GWS Rich (y)
:LOL::LOL: :cautious::cautious:

Cheers Nod, I know I will obviously have to plan my food a bit better but in saying that like they said at the hospital, clogged arteries are not things that happen overnight so like you say best not get too paranoid. I am not sure if I get to see a dietitian as a follow up, or if that is something I need to sort out myself, not sure if I even need to :shrug: My main indulgences I suppose have been sweet things, cakes, sugar in my Tea & Coffee and Meat with fat on. Other than that I still eat and enjoy all foods, Fish I cannot get enough of, love my vegetables and fruits. I understand that I will probably just have to change over to different types of Pasta etc, but other than that I think it is a case of just cutting down or cutting out certain things.

I can vouch for the cakes he has sent me images of them yum
He needs to send you the cakes rather than imges - although he may be allowed a SMALL slice!!!
Just seen the title and Hoped "Banned" for giving honest critique in the bird section :woot:
GWS Rich (y)
well I have just spoke to Rich and didn t even know about him being ill, I am not keeping up on here now, so sorry its a bit late Rich but get well soon and I wish you all the best.

I can vouch for the cakes he has sent me images of them yum
Cheers Kaz, I reckon buying and cooking two Turkeys when I was drunk last Christmas didn`t help with my cholesterol either.
He needs to send you the cakes rather than imges - although he may be allowed a SMALL slice!!!
Your so near yet so far away Nod or we could meet up at our little Parisian café :D
:LOL: well Rich I have actually started baking my own now

You telling me you knew where to find the cooker Kaz?
Sure it's not the nagging wife that's caused you the problem? You might not be able to have a new body for yourself but you can certainly trade her in for a newer version to enjoy ;) :naughty:

In all seriousness, glad you're ok and you sound in good spirits (y)
Book me in BABY!! (y)


That was a brilliant hour with a mixed group.

The men were aged from me (early 50s) to 80 and the women (late) 60s to (late) 80s. (Apparently Estrogen protects women's hearts until after menopause, so in general, they have cardiac pronlems later than men).

The sex and romance seminar was interesting and ultimately surprising. Summary was a gem

Nurse said just because you have had heart attacks you do not need to give up sex and all that entails...... No need to hide away and it is good for your well being etc. Responses - most of the men looked aghast and stared at the floor, most of the women were smiling and glowing (mental high fives)!!!!!

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Wasn`t it just :naughty:

A people watcher's orgy of reaction!!!!

You may find yourself doing the same session

You have been warned :p
Talking of support, I spoke to the wife about 7am aprox 6hrs after the OP. The first thing on my mind was contact work, she spoke to my boss to let him know what had happened later that day (Saturday) On Sunday she received a text from him asking if I knew anybody that would be able to drive the van whilst I was off :thinking: As if I really gave a toss :shake::shake:
Talking of support, I spoke to the wife about 7am aprox 6hrs after the OP. The first thing on my mind was contact work, she spoke to my boss to let him know what had happened later that day (Saturday) On Sunday she received a text from him asking if I knew anybody that would be able to drive the van whilst I was off :thinking: As if I really gave a toss :shake::shake:

No surprise there!

Candid view of their priorities.

"The show must go on"
First, my best wishes - goes without saying I think.

I have a friend in The States who had a massive heart attack, ended up with a quadruple by pass op, thought that his enjoyment of life had ended...
But he ended up much healthier, fitter (and leaner) and now gets far more out of life than ever before. His only complaint is that he ended up $10,000 poorer, but he says it was worth it, just to turn his life around.

Personally, I have pretty serious type 1 diabetes. I've ended up critical twice, due to medical neglect, and I have to be 100% "good" about medication and diet - but it doesn't stop me eating pretty much what I like, it just forces me to apply self control and not make a pig of myself. In my case, I know that it will shorten my life but so what? It's quality that matters, not quantity.