UPDATED Urbex Scotland: First Meet, Part One & Part Two

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Well if you fancy it on Saturday or Sunday morning, i'm in. I want to check the rest of the place out so I can add it to my "done to death" list :D

Unfortunately at the moment, I'm out Saturday and Sunday, but if my plans change I'll certainly be up for it!
Very nicely done, very dark, captured the atmosphere of these places just right.
Damn, now I wish I lived nearby :D
Very nicely done, very dark, captured the atmosphere of these places just right.
Damn, now I wish I lived nearby :D

You are more than welcome to any future meets, I reckon a few of us might go across the UK looking for these sorts of places if you are interested...

Stunning series of shots Gary, I'm really pi**ed off I couldn't make it :(

The circular saw shot looks pretty horrific, I'm never use mine again after seeing that!

How did you light the cabinet in this one?


Give me a shout when you fancy another run down to law, I'm looking forward to it already :D
Hi Mate,

Dave brought a flashtorch with him, we just turned it on and dumped it in the body box. In my 2nd set from the visit, I have really gone to town on one of the morgue shots (none online yet).

Scary place, I remember sh*tting bricks at one point when loud bangs were coming from a dark room. I said to Craig, WTF is that! I mean it was loud, and no-one was there.

He shrugged and said 'Dunno, forget about it'. The guy eats nails for breakfast, clearly. I was out of there in a shot.

A torch, very technical :D Excellent result though!

Funny about the bangs, I would have bricked it as well ;)

Looking forward to seeing more shots,

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Think I'm becoming addicted to that place, I went down myself for an hour this afternoon! I found the rehab unit complete with old rusty zimmer frame and the hospital chapel. At one point there was a really loud noise, like someone hitting an oil drum, then I got attacked by some bloody seagulls!

I think the scaryness of it is part of what makes it appealing!

I'll post some of my shots later!
Think I'm becoming addicted to that place, I went down myself for an hour this afternoon! I found the rehab unit complete with old rusty zimmer frame and the hospital chapel. At one point there was a really loud noise, like someone hitting an oil drum, then I got attacked by some bloody seagulls!

I think the scaryness of it is part of what makes it appealing!

I'll post some of my shots later!

Looking forward to them Dave!!! Can't wait :D Chapel, wow!!!
Gary, if i was there and had heard that bang. I would have moon walked out that place. Infact my feet wouldn't even be on the floor :D

Is there any security there?

Gary, if i was there and had heard that bang. I would have moon walked out that place. Infact my feet wouldn't even be on the floor :D

Is there any security there?


Yup, guy in a gatehouse with a BIG dog.
Did they know you was there? :confused:

I must really try and find a place like that :)
nice pictures , its good to captures these sort of scenes in photography aswell as the pretty skies and animals.

Urban Exploration is what got me into photography.

Regarding Denbigh, you'll notice in the new style secure unit where the SWAT have been from the huge holes in the toughened glass and steel doors and shrapnel dispersion marks.
My last set until next time, you will be DEAD SICK of these :D

Bloody Floor 1

Bloody Floor 2

Go awwwwn, Take a drenk:

Shut the fridge, it's freezing!



Doors of light

Don't Trip!

That's all from my set for now, promise :D
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Hey, Id love to come along sometime. Im in Edinburgh too Gary, so gimme a wee shout sometime, if you'll have me? :wave:
Hey, Id love to come along sometime. Im in Edinburgh too Gary, so gimme a wee shout sometime, if you'll have me? :wave:

The more, the merrier! :D

No leaders here mate, just a bunch of sados who love snapping dark rooms!! :D

Great set Gary. All has been said but I like the use of flash in the cold room and the high standard of processing throughout. Great! (y)
Great set Gary. All has been said but I like the use of flash in the cold room and the high standard of processing throughout. Great! (y)

You dunno how much that means coming from a tog of your calibre!!! :D

Thank you so much.

i'm so glad these are up, i was really looking forward to them. You've done me proud! i love them

kudos to the chair one, i'd love to go have a look round. are there many files and stuff hanging about?
i'm so glad these are up, i was really looking forward to them. You've done me proud! i love them

kudos to the chair one, i'd love to go have a look round. are there many files and stuff hanging about?

Shedloads of files, photos, x rays, official papers, the lot has been left. Some of it only 10 years old too, insane :D
You are more than welcome to any future meets, I reckon a few of us might go across the UK looking for these sorts of places if you are interested...


yes, would like that, I really am fascinated by these derelict places, especially hospitals. The one on the isle of wight is still almost fully there, but it has security now and never looked into getting permission, but that was a pretty vast place complete with clock tower. I have some images of it, but none were taken for photographic quality, but rather as a record of the place.
Great second set Gary. A TP urban exploration team is definately called for, I know lots of places round here that are deralict and your not supposed to go :D
Thanks all, for those who missed the other sets from Darren, Dave and Craig, here they are!!!

Darrens, check out his Zombie shot awesome:


Dave's, and the hanging hand :D:

CraigF, with his Gory murder scene:

And going even further back!

Dave's original set which inspired all the return visits

Darren's original set from a few weekends back:

And my original set from a few weekends back:

Must be 100+ pics throughout these threads, lovely place to visit and I am looking for volunteers to camp in the morgue :D

images removed so no point leaving thread open
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