That'll blow the winnits off!
When the starving urban masses come looking for beans'n'bog roll, you can kill the ones that try to get yours. BMG.gif
Yep I'm all stocked with ammo, bring on the zombie apocalypses (y)
Ah! the land of the brave and the free.

No doubt the level of bravery and freedom will vary depending who you are, where you live and how big a gun you have :banghead:

When/where chaos ensues the 'lunatics' will run the asylum........................ooopps! sorry as you were, we are talking about the greatest civilised country in the world, are we not, so nothing bad will happen will it, especially with Trump in the Whitehouse ;)
Oh s***, i have just admitted on another thread i panic bought an extra pack of bog rolls, hope they can't trace me and steal them at gunpoint.
I’m just waiting for the report of the first grocery grab shooting now. It’ll happen, I guarantee it.
I’m just waiting for the report of the first grocery grab shooting now. It’ll happen, I guarantee it.

When it comes to a gun being used and previous situations & NRA support for an armed response i.e. school campus shooters met with teachers shooting back..........would what you are suggesting could happen, turn into something more like a battle/bloodbath??? :(

In what would be a very tragic situation, just maybe that is the wake-up call "they" need???
Im glad I bought 1,000 cartridges last week :cool::cool::banana::banana:
Now that's something that I DO need to stockpile, I'm down to just over a thousand now . . .

the wake-up call "they" need

In reality "they" are the bullet manufacturers and they are already fully awake and investing large amounts of the cash they make from selling bullets in ensuring that US politicians fully support the murcan right to buy bullets bear arms
When it comes to a gun being used and previous situations & NRA support for an armed response i.e. school campus shooters met with teachers shooting back..........would what you are suggesting could happen, turn into something more like a battle/bloodbath??? :(

In what would be a very tragic situation, just maybe that is the wake-up call "they" need???

It would be tragic, agreed but people get shot over there every day, often for the most stupid of reasons. Sadly you’ll never stop the “need/right to own a gun” mentality over there, it’s just far too late and already ingrained in their society. The NRA are also heavily invested in pumping up the fear factor of NOT owning a gun. There’s also the inherent problem that, unless you somehow managed to get every single firearm solely into the hands of the police or military, there will always be the case that “well someone else has a gun, therefore I need one myself for protection against that”. (Very similar to the situation we’re getting into with knifecrime in larger U.K. cities. )

Even my eminently sensible, quite anti-gun (in principle), British born brother in law who lives in Florida has bought his wife a handgun and shooting lessons due to the amount of armed robberies and house invasions that go on. I’m not sure I’d do the same thing, but then I’m not in his position. :(
I thought the real aficionados reloaded, none of this off the shelf stuff
I thought the real aficionados reloaded, none of this off the shelf stuff
I certainly used to, you can fine tune the ammo at a fraction of off the shelf prices.
That's in the UK no idea of the cost in the US of A though.
I certainly used to, you can fine tune the ammo at a fraction of off the shelf prices.
That's in the UK no idea of the cost in the US of A though.

I surmise ammo is cheap in the USA........and (depending where you reside) lives are even cheaper! :(
I certainly used to, you can fine tune the ammo at a fraction of off the shelf prices.
That's in the UK no idea of the cost in the US of A though.

I remember all the powder, dies and press adverts in Target Gun magazine pre Hungerford and Dunblane.
I remember all the powder, dies and press adverts in Target Gun magazine pre Hungerford and Dunblane.
Yep, "re-loading" equipment was big business back in the day.
them dumb yanks love their guns
I know some very intelligent ones too. That like to go shooting.
And / Or keep them for home defence ...
I thought the real aficionados reloaded, none of this off the shelf stuff

I read recently that about 60% of hunting ammo in the US was home or re loads. It seems more popular here the the UK as well. I’ve never seen the point, my shootings not good enough for the extra tweek a honeload may give
I’ve never seen the point, my shootings not good enough for the extra tweek a honeload may give
In hand guns it makes a hell of a difference, Its far cheaper than factory bought for a start off,( I was shooting a couple of 100 min in an afternoon)
Plus once you get into the ballistics its also very interesting (y)

I've never bothered to load "rifle" as I shoot very little, same with shot guns,
(the amount of powder required is hardly worth it.)
Pistol we always handloaded,it was cheaper andyou could tailor the losd to the gun.
Ammo for stalking rifles notso much but apparently the bench rest shooters always reload,its the only way they can get accuracy
I read recently that about 60% of hunting ammo in the US was home or re loads. It seems more popular here the the UK as well. I’ve never seen the point, my shootings not good enough for the extra tweek a honeload may give
Target shooters often load their own for improved accuracy, but there are other good reasons too. For example, cost is much lower and the wear on rifle barrels can be far lower if lighter loads are used. And lighter weight projectiles are both flatter and faster than the standard factory ones.

But for shotguns, home loads are pretty much the province of black powder shooters, the rest of us just buy factory cartridges, which (for 12 bore clay shooters) are as cheap as chips.
who the f*** cares about the yanks and there guns?
I know some very intelligent ones too. That like to go shooting.
And / Or keep them for home defence ...
If they’re keeping them for home defence - they’re dumb.

you can argue whatever you like, the stats prove my point.
If they’re keeping them for home defence - they’re dumb.
It depends where they live many I know are in the "wilds" its not only human intruders that they need to protect themselves from.

you can argue whatever you like, the stats prove my point.
You can prove anything with stats, my favourite is that more people are killed in the states by deer leaping through windscreens than by guns.
It depends where they live many I know are in the "wilds" its not only human intruders that they need to protect themselves from.

You can prove anything with stats, my favourite is that more people are killed in the states by deer leaping through windscreens than by guns.
Well then that just proves that ‘liking’ a statistic is as stupid as thinking a gun is gonna protect you.
It shouldn’t need saying but that ‘fact’ about deer is boll 0x
is as stupid as thinking a gun is gonna protect you.
You really have no idea of the lives some people live "out there" I on the other hand have spent several months in those environments.

It shouldn’t need saying but that ‘fact’ about deer is boll 0x
And there we have it. "Your" statics are fact and yet mine are b****x? ...
What is confusing me, is, the last previous post you quoted me in, was when you said "I'm ignoring you"
Life was much more pleasant / relaxed since. ie No stupid arguments or comments from you, just for the sake of it.
So please feel free to continue in that vein (y)