WAMT....what annoyed me today!

I thought that 'arris 'awks were more ground attackers than bird snatchers? Learn summat new every day!
I thought that 'arris 'awks were more ground attackers than bird snatchers? Learn summat new every day!
They are opportunists, Nod. everything is fair game as far as they are concerned. Although, to complicate that, they will often specialise in either fur or feather. But will take the other if an easy opportunity presents it self.
Flying cats in other words!!!
Decided it's time to tidy up my wheels - only the alloy wheel silver is nothing of the sort, it's mid grey! Looks awful, like I've just lacquered over primer!
The idiots that think it is OK to drive around a lion enclosure with there windows open
The idiots that think it is OK to drive around a lion enclosure with there windows open
Yeah I know :( the rangers don't half get the hump if they catch you ;)
I think one of the people concerned may have had to change there trousers
Well that does serve them right in that case ;)
I only do it wide enough to get the lens out, and they still yell :D
Yeah I know :( the rangers don't half get the hump if they catch you ;)

Especially when the person on lookout doesn't spot them creeping up ;)
The glacial speed which things that others have promised to do soon has become. Get an F ing move on!
Argos and their funky pricing

Have been looking for a new TV for a while and it just so happened that Argos had one I liked at a good price, so I put it in my basket and go to checkout and I notice the price of the TV has gone up by £5, not a lot I know but £5 none the less.

A quick check of the page confirms that the price on the page and the price at checkout are out by £5

I wonder home many other people this has happened to but they didn't notice like I did?
Wamt - me forgetting to put my phone into do not disturb mode. A whole stream of message from Australia started to pop in and now I can't get back to sleep. Hmm would I annoy anyone cutting the lawn at this hour?

Isnt that more of WAMCSS (what annoyed me constantly since sunday), mind you i could also register a WCMUT for the way TBY and YV deal with paulefox (y) (I hope the blood came off the banhammer okay with all those spikes)
naw, I was only annoyed today, because - strange as it may seem, I'm a reasonably fair kind of chap, and I actually went in and read his posts - that's why one or two survived - because he actually DID interact with the thread a little (ok, some of them were left because he got a warning on them, and if I deleted the post, it'd make a mess of the user notes in the staff room). What I actually found most annoying was it was taking me longer to read and decide the posts fate than it took him to post it.

And the banhammers are fine, actually the blood interacts with the raw steel on the spikes and leaves a really nice patina after a while.
would I annoy anyone cutting the lawn at this hour?
You wouldn't have annoyed me, but you would have needed decent lights on there, as you may / may not know, its still bloody dark at that time :p
You wouldn't have annoyed me, but you would have needed decent lights on there, as you may / may not know, its still bloody dark at that time :p
Skies were clear with some stunning moonlight where I live. And then there is my led lender headlamp. In the end I setup a transparent proxy server that I was meaning to do for a while as one does.
In the end I setup a transparent proxy server that I was meaning to do for a while as one does.
Cutting the grass sounds so much more fun TBH :p
Cutting the grass sounds so much more fun TBH :p
Not if you realise that that would allow me to demonstrate that porn is blocked yet make it available to myself on our network :p
Not if you realise that that would allow me to demonstrate that porn is blocked yet make it available to myself on our network :p
Well I guess that should keep you entertained at 3 am, while the Mrs is ( I was about to say down under) away (y)

My own incompetence (yet again!)

Currently using a laptop with the desktop doing other things behind the lappy. From time to time, the desktop machine needs a little input from the keyboard. Guess who keeps trying to rename folders etc using the lappy's keyboard instead of the desktop's... On the plus side, the job I've been doing on the desktop is almost finished so I can then move the lappy to reduce confuzzlating myself so much!
My own incompetence (yet again!)

Currently using a laptop with the desktop doing other things behind the lappy. From time to time, the desktop machine needs a little input from the keyboard. Guess who keeps trying to rename folders etc using the lappy's keyboard instead of the desktop's... On the plus side, the job I've been doing on the desktop is almost finished so I can then move the lappy to reduce confuzzlating myself so much!

DOH!! :facepalm: ;)
Crawleys skip lorry that thought it prudent to pull out straight across the road, between two cars doing 50 mph,Pillock!
or the woman on the M25 > M1 run off, that was chocka with lorries and cars in the filter lane,
doing about 50mph that suddenly decided long after the filter lane had started, that actually she NEEDED to be where I was,
had I not dived onto the hard shoulder she would have hit me side on for sure.
Some people really shouldn't be on the road!

I've always been against in car camera's, as we are doing big brothers job for them, but after today, I'm seriously considering getting a couple!
My own incompetence (yet again!)

Currently using a laptop with the desktop doing other things behind the lappy. From time to time, the desktop machine needs a little input from the keyboard. Guess who keeps trying to rename folders etc using the lappy's keyboard instead of the desktop's... On the plus side, the job I've been doing on the desktop is almost finished so I can then move the lappy to reduce confuzzlating myself so much!
Consider yourself lucky, I have 4 computers on the go at work, I'm always grabbing the wrong mouse or typing on the wrong keyboard.
I have an excuse!
WAMT...My GPs surgey has closed.
Got a letter today from my "new" surgery to come in for a review.
WTF? Flipped across town arbitrarily. No notice to say "Oh hello, just to let you know this is going to happen". No choice.
I don't like change!!
"Any spare change, Mrs?" :begging: ;)
A fourpenny one?
WAMT- being unable to remember my login details for my credit card. I'm too young to be going senile!
1. Bus Lane Penalty Charge Notice

2. The drop off charge at Luton Airport having gone up from £2 to £2.50 and scrabbling around trying to find change to make up the 50p

It wasn't that long ago that it was a quid either cheeky buggers :( do other airports charge for drop off?

Sorry Marc as small as your car is, it's not advisable to try and sneak along a bus lane. ;)
It wasn't that long ago that it was a quid either cheeky buggers :( do other airports charge for drop off?

They charge at Stansted but they didn't at Heathrow last time I was there.

Sorry Marc as small as your car is, it's not advisable to try and sneak along a bus lane. ;)

It's bloody annoying as it wasn't deliberate. I was in Bedford and was leaving the car park. I came to a roundabout and, as I'd turned right at it on the way in, I turned left to leave. It was only as I turned that I realised it was into a bus lane and there was no way out of it! :bang:
It was only as I turned that I realised it was into a bus lane and there was no way out of it! :banghead:
The babbling idiot still covering the radio 2 lunch time chat show. It's enough to put me orf me sarnies :(
1. Bus Lane Penalty Charge Notice

2. The drop off charge at Luton Airport having gone up from £2 to £2.50 and scrabbling around trying to find change to make up the 50p
Don't you get exception for the charge? I know they have a free drop off area as well in Harpenden :p