WAMT....what annoyed me today!

The big military Airbus has been floating around (noisily!) but since I've been home, a) I haven't heard it and b) even if I had, the cloud has dropped!
Lucky you. You could have got home not heard it and instead of the cloud dropping it could have been the aircraft. But then you would not have been able to post it.
But if it had dropped on me, it's unlikely that I'd care much!
It was on the BBC news that the Austrians voted to close their borders. And I'm currently on the wrong side. 'Someone said' they started today, So there might be big delays driving from Italy into Austria at the Brenner. But this may just be over panicking. Instead of panicking just the right amount.
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WAMT? the stupid son of a bitch foreign plated lorry that decided to pull out to over take another lorry while I was parallel to his trailer back wheels,
and yes he could see me, artic drivers have one mirror pointing to said ( wrong sided) point, to aid with reversing!

Thankfully there was enough no mans land to stop me being squashed against the barrier ...
What really p***ed of a foreign plated lorry driver was the person in the 4x4 that got in front and trapped him down to about 20mph no matter how close he got to my bumper,
the 4x4 seemed to get slower and slower....
WAMT? the stupid son of a bitch foreign plated lorry that decided to pull out to over take another lorry while I was parallel to his trailer back wheels,
and yes he could see me, artic drivers have one mirror pointing to said ( wrong sided) point, to aid with reversing!

Thankfully there was enough no mans land to stop me being squashed against the barrier ...
What really p***ed of a foreign plated lorry driver was the person in the 4x4 that got in front and trapped him down to about 20mph no matter how close he got to my bumper,
the 4x4 seemed to get slower and slower....

My fave trick too....slow the 'tards down on an uphill gradient if they've been an arse. :D
The chain on my 4 month old bike snapping on my commute to work this morning, leaving me a 1 1/2 mile walk pushing the bike to get there. Managed to get the bits to fix it at lunchtime so at least I didn't have to get the bus home.
Is that the guy that was going on about Africans with mobile phones seeing how great Europe is?
Is that the guy that was going on about Africans with mobile phones seeing how great Europe is?
Amongst other things, yes. He seemed to enjoy being controversial for the sake of it. Hull's Katie Hopkins.
Nectar - a while ago it inexplicably became unlinked with my ebay account (the only reason I use it), and can i get it to reconnect? No! Try and login - my details are invalid. Go to the nectar site and it logs in fine. Try and reset password - Request cannot be processed, try again later. Been trying again later for months and still nothing!
WAMIT [What Annoyed Me Intensely Today]

- stupid cycling muppet !

Driving home from Church on Ferry Road in Edinburgh , perfectly happy , traffic light but what did I suddenly spy with my little eyes


What was wrong with that

WAMIT [What Annoyed Me Intensely Today]

- stupid cycling muppet !

Driving home from Church on Ferry Road in Edinburgh , perfectly happy , traffic light but what did I suddenly spy with my little eyes


What was wrong with that

That's just a normal day on Ferry Road to be fair [emoji6]
Seriously ?

I've never met that before !! Stupid muppet that he was. Thankfully the other side was empty and I could pull right over in time for the guy behind me to see his as well .

I do that trip every Sunday - and believe me it shook me.

He's got a death wish
Roadworks. Got a 2 1/2 hour gap between rounds and it's a 45 minute queue each way at the moment. Did it in 15 minutes yesterday morning but that was a bank holiday! Should have brought a laptop rather than just use the phone...
As we don't have a what shocked me today thread I'll have to put it here
Ventured, more like braved, into my town centre for a couple of pints this evening, first pub I walk into I'm greeted by a 20 stone woman dressed in hot pants dancing to Beyonce on the pubs dance floor, I said to my mate, I knew this was a bad idea.
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What annoyed me today dog s*** on nature reserves
Dog owners if you have to take your dog onto a nature reserve please take it away with you
Rant over :)
Just spent a brilliant week down south chasing the butterflies :)
There's some wonderful places in Hampshire like noar hill the site of a medieval chalk quarry
BTW I'm not anti dog in fact I'm dog sitting today :)
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WAMT was a thrips or thunderfly flying into my open eye. After 1/2 a second or so, my eye started stinging like it had salt water or vinegar in it. Mrs Nod managed to get the thing out PDQ and the stinging subsided over the ensuing couple of minutes (and has now gone completely.) I know the little buggers have been known to bite but didn't know they had chemical weapons as well!
Damn mobile phone provider :banghead::banghead:

Someone has been trying to contact me when I can't answer the phone, seems my voicemail wasn't working either so no message'
Logged onto my account to see if I could sort it, and noticed that my phone that I bought outright from them last August is locked
to them WTF.
Go into the local shop this morning to hopefully sort things out, nope I have to contact customer services for both and pay to have my
phone unlocked. Thanks for nothing EE
Phoned them earlier an spoke to a very helpful lady, who told me both could have been sorted by the shop, a simple text would sort out
the voicemail, so that's now done, the phone can only be unlocked by the store as it's not registered to my account so therefore can't be done online
but will cost £9 and take 10 days, why, I bought the damn thing it belongs to me, I should be able to decide the network without
having to pay extra.
Lesson learnt, don't buy a phone direct ever again, but have to pay now as I want to move to sim only in August when the contract expires

I didn't realise quite how much mess you can make with one!

Thought I would buy a nice refreshing healthy watermelon ... won't fit in the fridge whole, so I start to cut it in half, only to find that the entire contents are liquid .....:runaway:
Ewww. A watermelon's innards should be fleshy but firm.
WAMY (Yesterday)
Thankfully, due to shift work, I only encounter this every other Wednesday. There is a bloke at the gym who does circuit training, it's only a small gym, so usually other than the odd person using two bits of equipment at once for supersets, most people get to use what they want or may have a short wait until it's free. Not this bloke though, he can be using multiple bits of equipment, other week I counted 9, plus he will have two or three bits of floor area where he does his shadow boxing, sit ups, press ups etc. If there were two of him no one else would get a look in.
Breakfast "DJ's" who don't play music but sit around trying to be funny/cutting edge/argumentative while having their one or two sycophants blowing smoke up their arses
Trying out new breville hot cup and finding it splashes boiler water literally everywhere! They've made the flow into the mug too fast once it's more than half full. School boy mistake frankly. It starts slowly so there is no reason why they can't make sure it reduces the dispensing speed as it fills.
Not being able to use my 12 bore, in the garden, on the b*****d magpies that are pulling up my newly planted ground cover plants.
( I assume to line their nests)

Ps Anyone got an air rifle I can borrow?
I love magpies :)
Not being able to use my 12 bore, in the garden, on the b*****d magpies that are pulling up my newly planted ground cover plants.
( I assume to line their nests)

Ps Anyone got an air rifle I can borrow?

Another black and white issue, :LOL: I have a Steyr LP5 that might upset them:bat: They are bullies, saw a group of them attacking a local moggy last year, poor puss was in a mess didn't know where to run - ended up under a car with the birds waiting around for it to surface, they had no fear of the cat at all.
I know some birds bully their offspring to leave when fledged amd others just abandon them but I recall seeing what appeared to be both Magpie parents being quite merciless in attacking their juvenille offspring.......it seemed in human terms quite brutal and it in the few minutes I watched this 'display' s/he did get away from them.
The magpies here steal baby birds from other birds nest.
They are bullies, saw a group of them attacking a local moggy last year, poor puss was in a mess didn't know where to run - ended up under a car with the birds waiting around for it to surface, they had no fear of the cat at all.
We had a commotion outside the other day.
There were 15 magpies (the most I've seen together) mobbing a cat on the road.
They were dispersed by a car driving past and the cat wandered off.
Not my favourite bird, horrible things.
I have no problem with magpies - they are stunning looking birds and brighter than the average. They aren't nasty, they are just doing their thing and around here a magpie nest has failed in the last two years because the carrion crows drove them away.

Here there are more magpies (and crows) now than ten years ago and I put this down to dumping food. Some folks at a local pond, under the guise of feeding the ducks and geese, dump whole loaves of bread and stacks of naan and chapatis. It has provided food for rats(which the council deal with from time time) and the magpies and crows.

What annoyed me today, yesterday and forever until the end of time.
I put me beans in the jug, put the jug in the microwave, set the time and press "Go".............................................."Ping!".......the handles at the back.
I've tried adjusting the time a little, no difference. :mad:
While the jug's cold (or at least not too hot to handle by the sides!), adjust its angle of dangle so the handle's in the right spot when it's all up to temperature.
Another black and white issue, :LOL:
Equal rights :D

I have a Steyr LP5 that might upset them
Yes please :D

The magpies here steal baby birds from other birds nest.
That and the eggs also, its what they do, its part of their diet.

but I recall seeing what appeared to be both Magpie parents being quite merciless in attacking their juvenille offspring.......
I must admit I've never seen magpies attacking their own young, are you sure that it wasn't someone else's off spring?
The pair here raise up to 8 yearly and they are often seen as a family group for a couple of weeks before they disperse.