WAMT....what annoyed me today!

Bah dum bum slap!! Surely? :p
And of course the funny thing is they brought the whole barrel of s*** down on themselves, but somehow can't see it.

I am sometimes very tempted to post some of the "better" RTM's or staff contacts, as I'm sure the general membership could also do with a laugh,
.... but I'm sure that's against some human right or another

...Brussels here we come :D

PLEASE PLEASE post an occasional round-up of funny RTMs! We've been super good all year mister...
We've been super good all year mister...
And just 3 months in too didn't you all do well? :D

Great idea! Remove the names to protect the *guilty/innocent/stupid. (*delete as appropriate)
The problem with that is, as I mentioned before, some of them, well a lot of them, you *have* to know who sent it,
other-wise its only mildly amusing, knowing who actually sent it, turns it into a real PMSL moment...

Maybe in time the admin will let us drop a few now and again, but I still reckon that they would be covered by the DPA.
The usual idiot sitting on your (car) tail even though you're going as fast as the person in front will allow.
Then getting to a set of lights, they turn red & said idiot behind honks his horn! WTF?
The lights are turning red for heavens sake, if I can stop safely even though they are orange by the time I start to brake.
Then the idiot behind would be going through on red!
The usual idiot sitting on your (car) tail even though you're going as fast as the person in front will allow.
Then getting to a set of lights, they turn red & said idiot behind honks his horn! WTF?
The lights are turning red for heavens sake, if I can stop safely even though they are orange by the time I start to brake.
Then the idiot behind would be going through on red!

Pretty much says it all ;)
WAMT I am going to add an 'E' to this, 'what annoys me everyday'
Unfortunately I know this will annoy loads of people reading this but here goes.
Puts flame proof suit, gloves & googles on :)

Everyday on my drive to work along the A32 between Fareham & Gosport there are sections of the road which have double white lines.
This means no overtaking and these do make sense as the sections are on long bends.
Also going to and from work at these times both ways are generally slow to stop start for about 3-4 miles.
ie on both sides for the same 3-4 miles the traffic is stop start, not one side while the other moves okay.

More than one if not nigh on every motorcycle does what is known as lane sharing.
I have read that this is not illegal.
This means the motorcyclist ((bike) whatever) is allowed to overtake in slow moving traffic with oncoming traffic as long as they don't go over the white line.
However, this white line is when it is a single one, ie the intermittent type.
NOT the double white which means NO overtaking.

Then they have the cheek to give the finger when you don't budge over on your side?
And along this part of the A32 for the whole length near enough meaning more than this section mentioned is a cycle lane both sides.
So the motorcyclists are expecting the opposite side to budge over and into the cyclist lane to give them room to overtake on the double white line.

For me overtaking should ONLY occur when there is NO OPPOSING TRAFFIC and safe to do so.
Is it any wonder that the death toll for motorcyclists is too high when they are weaving about trying to spot when they can whizz by.

Then they complain that you can't/don't see them, how the hell can I when they're dodging from mirror to mirror and anyway I am meant to be looking ahead mostly
and occasionally in my mirrors not constantly keeping an eye on you, Oh dear I just run over that child 'cos' you're annoying me!!!

This lane sharing should be made illegal altogether and so stop the ambiguity of when you can overtake in a proper fashion.
From the highway code.

Rule 129
Double white lines where the line nearest you is solid. This means you MUST NOT cross or straddle it unless it is safe and you need to enter adjoining premises or a side road. You may cross the line if necessary, provided the road is clear, to pass a stationary vehicle, or overtake a pedal cycle, horse or road maintenance vehicle, if they are travelling at 10 mph (16 km/h) or less.

So, if the traffic the motorcyclists are going past is stationary and it's safe to do so, it's allowed. Not saying it's sensible, just permitted.
From the highway code.

Rule 129
Double white lines where the line nearest you is solid. This means you MUST NOT cross or straddle it unless it is safe and you need to enter adjoining premises or a side road. You may cross the line if necessary, provided the road is clear, to pass a stationary vehicle, or overtake a pedal cycle, horse or road maintenance vehicle, if they are travelling at 10 mph (16 km/h) or less.

So, if the traffic the motorcyclists are going past is stationary and it's safe to do so, it's allowed. Not saying it's sensible, just permitted.

Not that they ever do it if the traffic isn't stationary....Nooooooo :LOL: :whistle:
Some do, some don't. Personally, I don't!
Mild flame, cheers Nod, just clearing up the rule a bit further.
Unfortunately these riders cross the line each morning even though we are moving in both directions, albeit under 10mph.
So the road isn't clear but they still do.... AHHH :) keep smiling and hopefully they'll go away.
In which case the line nearest him would have been solid. As would the one further away.
In which case the line nearest him would have been solid. As would the one further away.
So the fact that the white line furthest from you is either dashed or solid makes no difference to the driver on the side of the nearest solid white? Makes sense I guess.
Only insofar as he/she should be aware that traffic coming in the opposite direction (if their side has a broken white line) might be overtaking, although they shouldn't be unless it's safe to do so.
The courier who left a parcel (with a lens in it) behind my gate to get soaking wet.
The courier who left a parcel (with a lens in it) behind my gate to get soaking wet.

And I bet that's their idea of a "safe place".
What a pronk.
Blasted tulip dome on my hearing aid deciding to detach itself when I had to take said aid out to change the battery .

Where is said dome now - in the ear canal :( So heading to minor injuries unit as soon as it opens to get a nice nurse there to remove it for me

I'd other things to be doing rather than that
Blasted tulip dome on my hearing aid deciding to detach itself when I had to take said aid out to change the battery .

Where is said dome now - in the ear canal :( So heading to minor injuries unit as soon as it opens to get a nice nurse there to remove it for me

I'd other things to be doing rather than that

Use a 12" piece of rod and push it through from the other side. :D
26 hours (up to now) lying in bed with a popped out back having to p*** in a bucket and a Tennant of mine rings up telling me that their boiler has packed up. :(

10% plus vat for the management company and a Contract on the boiler, its a set and forget system...I know this is not a thread for solutions though - so

I feel your pain!
The announcement that oil prices are rising again and petrol/diesel prices are already going up. :mad:
A company called Angard annoyed me today, and every day since my other half began working through them, or trying to work. When the Royal Mail was privatised it formed a separate company called Angard, who's duty was to manage staffing. So anyone wanting to work for RM now have to go on a 0 hours contract through this complete shower of ****.

They never answer the phone, never answer emails, you never know if you are actualy working that day until about 30 minutes before they want you to turn up, then they send you a text. They laughingly give you, on occasion, a weeks worth of shifts but shifts are cancelled with 0 notice meaning people who travel, at some cost, to get to the sorting depot's are kicked back out the door without a care in the world.

They are clearly not fit for purpose but what can you do. Other than look for another job which isnt as easy as all that these days.
A company called Angard annoyed me today, and every day since my other half began working through them, or trying to work. When the Royal Mail was privatised it formed a separate company called Angard, who's duty was to manage staffing. So anyone wanting to work for RM now have to go on a 0 hours contract through this complete shower of ****.

They never answer the phone, never answer emails, you never know if you are actualy working that day until about 30 minutes before they want you to turn up, then they send you a text. They laughingly give you, on occasion, a weeks worth of shifts but shifts are cancelled with 0 notice meaning people who travel, at some cost, to get to the sorting depot's are kicked back out the door without a care in the world.

They are clearly not fit for purpose but what can you do. Other than look for another job which isnt as easy as all that these days.

I've recently moved from Bridport in Dorset where we had the same post lady for years, she's been working for RM for at least 15 years to my knowledge. Always happy, smiling and goes out of her way to help anyone that needs it. I've now moved to South Wales, our present postman couldn't give a toss. I wasn't aware that RM staff were now on zero hours contract, this could be why our postman is such a miserable so and so, in which case I'll forgive him.
I'm not on a zero hours contract and we are still employing people on contracted hours, ok only short term renewable contracts
but still guaranteed hours, all existing employees have remained as before.Perhaps it's an area thing ?
ebay's latest incarnation of the dispute process. Haven't received an item - click the 'I didn't receive it ' button on the item in my ebay, only to then have to then choose which item I' haven't received? That's annoying in itself! But more than that, I just keep getting sent back round in circles ending up in the same page with nothing actually getting done - even the Paypal page links back to it!
Sitting down to a meal earlier at a restaurant. Putting my fork into a cooked half cherry tomato only for it to explode juice all over my white shirt. Sitting there all evening covered in tomato juice then walking home, without a jacket since its a nice evening with everyone staring at me and sniggering. And it's only Wednesday.
Not annoyed, a little sad.
Admitting that it's time to say goodbye to HMS Audi after 8 years, and her reaching 199,572 miles.
Now she sits SORNed on the drive next to her new (to me) replacement.
EBay beckons her. :(
Not annoyed, a little sad.
Admitting that it's time to say goodbye to HMS Audi after 8 years, and her reaching 199,572 miles.
Now she sits SORNed on the drive next to her new (to me) replacement.
EBay beckons her. :(

Bless her. Shes had a good innings.
I had a similar thing a few years ago it turned out to be a bit of torn cartilage. The problem with my mri was when the knee was straight the flap fell in to its correct position so it didn't show as damaged. A quick op on a day ward and it was sorted.

I'm going to raise this idea with my doctor at my checkup in May, after you said this I've done a bit of googling and all of my symptoms match a Lateral Meniscus Tear, but also I found a link to a paper that said that those tears can reasonably often be missed by the MRI scan.
Not annoyed, a little sad.
Admitting that it's time to say goodbye to HMS Audi after 8 years, and her reaching 199,572 miles.
Now she sits SORNed on the drive next to her new (to me) replacement.
EBay beckons her. :(

So, what's the replacement?
Spammers, not content with using my actual email addresses, are now spamming a made up address at my domain, and using my actual address as the from address, so I am getting bounced spam that I never sent! That's a first for me!
bloody families :banghead: even when they die they still cause hassle :banghead::banghead: